Whimsical System

Chapter 1521: bluff

Chu Feng said a very critical issue of "sex." The Thirteenth Lord must report it. Now many issues have appeared in Chu Feng's body, and it is up to him to make this decision. If it is the reason for the order, then The words that led to the final failure.

Then the thirteenth master will definitely count all of this on Chu Feng's head. Even if Chu Feng had helped him before, as long as there is a certain resentment with all the benefits, it will be completely polluted by some disadvantages. .

Chu Feng did not want to see this result, and this result must be somewhat unacceptable to Chu Feng. One more enemy would be equivalent to an extra layer of danger, and the thirteenth masters knew Chu Feng so well. The disparity to be solved is probably not impossible.

So it was normal for Chu Feng to have this worry, and when he proposed this idea, Lao Chu was really helpless.

Chu Feng's worries seemed to be closer to reality in Lao Chu's view, if the situation really followed.

If it develops as set by Chu Feng, then the final result may not be much better than what Chu Feng estimated!

but. If the Thirteenth Lord were to be taken into consideration, then he would be too unfair to Chu Feng. Chu Feng was originally an outsider, but now he has to waste his mind and energy for a thing that he didn't do before, and he won't get the slightest benefit in the end.

At this moment, just standing in Old Chu's position, he felt a little unworthy for Chu Feng.

"I understand your worries, and I completely agree with your thoughts. The Thirteenth Lord can indeed do this kind of thing.

But this is the situation today, you have to make a choice between the two!

If you think you can stay here forever to protect the thirteenth master from the wind and rain, maybe that's no problem, but if you don't want to delay too much time here, then your departure is also correct.

In fact, if I were to make this decision, I still hope you could leave, because I have stayed here enough, and the thirteenth master is not worth your effort! "

What Lao Chu said was from his heart, he didn't understand and he could fully understand why Lao Chu said it.

Previously, including all the things that happened now, Lao Chu had accompanied Chu Feng to go through it, and they had tasted all the ups and downs along the way.

As a result, looking back, Chu Feng had gained some special abilities, but that didn’t have much to gain. As for things like power and money status, for Chu Feng, that’s fundamental. It has no meaning.

After all, from the very beginning, Chu Feng had no plans to live here, so even if he got something here, it would be nothing more than a passing moment for Chu Feng!

Chu Feng needs a certain amount of time to think about the problem, and he also has to consider Old Chu's situation. Now the Thirteenth Master is his friend, and Old Chu is his true dependence.


Although Chu Feng's time will not flow in this space, it is really difficult to spend this day.

In addition, there is no way to guarantee that they will continue to live steadily here, and if one day the young people take their hands on them, perhaps this result would be something that Chu Feng did not want to see.

After all, the young man had just said that the result he hoped was that Chu Feng could leave.

If Chu Feng is unwilling to leave, then this must be an extremely disappointing thing for the teenager, and when the disappointment gradually accumulates and eventually forms resentment, then this thing is a bit scary.

"Old Chu, I understand what you mean, and I have thought about it based on your statement, but I am still afraid that the thirteenth will become my enemy. This is not because I care about this relationship, but I am worried that the Thirteenth Lord will do something unexpected to me!

Nowadays, I don’t have many friends, and if I turn my friends into enemies, I’m afraid it’s going to be even more difficult. So even if I make this decision, I have to make it clear to Lord Shisan and let him Able to understand, so as to avoid this result! "

Chu Feng wanted to leave this matter to be basically determined, but Chu Feng hasn't figured out how to solve this matter yet, at least he can't leave casually.

"You have a plan on your own. The next thing is up to you. I will not interfere with you!"

Chu Feng had basically made a decision, and Lao Chu seemed to have no other suggestions for Chu Feng's ideas.

"Well, you can rest for a while, and leave the rest to me to solve it myself, so you don't have to worry about this matter anymore!"

Old Chu has already withdrawn from this process of discussion, and the remaining results will be decided by Chu Feng alone, and when he draws a more certain conclusion, he proactively said to the young man: "I have almost considered it. What you said does have a certain point. I stay here and it is not good for me. As for the thirteenth master, it may be helpful, but the help is not long-term "sexual". I said before. It is obviously impossible to solve you and kill you!

Because I have thought of many ways, but there is no way to achieve this result, so I simply gave up anyway, this thing cannot be achieved anyway, it is better to let it, just discard it! "

When Chu Feng said these words, the expression in the young man’s eyes clearly revealed a joyous expression. Obviously this was the result he wanted. As long as Chu Feng left this space, all All things will belong to his plan. In fact, from the beginning to the present, it has been nothing more than a boy’s bluff. What he said can change Chu Feng is just a lie, but he can be in the future. Seeing everything that Chu Feng did, there was a certain time limit, and the time limit was only two days.

Therefore, in the process of bluffing and using the method of frightening Chu Feng to achieve his goals, he was also very worried, and now after Chu Feng made the decision. The stone hanging high in his heart also fell to the ground in an instant.

"If you can figure it out, it is indeed not easy. After all, I also know the relationship between you and the Thirteenth Lord!

But you can make this decision, but it is really in my expectation.

Because this is the only way you can escape from the sea of ​​suffering, if you just insist on it, then I will get rid of you soon! "

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