Whimsical System

Chapter 1527: Waiting to arrive

Chu Feng's instructions can be said to be a sentence when it comes to the heart of the thirteenth masters. At this moment, they are worried about this result. Now Chu Feng has given a guarantee and told them what to do, then this worry is natural. It will also suffer a certain attenuation.

However, even though it is attenuated, there are still worries. Therefore, it seems that it is not easy to solve the problem under the current situation, especially when the punishment is still in the hidden stage. At that time, all the problems will accumulate in Shifanya. If the thirteenth master cannot give a good solution, then the problem will become more serious, and there may even be some changes.

"I will find a way to solve this matter, but you also know that sometimes the situation does not happen as I can control. If I have not done it in some respects, you may have to come forward if it is safe. That's fine, so I will send someone to follow you, and then receive notifications from your side at any time. Once there are any changes, I will notify you in time to avoid major problems that cannot be resolved!"

The Thirteenth Lord is indeed a little scared. In fact, most of the situation at this time is actually a certain problem. Otherwise, how could it show a bad result in this matter? Perhaps this question should have been understood long ago.

It’s just that Chu Feng hasn’t considered it all the time, so there is such a result. Fortunately, the problem is not too exaggerated. It’s just that he doesn’t have much confidence in himself, and it’s just as easy to solve it. It is enough to face the other side with a good attitude. Chu Feng doesn't want to explain anything, because there are some problems that must be done by the Thirteenth Lord, otherwise it is very likely that certain errors will occur.

So from the beginning, Chu Feng had already made an explanation. And now that it has been explained to a relatively special situation, too much speech will only make things more complicated, so the butcher is reluctant to say more, and the thirteenth master no longer has the opportunity to be reminded. This is A good result is a good result no matter what, because from the situation at this time, the prescription has the ability to lead this war, and he can hide himself reasonably and let the thirteenth charge It’s a good thing to make this decision no matter what.

"You don't need to send someone to follow me, and you don't need to pay attention to my movements. I will do what I should do when I need it, and you only need to do what you should do. It is enough. I believe You should also know what you need to do and what you should not do!

So I don’t need to tell if there is too much. All questions will come to a certain conclusion when they need to be done. You should be able to think about it clearly. I believe you can do this. This is my trust in you, too You must give me the trust! "

Chu Feng didn't want to make things troublesome, and he didn't want to let more troubles appear by his side, so at the moment, keeping all these troubles away has become something that Chu Feng must do. At this time, the mood of the thirteenth master must be nervous, because he didn't know what kind of situation these things would happen to, and what kind of situation they would end in.

auzw.com But even if he is nervous and unable to make a decision, he must use his own strength at this time. After all, this is what a leader must do. , Otherwise, how could he lead others?

Of course, there are exhortations on this aspect, Chu Feng will naturally not say, because if these words must be reminded by Chu Feng, and the Shisanye can only know, then you can only say Shisanye This leader is really incompetent, so Chu Fu is unwilling to let the thirteenth fall into this situation, and he also feels that everything will be reminded, that will only entrap the era, so he chose to remain silent. No matter what the promise will be a good result, he needs to make a silent decision no matter what.

After Chu Feng responded, Lord Shisan had no other words, because it was really clear that since Chu Feng said so, it means that this matter has an end, and if he has to go If you force it, then this will not lead to a good result at all, so instead of asking again and again, it’s better to let yourself come to a decision. This can also save part of the trouble. It’s not the result that the Thirteenth Lord wanted, but he had to do it at this time, and Chu Feng was also telling him that this was something he had to face and endure, no matter what the circumstances he had. He couldn't have other thoughts to change this ending, otherwise, it would directly affect his current position and the fate of this space.

"Well, I believe you will be able to make a decision when necessary. I don't have to worry about it anymore. There is absolutely no need to consider this aspect!"

Chu Feng believed that what the Thirteenth Lord said was definitely not the truth, because judging from his current state of mind, every word he said at this time was just to satisfy Chu Feng, but no matter what, since the Thirteenth Lord Having made this decision, it means that he will definitely act according to Bi Chufeng’s arrangements. This is not how confident the punishment is, but the current situation is like this. He knows that the thirteenth master will not do anything else. The decision, so he will be so confident.

Things have been decided, the things that should be done and the things that need to be done basically have an ending, the Thirteenth Master does not need to worry, and Chu Feng will naturally not worry.

The arrival of the boy seems to have been expected long ago. After all, Chu Feng had already guessed the result, and besides him, the thirteenth grandfather could also predict it. Like the current situation, he must be out of the scene when he was a boy. The preparation they made loses meaning.

Moreover, the young man was also curious at this time. On the one hand, he worried that Chu Feng would not leave, and on the other hand, he hoped that he would not miss the opportunity after Chu Feng left.

At this time, the only thing that can prove that this result will not be wrong is to come here to check it out, so the appearance of the boy is completely reasonable, and there will never be any difference.

The wind at night is always so bleak. I don't know if it is because the current situation gives people a feeling of coldness, or the weather at this time is really unbearable.

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