Whimsical System

Chapter 1530: Distance threat

"I have finished what I should say! Now it depends on your own attitude. I know what you need, and I know very well what the current situation means to you!

Don't you say that I don't give you a chance to redeem yourself. Now this opportunity is placed in front of you. If you want to live, then you should take an attitude!

Is it to compromise to me for the sake of my life, or to ruin my own "life" for that stupid agreement?

Obviously this is a very interesting question! I believe that as long as it is a savvy person, they all know what choice they should make! "

The teenager is very happy to provide certain ideas to those who are not clear about their ideas, but that fixed idea does not seem to be a decision most people hope to make.

Regardless of other things, it can be seen only by the reaction of the majority of people. Basically, few people are willing to be the target of public criticism at this time!

"Well! No one wants to make a correct decision? Even in this particular situation, don't you know how to make a decision?

I really don’t know if it’s because of your stupidity.

If you say this sentence, you will feel that my attitude towards you is a little bad, but for you, my attitude is basically lucky enough!

If you really want to change some people who don’t know right and wrong, and only know that they kill people, it is estimated that they will not give you any chance at all, they will directly take away your lives, and then it will be you. If you really want to give yourself a chance to compete, I am afraid that you will never have such power!

Now you are like those idiots who don't know the blessing in the blessing, and you have to let yourself find those hopeless disasters!

If this is the case, then I will not give you this opportunity, anyway, I don't like making myself too kind! "

As he talked, the boy's remarks gradually became excited, and in the end he was even anxious to express his inner thoughts about killing.

Even so, the Shisanye and others still did not change their minds. There was no special reason. It was because the Shisanye had already informed them in advance that Chu Feng had not left.

With the existence of Chu Feng, even though they were worried in their hearts, they didn't make the panic that they showed because of worry and fear.

The way they do now does indeed arouse the surprise of the teenagers. Under normal circumstances, how can these guys who resemble the mobs come together to make a unified decision?

Unless in certain circumstances, they have some spiritual support, otherwise they simply can not have such a performance.

But where does that spiritual support come from?

Is it just because of the deployment made by the Shisanye?

The young man absolutely didn't believe it was possible. Even he knew that the thirteenth master had a certain "sex" to these people, but he would never believe it when this happened.

auzw.com because he knows how much pressure he can bring to these people. If only relying on the thirteenth master alone, then he has no way to release these pressures, so in the eyes of the young man, there must be something hidden in this matter, otherwise there will never be such a result.

However, judging from the current situation, the teenager really has no way to make a judgment on this matter within a short period of time.

Previously, only Chu Feng was able to achieve this effect. At this time, the young man had already determined that Chu Feng had left. So at this moment, his guesses were nothing more than two. On the one hand, Chu Feng did not leave. It's a lie, and on the other hand. This is a guy who can really give this thing hope, and the identity of this person may be a guy he doesn't even know, another possibility is that this person is the thirteenth master.

Until this problem is solved, the teenager may not dare to act rashly.

But for this result, it is not 100% certain. After all, there are many possibilities for "sex", and it seems a very stupid way for a teenager to guess one by one.

So what is most likely to happen is that teenagers will adopt a method to get answers faster. The massacre at this time is undoubtedly the best choice.

Therefore, basically this does not have to be considered by young people. This method is in front of us. More consideration will only make this problem more complicated.

All these thoughts will be conducted under secret circumstances that cannot be observed.

At this moment, if you can really see it, there is only one left, and the boy can smile after he makes a decision.

Then came the boy, preparing to implement the plan. In fact, the Shisanye and Chu Feng had guessed about this happening, and the results of this guess were surprisingly consistent.

Everyone will make a wrong judgment because of one thing, no matter when it is, this wrong judgment will appear, and before it appears, there will never be any signs.

So the current result, although the Thirteenth Master and Chu Feng could have predicted, it was not what the two of them said could stop it.

The Thirteenth Lord is waiting for the young man to make a decision. This is the only thing he can do right now, besides that he doesn't know what he can do.

After all, the initiative in this matter was not with him from the beginning, and the consideration he is doing now only stays in one, not too special situation.

The smile on the corner of the boy's mouth rose slightly, and then he began to step forward gradually. At this time, he had only one goal, and that was the gate of the base.

At this moment, no one will avoid it. Although everyone can realize that the young boy's next move will threaten them, they have no way to make this decision.

It may be that the problem has not reached that level, which is unacceptable to them, so it has led to this result.

"It's really disappointing. Even if the danger has come, you can still stand still and can't react at all. I really don't know what kind of guys you are!

Maybe, you guys are really stupid enough! "

The smiling faces of the teenagers have basically come into everyone's sight. Even if they turned their faces away from it, they couldn't completely avoid the sight.

At this time they have realized the seriousness of the matter. They were too close before, so close that they couldn't even make a move of resistance in the first place.

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