Whimsical System

Chapter 1520: Abandon the Thirteenth Lord

According to Lao Chu's guess, as long as the future has been destroyed, everything will have a collateral effect and change, but now Chu Feng must live, because only in this way will the future not change.

So what the boy did at this time was just to make things happen. It just happened along the trajectory of time.

But now his thoughts also directly brought some hope to Chu Feng. Since they are all dragging the progress of time with each other, it is perfectly fine for Chu Feng to leave this matter completely behind him.

Isn't it just delaying time? Chu Feng is also very good at doing it, so in some aspects it is not very "glamorous", but if he has been persistently not making decisions, then Chu Feng can also do it.

Anyway, this is also a way to deal with teenagers. If this is the only way to do this, then Chu Feng naturally has no trouble.

"Then I will not make a decision as you want, so I won't take action against him, and then solve the remaining few people, but if he is left, will this cause other troubles? After all, as long as he exists for one day , Then the official forces will never fall!"

Although Chu Feng had made up his mind, he still had some worries. After all, according to his plan, the juvenile had to be dealt with, otherwise the official forces might resurrect at any time.

In addition, the situation of the thirteenth master after he left, it will definitely become very miserable.

Because as long as there is no interference from Chu Feng, the young man can modify the time after Chu Feng leaves as he wants.

So even if the thirteenth master barely defended once, there are thousands of times, countless times may fail, and as long as there is one failure, then the boy will succeed, and at that time, he did not have it. With any help, the possibility of Chu Feng returning after leaving is almost zero.

Therefore, if it is for the sake of Lord Shisan, then Chu Feng must deal with the boy before leaving, otherwise, the failure of Lord Shisan will become a fact.

When Chu Feng asked this question, Lao Chu naturally took into account Chu Feng’s thoughts. Obviously he still wanted to help the Thirteenth Lord. With regard to this idea, Lao Chu was really helpless. In Chu's vision, the Thirteenth Master would never help him.

Because as long as Chu Feng is involved in this matter, there will definitely be some influence. At the moment, Chu Feng's only way to reduce the impact of things is by inaction.

"If you think about Lord Thirteen, then this method of mine may not be suitable, because what I am considering now is to ignore Lord Thirteen.

Then I left here smoothly, so that this matter has no further implications for us.

After all, this is the only way we can safely evacuate, but if you want to consider the thirteenth, then this matter may not be that simple, after all, there are still many issues that interfere with our decision.

As well as anything that happens in the future, it may be changed due to the current decision, so you must think clearly about helping the Thirteenth Lord. This is a very dangerous thing.


And it may not be completely successful. If you are prepared, then I will not stop you, but if you are hesitant, then I must provide my thoughts and let you borrow me To make judgments!

This is the case anyway. How to do it depends on your own ideas. I don’t have any other good ways to help you solve the current problem. I can only tell you one, it sounds like it can be The accepted way to do this!

As for the other things, I really can't give you advice. This is the situation anyway. Basically all the solutions you can imagine have already appeared in the future.

And now there is only this method that I thought of for you, and there may be a group of people working on this in other time and space!

So whether or not to do this is up to you in the end. I will not make the decision for you, but I will never let you make some stupid decisions. You should think about what you should do. Anyway, you have Time, as long as you are not in a hurry, Lao Chu has already said everything that should be said. The current situation is such that Chu Feng needs to make his own decision. Lao Chu has no way to replace it, and at the same time, even Lao Chu plans so much.

So Chu Feng would definitely not agree, and when this question appeared in front of Chu Feng, of course Chu Feng's hesitation was also reasonable.

After all, things like abandoning a friend are basically difficult to make decisions. Especially in this situation, you are already about to succeed, but you have to choose to give up. This is even more unacceptable to you. But everything There are exceptions.

Even if Chu Feng had done things to the extreme, as long as there were accidents, even the extreme would disappear completely.

So now Chu Feng really wants to think about it for himself.

"I understand what you mean, and I also know what I should do, but in this state, it is still more difficult for me to make a decision so quickly. After all, there are many issues that involve this matter. And now I need to take care of more than just this point. If I want to leave here, I can basically do it anytime, anywhere.

But after I leave here, what kind of changes will happen here, have you considered?

I also know that when I have this idea, it does seem strange. After all, this matter has nothing to do with me, even if the thirteenth master got everything he wanted and achieved everything The goal!

That would not be of any benefit to me, but since it was what I promised, then I felt that if I gave up, it would be a bit of a dishonest.

Besides, when I came here, he also helped me a lot. If I pat my **** and leave now, he would be a bit unjust for him.

In addition, this decision of mine may also completely turn the Thirteenth into my enemy. Maybe I think it would be too pessimistic, but no one can guarantee that this may not happen.

And as long as this possibility arises, then with the temper of the thirteenth master, he will definitely leave here and go to the flames to find me.

Until then, what I have to deal with is not just those opponents of Huoyu! "

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