Whimsical System

Chapter 1528: Are you confident?

The guards who are in charge of holding the base have already formed a long array at this time. This is their daily work, but today is special, so their mood will inevitably change.

However, there is nothing to worry about. After all, the current situation is like this. As long as they calm their minds, nothing will go wrong. Just looking at their situation, it seems that calming minds is not for them. so easy.

It is not surprising, after all, it is the first time to face such a powerful person. Even the Thirteen Lords have lost their confidence, let alone them!

If Chu Feng were to make this arrangement, he would definitely not be willing to tell the news to his subordinates, because the notification of this news would definitely not have any good results other than frightening the subordinates, but thirteen Ye didn't seem to believe this truth.

When a gust of wind blows, the entire base is like a beast waiting to steal a bell at night. Although it is not too quiet, it is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

It seems that many people are waiting for the arrival of this moment, but in the process of waiting, there are also some people who are frightened. They fear the coming of disaster. In their opinion, the arrival of a teenager is like a disaster. There is no way to refuse. Don't know how to escape.

Time always comes in such a hurry, the guards hand in guns and talk, they dare not amplify their own voices, but will make some movements from time to time to discuss the current matter.

"Tonight, if there is a war, I don't know how many people will be killed because of it. This is really a terrible thing!"

Their discussion always stays at a simple level. They don’t know how to solve a problem, so they are just complaining. Although there is no complaining line, every sentence they say currently contains In this complaint.

It's just that their complaints only stay at this level. No matter how much they have, there is no way to tell them. They hope this matter can be resolved, but hope that it is just hope.

The arrival of a young man always inadvertently falls in darkness. Accompanied by the young man's footprints, this base is like a prey to him, and devouring the prey is what he has to do now.

The young man appeared at the door of the base alone, at the top of the door. He watched the young man walk over from a distance and stopped in front of him. In fact, he basically understood this guy who appeared inexplicably. After this incident, but at this moment, he still had a little luck in his heart. He thought it might not be so unlucky, but it was his turn to have such a disaster when he was on duty.

But even if he thought so in his heart, the result would not change much. When a disaster strikes, he will not be told directly, nor will he be prepared.

The first person stepped forward and wanted to ask if this was something he had to do, but he hadn’t waited for him to speak. The boy was the direct result. His name came so quickly, this matter seemed to be a spark. Suo instantly panicked the entire base, and the boy had arrived. This was shocking news.

The Thirteen Ye received this notice in an instant, and then immediately began to make arrangements, hoping to formulate a corresponding countermeasure to the enemy within a limited time.

auzw.com At this time, Chu Feng had found a place to hide. This was part of his previous plan. Stone was also busy outside, and Chu Feng was busy. Watching this all happen.

Chu Feng was not anxious about this result, and even he thought that the appearance of this result was entirely reasonable.

The emergence of chaotic things will lead to some orderly things, which become more prominent, and the chaos of the thirteenth masters at this moment just proves Chu Feng's calmness at this time.

"Do you think this matter is easy to solve? After all, you are not his opponent!"

Old Chu's inquiries always appear inadvertently, but what can be guaranteed is that his inquiries must be the most critical moment.

"Do you also have no confidence in me? Actually, this is not to blame you. After all, even I don’t have much confidence in this matter. After all, when some problems arise, he will never give us anything. Notice, and the current emergence of this matter, although it sounds a bit unrealistic, is also a bit difficult to solve!

But no matter how difficult it is, I have to face it. There is no way that the current situation is like this. If I don’t face it, then there will be others who will pay for what we do, although this is a It’s a more enjoyable thing, but they won’t be of any use if they pay the bill. What else can they get apart from losing their "life", I’m afraid there’s nothing more than that, so instead of It would be better to let me take charge!

After all, I can do some things within my power to make it easier. Although my efforts will not get too much gain, at least I am better than them! "

The answer that Chu Feng gave was not too gorgeous. Every word he said at this moment is a portrayal from his own heart. The current situation is indeed the case. No matter what changes are made, it seems that the current situation will not change!

That being the case, it's better to make things simpler, and don't be too "messy", so that it can still make things have a good ending.

When Chu Feng made this decision, the mouse was also listening. The reason why he did not express his opinion was because he believed that Chu Feng would definitely be able to solve this matter. Even if he did not have the ability, he still Will do everything possible to achieve this goal.

Since Chu Feng had made this answer at this time, it also meant that he had already considered enough and was willing to handle this matter properly.

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Lao Chu stopped worrying, maybe he shouldn't worry from the beginning.

"It's good if you can solve it, and I will help you at the critical moment, but I don't have much confidence, so the two of us may have to support each other to achieve our goals!"

Old Chu also told the truth at this time, yes, it is beyond doubt that mutual support must be achieved to achieve the goal.

Chu Feng firmly believes that this is a certain result that must be obtained, and he can basically predict what will happen next.

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