Whimsical System

Chapter 1494: The appearance of the elderly

"Do you know? I'm a bit vague now. Listening to what you just said, it seems that you have completely eaten me.

Could it be that you have guessed something? Or what you have already learned. If this is the case, then you might as well tell me what you know first. In this case, I can also compare it.

Otherwise I have no way to judge what I should say, what should not be said! "

From the moment the soul body said this sentence, it also meant that Chu Feng's judgment was correct.

It's just that currently he doesn't seem to care what Chu Feng is thinking.

What he is worried about right now is that he can't make an accurate judgment.

And when he made this question, Chu Feng really couldn't answer him for a while.

Because even he himself didn't know what he wanted.

After all, what he understood was just a letter, and then something was hiding from him in the soul body, and as for what it was, he had no way of knowing.

"You don't need to divide the area for me. If you really want to tell me, you might as well just say it. Anyway, whether you say it right or wrong, I can make a judgment myself.

Unless your ability to lie is so powerful that it makes me impossible to judge at all! "

What Chu Feng said was quite logical. At present, he has basically expressed all that should be said and what he wanted to say.

Right now it depends on what the soul body thinks. If the soul body wants to tell him this secret, then he can know whether Chu Feng asks it or not.

And if the soul body does not intend to tell Chu Feng, then no matter how long Chu Feng waits here, the soul body will still be closed.

"Well, I actually didn't intend to hide it from you from the beginning, but the impact of this incident is far-reaching.

If there is a problem from you, it will have some impact on me, and the letter is also lost, so I am now very worried that this letter will bring some bad results! "

The hesitation displayed by the soul body gradually made Chu Feng somewhat understand.

Maybe this matter is really far-reaching! Even though he didn't know what it represented, the posture shown by the soul body at this moment really made him empathize.

"Well, I don't make it difficult for you, just say it!

What is written in that letter? I'm curious. In fact, it's not curiosity, but I think I must know this, otherwise I will be affected to a certain extent!

So no matter what the reason is, I think you should tell me and you should not hide it! "

Chu Feng naturally has his own reasoning. Anyway, if he wants to speak out, he can express his thoughts under various names. Now on this matter, he only needs to ask, and then he can get The result of his own, anyway, he is basically determined, even if the soul body is entangled, then he will tell himself the content of the matter after all.

Because since he had written a letter to Chu Feng before, it meant that he was ready to introduce it to Chu Feng, but the loss of this letter made him a little surprised.


"This matter involves an old man. Do you remember that when we entered the official power base, we didn't see the old commander?

In fact, it was not that he escaped, but that he deliberately dodged it out. He wanted to exercise his grandson in this way, but whoever thought of his decision directly led to the complete elimination of the official power.

Of course, this kind of elimination is only nominal. After all, we are still competing in this area.

Although no one from the official forces came out for revenge, my current status is not much different from the official forces.

And just a while ago, I left the base and wanted to find a place to stay, live for a period of time, and wait for the opportunity.

The old man came to find me suddenly, and he seemed to know my existence.

It's just that he seems to have a wrong understanding of my existence, do you know? He regarded me as his ancestor, and he thought I was their ancestor, and then came to save their power.

So he respected me very much, and also gave me a lot of money, and because of the existence of that money, I was able to return here all the way from there.

But what I call a lot, in fact, will always be used up that day.

However, the old man is indeed rich. Judging from his appearance, it may be that most of his life savings were drawn from official forces.

If my guess is correct, when you captured the official power, you probably did not find much money!

In fact, it's not that the official forces don't have assets, but that the assets have been taken away by the old man before they fell into your hands.

In fact, although on the surface this old man is giving his grandson a chance to exercise.

But in fact, he secretly transferred the funds from the official forces through his departure, and in the process, no one doubted him at all.

As a result, this matter has gradually become a special situation beyond our plan.

At the time, I wrote this letter to tell you this, but I did not express my thoughts too bluntly in the letter.

But this matter is still covered, and now there is a problem with this letter. The first thing I think of is actually the old man. Do you think that old man is secretly behind the scenes and wants to solve us? ? "

When the soul body mentioned this topic, the questions in Chu Feng's mind suddenly popped up at that instant, and the disappearing letter plus the robber he encountered yesterday, perhaps the two can be linked together.

"This matter is put aside for now. I want to ask you a question first. What you said just now reminded me. I asked you if you have bought a murderer during this period and want to do something to me?"

When asking this question, Chu Feng didn't feel that he was asking this question a bit stupid.

Because the soul body is not the kind of guy who is in front of a set and behind a set, at least he is not like that to Chu Feng. If he really did this thing, then he would definitely admit it.

Even if it failed, he would definitely admit it, because he knew that Chu Feng would definitely not do anything to him.

Therefore, when asking this question, Chu Feng also behaved very calmly, feeling as if he only needed to get an answer, and would not be held accountable.

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