Whimsical System

Chapter 1582: Tight

The order of the thirteenth master has been issued, and many of the tracked personnel have directly evacuated and returned. Obviously this is the order they are most willing to hear at present, and it is also a purpose of gratefulness in the heart, which can obviously be seen. After the order was given, almost everyone’s face was overflowing with that kind of relaxed expression, even the thirteenth master faintly revealed this expression, in fact, this is normal, that kind of responsibility The liberation is a lucky thing for everyone, but the luck of all of them will be based on the tragedy of Chu Feng alone, and they don’t seem to understand that this tragedy has already appeared. Chu Feng's body.

Chu Feng stood on the spot, watching the guard soldiers who retreated behind him one after another. There were mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't know why he had fallen to this point, whether it was his indecision or because it was too much. Responsible mentality, anyway, he is currently putting himself in a bad situation. Although he is unwilling, he must accept it.

After all the soldiers and guards evacuated from the battlefield, Chu Feng became the only combat power in the entire battlefield. Although the Thirteenth Master was included in it, his combat power was negligible.

"Everyone has withdrawn. This is the biggest decision I have ever made, and it is also the most reluctant decision I have ever made. I don't want you to bear all this alone, so even if they are gone, I will accompany you. If you really fail, then you have to let me endure this suffering first. This is the only thing I have done for you as a friend, and it is also one that you absolutely cannot refuse me. thing."

At this time, Lord Shisan showed the word friendship to the fullest. As a friend Lord Shisan is indeed qualified. At least for Chu Feng, Lord Shisan has met the standards of a friend, and he can be proud in the future. Tell others that he is very lucky and grateful to have Shisanye as his friend.

"Maybe you thought I would reject you a long time ago, that's why you said such a sentence, but since you have said so, then I will naturally not ask you to change your mind. The situation today is not very optimistic. But I have to face it, and you are also involved. Of course, if you stand in my position, I am afraid that you will make a corresponding decision, but I always worry that this matter is not appropriate.

Waiting for a while, when I fight him, you should try not to be too protruding. Anyway, with you holding me by the side, I can also exert a stronger force than I usually do, especially when you swallow it. Under strong support, so if you can, you can try to maintain a supply of devouring power. As for the others, you should not be responsible at all. I will take care of everything for you. "

Chu Feng had already made the deployment, and even if the thirteenth master wanted to oppose him, he didn't have the guts to do so, because this plan is currently the biggest guarantee for his "life", if even this plan If he wants to oppose it, it means that he really wants to ignore his "life". Although he is willing to show his friendship and benevolence at this time, it does not mean that He wanted to put all his "sex" in it.

So in the end he nodded in agreement, but he did not give a clear answer, just nodded, but just like this, it was enough to make Chu Feng sure that at this time the thirteenth master had understood his thoughts, and he was also willing this way.


Two people go head-to-head. It is obviously more difficult to find a person’s track in a barren forest that is not marginal. However, since they have already determined the goal, they only need to go straight to the goal. During this process, they are also carefully controlling their own lives, trying not to be discovered by the teenager. Of course, Chu Feng did not place all hopes on this, because he knew that as long as the teenager was vigilant and discovered It was a matter of time for them, but they didn't want to "expose" themselves too soon, and then they would have a chance to escape.

"According to the latest information, he is here. It is estimated that he should not have left yet. So you must be careful. Of course I must also be careful. I want to make me more vulnerable. But this sentence should still be said. Yes, otherwise you will probably take it lightly."

The Thirteenth Master quietly introduced the latest information to Chu Feng. Indeed, the appearance of this information is very important to Chu Feng. At least he can know what kind of state he is currently in, so he can also be in this state. Make an accurate judgment in order to save yourself from danger.

Judging from the current situation, this is indeed useful information, but the appearance of this information is too vague for Chu Feng. Even if he knew this information at this moment, it only made him more cautious. He tried the surrounding situation, and as to what to do next, he didn't have the slightest clue yet, and he couldn't determine where his opponent appeared.

After about three or four minutes, the two people did not walk very far, but they did feel an extremely urgent pressure. This pressure seemed to have appeared suddenly, and they didn’t know it was. Because of what, Chu Feng felt that his body was suffering from an external force, and then slowly caused his entire "hair" pores to shrink. The feeling of shrinking his body is obviously not wrong. It is definitely not an illusion.

And at this moment, the Thirteenth Lord was talking about the same topic: "I don’t know if I’m too nervous. Why do I feel my body seems a little tight? You shouldn’t have this. Status?"

When this feeling appeared, Lord Shisan and Chu Feng basically had the same reaction, that is, whether they had already experienced the illusion caused by tension, but when Lord Shisan asked this sentence When speaking, Chu Feng was instantly sure that this was not his own illusion, but a real thing that happened, but they hadn't found the core of this thing.

"My feeling is the same as you, my body is beginning to become tight, so this is not our illusion, but the surrounding situation has changed, do you see, these trees seem to be different from other places ."

When Chu Feng began to answer this question, his gaze also fell on the surrounding tree trunks. Obviously, the tree trunks here are in a state of tightening, which means that the lines on the surface of the tree trunks are better than others. There are many more trees, and this pattern is obviously not formed by natural growth.

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