Whimsical System

Chapter 1583: To no avail

Because of Chu Feng's reminder, the gaze of the Thirteenth Lord fell directly on the trunks almost immediately, and immediately after that, he also discovered the difference in the trunks.

"It's really different. It seems that there are some unknown things here, which have a certain impact on us. I don't think we should stay here for a long time. Otherwise, our body will change. It has to be too tight like these tree trunks, even to a state that cannot be restored to its original state. And now I also feel that my face seems to be a bit tingling. It should be too tight. I am worried about our time. The body will not be able to bear this kind of pressure."

The Thirteenth Lord had already revealed his inner worry, and he also gave examples of his own body. Indeed, Chu Feng also felt that his body skin was in an extremely tight state at this moment. If it continues like this If it goes down, it is estimated that the body will soon feel that different feeling, and there will even be a lot of discomfort, but the current search results seem to be somewhat different from the plan, and they are not willing Evacuate at this time, after all, you will soon reach the juvenile's escape place. If you evacuated at this time, it would be equivalent to returning without success and doing nothing.

"Are you sure to go out now? We just came here with great difficulty. If we go back now, it means that if we come this time, there will be no results at all, and this is for our actions. As for the result, it is unpredictable. If it is because of this process that we appeared, which caused him to escape, then I am afraid that he will really enter the state you have already said. Up."

Chu Feng was not deliberately warning, but expounding the current facts. Although Chu Feng did not deliberately mention this matter, it is indeed in front of him now, even if it was the thirteenth master deliberately. Avoid, there is no way to achieve this result. Especially after Uncle Chu Feng’s words, the face of the thirteenth master became a little weird, indeed this is a reality that can never be avoided, even if the thirteenth master wants to do this deliberately, But he has no way to achieve this result.

"But if we stay here, our lives will be in danger. Naturally, I don’t worry about anything. But for you, I don’t want you to appear in such a crisis. In addition, if we stay here, we may not be able to get it. As a result, I am actually quite entangled. I don’t want to leave. This is a certain fact, because I hope to get a victory. At least I have to find it first. Whether I can defeat him or not, I have to see him. Yes, but now it seems that this opportunity is not given to me at all. If I have really reached this point, then I am still willing to choose to save my "life" first. After all, such sacrifices are absolutely unnecessary."

The intention of the thirteenth master is very clear, that is, if you can achieve the goal anyway, you must do it. If you can't achieve it, then decisively give up. Don't delay or hesitate too much. Let yourself suffer the loss for nothing, and you still can’t get anything. Obviously, it is correct to judge the current situation according to the idea of ​​the thirteenth master. It is just the current problem that is in a difficult to judge. the result of.

No one knows if there will be any unexpected gains in staying here, and no one knows the unacceptable hardships that they can suffer after leaving here, so it is for this reason that they are in a hesitation Even though they all know that hesitation cannot last too long, they obviously haven’t come to an answer that is too definite at this time. At this time, the thirteenth master only said this idea. As for what decision should be made, he didn't say at all at this moment, and he didn't even think about it.


"I understand what you mean, so now that this is the case, then I will simply make a decision for the two of us. Leaving here will definitely result in a chance to stay here and there may be a glimmer of life, and I don’t think Staying here is bound to be life-threatening, and I can also save your "life", so I decided to go on, but we must be fast, and we must not delay too long. In addition, I also think This kind of pressure shouldn’t last long, at least after we leave here, the pressure will gradually disappear, so if we can’t find any trace, let’s leave as soon as possible. Let’s leave here before this pressure is dangerous to us. ."

There is no way for Chu Feng. Now he can't think of a good solution, so he can only race against time and try his best to avoid situations where he doesn't suffer too much danger to prove a result. If the result is still not available, Then leave as soon as possible, don't worry too much here, anyway, just take advantage of this comprehensive period to do something meaningful.

"It seems that this is all you can do right now, well, since you are willing to stay here and continue to search, then I will accompany you. Anyway, you have already made this decision. What is terrible for me."

When the Thirteenth Master said this sentence, Chu Feng would not actively doubt the truth or falsehood of his sentence, because now his mind is full of thinking about how to solve this matter and how to find the young man. As for the others, he doesn’t want to waste energy thinking about it. Moreover, this is just an expression of attitude. True or false is actually not that important at all. The important thing is whether the thirteenth master will not. Will do what he said, as long as he does it is false and true.

After the two people negotiated the result, they directly searched in the forest again, but their speed increased significantly, and they no longer deliberately slowed their pace to reduce the noise.

Anyway, their current state is completely different from before, and they even have the meaning of wanting to shout and ask about the youngster’s trail. Of course, things are not so strong, but their eagerness is obviously already direct. The growth of "sex".

After 10 minutes, the pressure around them is still continuing, and their bodies are also feeling that extremely powerful discomfort. If they continue, then various accidents are likely to occur. Although Chu Feng two were not reconciled at this moment, they did not dare to continue.

After all, as the Thirteenth Lord said, the sacrifices made at this time are obviously unnecessary, so if you can leave, leaving as soon as possible is the best policy.

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