Whimsical System

Chapter 1529: Juvenile warning

Although Chu Feng can observe the situation outside the base, he can only observe part of it, and if it can be predicted, it is naturally unrealistic. You can explain it from the beginning, but no one is thinking about it now!

After the thirteenth master got the news, he hurried to the entrance of the base and began to implement it gradually according to the plan previously agreed with Chu Feng.

In fact, even if the thirteenth master is already prepared for the current results, when this thing really happened, his worries were somewhat difficult to overcome.

"How is the situation?"

As soon as the thirteenth rushed into the crowd, he began to learn the current situation.

Obviously, at this moment, there is no energy to discuss this aspect. When asked this question, the guard on the side didn't know how to answer it.

The current situation is not optimistic. This is what the current guard wants to say subconsciously.

However, when the words came to the lips, the guard did not say the sentence.

Maybe he also had some worries. After hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't say a word after all.

In the end, it just shook his head slightly, and it seemed that it was already, expressing his thoughts.

"It's really useless. I don't know how to answer such a simple question. What is the use of you guys like me!"

The complaint of the Thirteenth Master must come from the heart. After all, he really needs to solve the current troubles, but the guards cannot answer his question. It seems that it is not entirely the guard's fault. After all, he knows that It's just a little bit.

It is really embarrassing for him to tell the key points of such a big thing in a few words!

Therefore, for the emergence of this result, although some places cannot be understood by people, in more cases, this is also reasonable.

After reprimanding the guards, Lord Shisan was really involved in the current affairs.

There are constant troubles, and it seems that it is not easy to solve this matter as soon as possible. After all, the young man is here, it is definitely not for a cutscene.

Therefore, it is not easy to resolve this matter easily.

"You finally came, and as expected, everything was not beyond my expectations!"

The words of the Thirteenth Lord naturally have this "fault". What is not beyond his expectation, it sounds like a bit of self-boasting!

In fact, Lord Shisan really didn't have this idea, it was just the current situation that made him unable to correct this sentence!

Originally, Lord Shisan wanted to say that everything was not beyond Chu Feng's expectations, but just as this sentence was about to be spoken, he suddenly realized that he could not "expose" Chu Feng's situation.

Therefore, in desperation, he could only forcibly correct this sentence. Although it sounded a bit awkward, this sentence got a certain explanation anyway.


"Everything is within your expectations? You dare to say anything, I am afraid you have never thought about it. What bad influence will this sentence bring to you!"

With a sneer on the corner of the boy's mouth, his appearance can basically guess what he thinks next.

"I can't think of what will affect it. I only know that you will be defeated tomorrow if you come by yourself today!"

Regardless of the current situation, the Shisanye finally showed his confidence. Every word he said at this time could basically be regarded as the strongest cry in his heart.

Expressing this cry now can be regarded as highlighting his current status.

"A good sentence that made me fail back. If I didn't know that you don't have this ability, maybe I really believed what you said!

What a pity, I know you too well! Basically, I have reached that kind of ability, no matter what lies you say, I can tell instantly!

Therefore, there is no need for you to succeed here. I know that Chu Feng has already told you all about my situation, and you also know very well what the outcome of this matter will be!

Previously, when you came out, I was still not sure about whether Chu Feng had left, but now I am a little sure.

Facts have proved that Chu Feng has indeed left, otherwise you would not be bluffing here!

Hahaha... Chu Feng, this guy, can do what he says, but it's a pity that his idea is not used in the right place!

If he deliberately deceived me and then stayed, maybe I might really be affected by his deception.

But now he hasn't done this at all, and as a result, even the possibility of "sex" that is most likely to hurt me no longer exists.

I have to say that this is indeed the opportunity given to me the day before yesterday, and now this city is basically where I belong!

You guys, don’t look at it as if you already have a lot of opportunities, or even those hopes that you may get, but in fact you will eventually lose a lot of things because of this idea, and most of them are most likely to be lost. That is your life.

I believe that even if I do not explain it at this time. You can also know that every word I say is true! "

The juvenile has clearly expressed his thoughts, and now no one speaks to refute it, because they know that juveniles can indeed achieve this level, regardless of whether anyone believes in this matter, the nature of this matter will not happen because of this. The slightest change, so no matter how much it is said, it is useless, or even too direct to express one’s own views, then it can only be faster to let yourself face death, regardless of whether there is any reversal in the process. , In short, this result will never change, because this is inevitable but will never change.

The boy looked around, and the current situation was basically no different from what he had guessed.

Everyone was terrified, even the thirteenth master showed a panic at this moment, completely able to distinguish it.

There is no way. Even though the current Shisanye has a certain degree of confidence in Chu Feng, the confidence in his heart is ultimately difficult to confront the current situation!

So the trembling in his heart was not deliberately acting, perhaps this was the real performance.

It's just that there is the truth about the facts, I am afraid that only the Shisanye can make it clear, after all, no one can get into his mind and see his thoughts.

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