Whimsical System

Chapter 1605: Do you want to go back?

"Okay! I had expected such a result a long time ago, and there is nothing surprising. You can choose the judgment you want to make. This is your own idea. I choose to respect. Anyway, even if it is us It’s not a big deal to become an enemy!"

At this time, Chu Feng seemed to have a certain idea in his heart. Since he had determined this result, it meant that he had already developed some different views on this matter.

As for what he was thinking about, he didn't even know it clearly. Anyway, it's such a feeling. I don't know how to be sure, but I don't feel happy, and I already want revenge. idea.

Although it seems that there is no way to control the young boy’s current state, it is actually not to the point where he does not know how to start. The young boy still has a certain way to solve his Chu Feng, but He was reluctant to do it as a last resort, because doing so would also be dangerous to Chu Feng. Compared with the overall situation, the strength of the two of them is basically the same. But it depends on who is more fierce. If the young man tried his best to put Chu Feng to death, then the young man would definitely be able to completely solve Chu Feng in some opportunities. And the reason why he didn't do this was that he hoped that he could use actions to make Chu Feng give up on his own initiative, which would reduce some of the trouble for him.

But what he didn't expect was that Chu Feng was so difficult to solve. Even if he had put his ideas into play and implemented the content of his plan into reality, he still hadn't done much to Chu Feng. Therefore, it is precisely because of the results of this aspect that he has made a certain statement on the current issue.

At the same time, Chu Feng seemed to be in such a state. Chu Feng hadn't made any aggressive moves before. For the young man, he wanted to stop the young man. Don’t continue to be "lost", don’t have any different thoughts about this space, but he is more and more aware that it is impossible for a teenager to find the reason for his failure in the failure, and he will not think about it. There are different opinions on things, anyway, as long as he is given the opportunity, then he will definitely find the right time to do what he wants to do. No matter how Chu Feng stops him, it is impossible to solve the current dilemma.

When the two people gradually recognize the thoughts of both parties and have a fixed plan, the next situation is naturally obvious. The Thirteenth Lord is completely excluded, and the two of them have become natural destinies, as if only between them. This matter can only be solved after fighting a life and death. At first they seemed to be deliberately avoiding this result, but later they found more and more that even if it was deliberate avoidance, there was no way to completely erase it. It's a matter, so instead of continuing to avoid it, it's better to face it calmly. It may be a good thing to face this result.

After Chu Feng had an idea, he was unwilling to continue on the previous path, because this would have no meaning to him at all, but the existence of this mind would remind him of this aspect. A definite result is that they are considering this result, and when working hard for this result, then they know what they need and what they should do.

auzw.com "Chu Feng, are you going to do something with him?"

However, when the two of them came to a conclusion in their own minds, the thirteenth master who was beside him also had some new views on this matter. In fact, it is not difficult. After all, some things are on the surface. Above, if you don't even see these clearly, then you can only say that the thirteenth master is a little too far away from the current situation.

The question of Lord Shisan was asked secretly. He didn't want the young man to know his own worries, nor did he want Chu Feng to feel that he was deliberately leaking information to the young man. Regarding the question that Lord Shisan asked at present In fact, Chu Feng did not have a particularly affirmative answer.

And when the Thirteenth Lord asked this question, he himself was still a little puzzled. Does he really need to come to a conclusion and fight the boy? Although he had an answer in his head, he was unwilling to face the reason. It was simple. If he really knew the answer, it would only have one result. He confirmed the matter and soon Do your best to fight the young man to death and life.

"I want to do something to him, and even I want to solve him completely, but this thing is not so easy to do, and it seems that you can't "plug in" it, and I don’t see him. Knowing what he is thinking, when things have reached this point, we all have to consider our own fate. Have you ever thought about what you will face if I fail? Maybe this sentence sounds a little frustrating, but this But it may happen. If you can think about it in advance, maybe you can be more determined when you support me."

From a subjective point of view, this question can be understood by Chu Feng. After all, he needs to make such a decision. From an objective point of view, Chu Feng is actually delaying time on purpose, and he is talking about it. When speaking, he also deliberately raised his voice, the purpose is to let the teenager hear and understand the current thoughts in Chu Feng's heart. There is no doubt that Chu Feng has his own plan, but he does not currently I am willing to reveal too much about the plan, and I am also willing to lay a trap for the teenager when it reveals this matter.

But for Chu Feng's plan, the Thirteenth Lord naturally did not know, because as a friend, he could not guess what other thoughts Chu Feng had for him, nor could he have any doubts about Chu Feng. Therefore, when Chu Feng asked this question, the first reaction of Aunt Thirteen was to take this question seriously and answer as much as possible. However, when he faced this question, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. .

If Chu Fengxiang asks him this question, does it mean that Chu Feng does not have much confidence in what he is currently doing, so he will ask this question. If this is the case, then the thirteenth master is true. He should think about his own future, otherwise, there will be some mistakes, and even he can't find a way to save his life.

But even if he had already felt this trend, he still wanted to go to Chu Feng and make sure to avoid making the wrong plan.

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