Whimsical System

Chapter 1495: Safe life

The soul body frowned and looked at Chu Feng. At this moment, his expression was very solemn, and it was obvious from his expression that he didn't know about this matter.

The soul shook his head and said: "I haven't done this before, not to mention that I can't buy a murderer at all. Even if I have the funds, I will definitely not deal with you. The plan is!

If you kill you, it will ruin our plan for me. There is no benefit at all! "

"Well, I already understand what you said!"

Chu Feng didn't let the soul body continue to talk about it, because when the soul body made the expression, Chu Feng already understood the ins and outs of this matter.

"Did you discover something? Or what exactly have you experienced during this period of time? What about the so-called murder?"

The soul felt a lot of happening to Chu Feng. Things he didn't know.

But now it seems to be a waste of time to ask them one by one, but if these questions are more important, then even if it is a waste of time, he feels that he should ask.

"I encountered a group of robbers last night, although there have indeed been many robbers in the city recently.

But there is not a group of robbers specifically targeting a certain person, and I encountered this incident last night!

And learned from the group of robbers that someone was sent out specifically to target me!

And they also took out the coins of the official forces, after all, the words of the official forces were printed on the coins of the official forces.

So I narrowed down the scope. I think you did that thing. Although I also know that you are not likely to be the culprit of this thing, I had no one to doubt at that time.

After all, the only one who can get in touch with official forces is you.

But then I found out that things didn't seem to be the case, especially when you mentioned the old man, my goal was determined in an instant.

Maybe the old man did this thing. Although I am not 100% sure now, I think the possibility of this thing is very "sexual", and the letter is probably the ghost of him! "

After Chu Feng's analysis, the soul body was considered doubtful, after all, he felt that Chu Feng should not have to deceive himself.

"When I met that old man, I still had a good impression of him, maybe because he respected me more!

After all, I am staying in his grandson! So he may be more friendly to me, coupled with the double blood relationship that he thinks I am his ancestor, naturally makes him think I am more kind. ! "

The soul body explained it himself. In fact, he didn't know whether his guess was correct. Anyway, the feeling the old man gave him was indeed better.

After all, in this situation, apart from Chu Feng, only the old man was willing to take the money for him.

"This is just your own understanding, including what happened to you alone, and he is not so friendly to me.

If he did the letter and the robbers, then I must find his trouble! "

Chu Feng gritted his teeth, as if this matter was indeed unacceptable to him.

Indeed, sending robbers to assassinate Chu Feng, for Chu Feng, it was simply a threat to his life.

If Chu Feng didn't do anything, it would not fit Chu Feng's temper.

auzw.com "Whatever! Anyway, now you don't have any too accurate evidence to prove that he did this thing.

Unless you have already determined this matter, if you don't, then you can just do it with him, which might not make sense! "

The soul body didn't want to stop Chu Feng, it was just that he felt that before Chu Feng could do anything, he seemed to have to find a reason, which was fair.

Otherwise, it would be too far-fetched to get started.

Chu Feng disagrees with this suggestion of the soul body, because in his opinion, the city is now under the jurisdiction of the thirteenth master.

That old man, even if he wanted to stay here, he would definitely not be too comfortable.

Otherwise, how could he be regarded as the former leader of the official forces!

Of course, Chu Feng would naturally not share his thoughts on these aspects.

Anyway, this is just his own plan, and he also knows that the soul body probably won't help himself.

After all, the soul body has already accepted the favor of others. As the saying goes, taking the hand is short. Even if the soul body wants to help Chu Feng at present, he must return the favor before he can.

Therefore, instead of being so troublesome, it is better for Chu Feng to solve it himself. Anyway, it is just dealing with an old man, and Chu Feng feels that he can still do it.

"Don't worry! I must do things for a reason, even if it seems to you that there is no reason, but I will definitely make me feel that I am doing it right!

Okay, it's not too early, let me arrange a place for you first...

After you stay in, I will ask my staff to report to you. In short, I will leave the investigation of this letter to you!

I don't care how much time you will spend, anyway, as long as you can successfully complete this task, it will be enough!

In addition, if you need my help during this time, just tell me!

As long as I can do it, then I will definitely do my best to help you! "

Chu Feng basically knew about the old man. As for the other things, he didn't think it was necessary at all, so he would spend time on it.

In addition, regarding this matter, he has to breathe in with the thirteenth master, otherwise, he is worried that there will be conflict between the two.

"Well, you can find me a place to live first! Anyway, I don't want to live outside anymore. The feeling of being under the fence is really uncomfortable!

Now, if I can live in the base for a long time, it would be a good experience!

In addition, I also have subordinates now. Do you think I'm just getting ahead?

After experiencing so much suffering, there is finally a trace of stability! "

The current state of life is indeed fairly safe for the soul body!

Although his goal has not been achieved smoothly, he has shown a satisfactory attitude towards the current result.

Of course, it is undeniable that his satisfaction is certainly not the real need in his heart.

Even if he had this idea, it was just thinking in a short period of time.

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