Whimsical System

Chapter 1531: Have something to say

At that moment, everyone only felt that their heartbeats seemed to be becoming more and more rapid, and then a figure appeared in front of them, and the young man's smiling face had become very blurred because of the distance.

They widened their eyes to see clearly, but it was in vain after all, and when the teenager approached them, it seemed too late even if they wanted to dodge.

Because before the teenager did this thing, he had made hundreds of calculations to determine what happened and how to make him do it to the extreme. And because of this calculation, they basically There is no room for resistance, and it is directly defeated by the teenager.

The presentation of this result is very satisfying for the teenager, because he did what he wanted to do and what he could do. Now the teenager defeated most people.

Except for the thirteenth master and the guards beside him, all the people who appeared outside the base have basically fallen to the ground. They don't know if they are dead or unconscious.

Thirteenth's heart was a little bit worried, even if he knew that Chu Feng was supporting him to solve the trouble at this moment, but when the danger was about to face his eyes, the worry in his heart could not be eliminated after all.

Especially after everyone was defeated, the boy’s goal was only the thirteenth master. At this time, when the thirteenth saw the boy’s gaze and slowly turning to him, he felt his sweat. "Mao" seemed to stand up.

In fact, Lord Thirteen is not the kind of timid person, he also has a certain strength, even in the process of certain duels, he can still occupy a certain advantage, but when an opponent can control the time When he appeared in front of him, even if he had the courage to fight, he could not continue the fight. After all, under many circumstances, the fight would only be in a special situation, causing a problem. The result is too random, and if one force completely crushes the other, then the answer they finally come to is only failure.

auzw.com So he doesn't know what to do next, even if he has a fighting mind, this thing has never seemed so easy.

"That was just a distraction. You may be doing something casually, but there is nothing wrong with it. After all, we are now in a stage of mutual exchange. You can have your own ideas or do what you want. What you do, under the current circumstances, your consideration will directly determine the destiny of this base, and even the destiny of this city. Anyway, I will give you a chance to determine your own destiny, as long as you think you can , Then you can express your thoughts casually, as long as it's not too much, it's nothing!"

The young man didn’t seem to be in a hurry to resolve this matter. At this time, every word he said seemed to be looking for some basis. At present, he wants to give the opportunity of decision to the hands of Lord Shisan. It seems to be a good thing, but how to decide it makes the Thirteenth very distressed. After all, when an event occurs, whether it is to solve it by any means or find a fundamental way to get rid of the trouble, it is all It is a complicated and unrepeatable process.

At this time, although Lord Shisan wanted to use his brain to think about the current problem, at this moment he was thinking more about when to solve this problem. He didn't want to face it alone and he didn't dare to face it.

Right now he basically puts all his hopes on Chu Feng. As long as Chu Feng can take action, then this matter may be resolved. If Chu Feng stays in the dark and is unwilling to help, then Master Shisan really didn't know how to make a decision next step.

After thinking a lot, Lord Shisan did not come up with a fixed answer in the end. In fact, this result has been there from the beginning, which is equivalent to the certainty that the answer can be obtained, but at this moment, Lord Shisan has not considered that he has been Putting his mind on Chu Feng's body, he never gave up until the end, and now when everyone is waiting for him to make an answer, the thirteenth master is also so difficult to deal with. feel.

"You have caused me such a big trouble now, and then let me make a decision for you. This is really embarrassing. To put it bluntly, you are the one to decide after all, I just It’s an accompaniment without any rights. Now even if I want to do something, I have to ask for your consent. Otherwise, I’m afraid you may take off my name anytime and anywhere. For you, it’s like an opportunity. After all, when he was here, you didn’t act like you are now. But even if he leaves now, then you have to be measured. This city is not As simple as you might seem on the surface, you can damage the city, but it won’t take long for the city to have a new management system to replace the current situation, even if you have enough rights. You will never dominate this city, and as for you want to completely rule this space, it is simply impossible. Maybe you have never considered this aspect, but now I I don’t mind telling you that this city has its own way of living, which is definitely not something you can control casually. Maybe you have gained some benefits in this process, but the emergence of these benefits is for you. That was just a small "interlude"!

Because in addition to these subtle benefits, the bigger trouble is always waiting for you. Of course, I may not be your arbiter, but one day someone will solve you and I also believe that time will not Too long, because at this time you have been in a state of expansion. It is estimated that it will not be long before you will be affected by your own thoughts. As for what you will face at that time, that will be what I currently have. Unspeakable, the result will definitely not be very good anyway, and it may even make you regret it! "

The thirteenth master tried his best to express his inner indignation. He has already got the answer to this matter. It's just that he is unwilling and dare to express his thoughts directly. Now the situation has come. At this point, even if he didn't say it, it would be hard to escape this disaster. As long as Chu Feng didn't come out to help him, his situation would be as bad as ever.

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