Whimsical System

Chapter 1606: Confused answer

"It may be that too many things have happened recently, so my hearing has been reduced. How did I hear you asking me if I had planned for my future? This is really ridiculous. Did you really say this? If not, then there is something wrong with my ears."

The words of the Shisanye are indeed ridiculous, and the moves are also terrible, but this is the only definite response that can be made in this tense environment, because the Shisanye always has a serious expression. It also shows that he is very concerned about this matter, and his state of care will also fall into the sight of the teenager. When the time comes, the teenager may use him to make a fuss, but this is really unwilling to see. Yes, because even as a teenager, he doesn't make any thoughts of killing himself, but as long as he makes a fuss about himself, his fate must be extremely miserable.

Therefore, in all his current state, it is to protect himself, and at the same time, to prevent himself from becoming Chu Feng’s trouble, because he has a certain understanding of Chu Feng for so long, if he really becomes With Chu Feng's burden, then Chu Feng might abandon himself without hesitation, and he felt that there should be no other problems about this.

However, when the Thirteenth Master found a clever way to ask Chu Feng this question, Chu Feng answered him very decisively, and in the process of answering, he did not even do anything. cover up.

"Your ears are so good, and there is no problem with your hearing. I did say this just now.

In fact, I also want to make sure whether you are considering this issue. If you have one, you can tell me directly. If you don’t have one, then I will also consider it for you. After all, you are My friend, I don’t want any accidents to happen to you. "

When Chu Feng said this sentence, the Thirteenth Master really didn’t understand. He didn’t know whether he should say yes or not. If he said yes, Chu Feng would naturally believe it, and even be very Sure, and he will definitely not work hard to protect the charity industry, but if he doesn't, what about the juvenile side? The young man knew whether he would shoot him without any preparation, so this was really a difficult matter to decide.

But now the Thirteenth Lord has already encountered this problem. If you want to forcibly avoid it, it seems unrealistic. After all, this has already appeared. Even if you want to avoid it, you can't avoid it at all, and he can also in his heart. Get an accurate answer. At present, the Thirteenth Lord has really not considered his future. If Chu Feng really fails, what will his destiny be? There may be another hope for survival. This is just a guess of the Shisanye about this matter, and as for the real situation, Shisanye has not considered it at all.

"I want to tell you that I have an affirmative answer, but now I really don’t know it clearly. You may find it strange. There is no need to spend too much time thinking about this question, but I just tell You and I have no way to be sure, because I have certain factors in both aspects. If you really let me make a judgment, then I can only tell you that it is not accurate, and I cannot be sure."

Although the current question is very urgent, the Shisanye still gave a very general answer. It has to be said that his current vision for this matter can be considered a certain brain.


There is no doubt that he has a more systematic and "sexual" understanding of this matter, and every word he said at this moment is also helpful for this matter. As long as the thirteenth master does not clearly tell Whether Chu Feng himself is sure, then this matter will be in a "confused" state. Although this is not enough to answer Chu Feng, at least you can make Chu Feng think about both aspects of himself. , The same is true for teenagers, so this answer is undoubtedly the best one.

"Hey!" Chu Feng sighed, not knowing whether it was disappointment or what.

"You may be a little unbelievable when you say it. Just a second ago, such an answer popped up in my head. As a result, you just answered me like this. Maybe there is some kind of telepathy between us. Of course, it’s also possible that my intuition is too accurate, and it has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I really don’t know how to judge your answer. But since you don’t know, then I can’t ask you for more. An accurate answer.

Forget it, that's it. After I have solved the trouble here, let's continue to discuss this question. It is estimated that you will know how to answer it later. "

At first, Lord Shisan always thought that Chu Feng asked this question for his own consideration, but now it seems that Chu Feng said this to deliberately demonstrate to the young man. Of course, maybe Chu Feng was indeed for Lord Shisan before. Thinking about it, it's just that when the answer of the thirteenth master did not let Chu Feng know the correct answer, he took this opportunity to start a demonstration to the young man.

In short, no matter what kind of attitude the boy has towards this matter at this time, Chu Feng's attitude has been clearly expressed anyway, he will definitely take action against the boy, and the shot will be at this moment.

Sure enough, everything was exactly as the Thirteenth Master had guessed. The boy hadn't even realized anything useful from the conversation between the two of them. Chu Feng directly attacked the boy. The speed was very fast, and the air was there. It became tense in an instant, Chu Fengfei went straight to the young man, swallowing power sprayed out, tracing one after another in the air that looked like smoke, but every layer The traces of there are extremely powerful lethality.

The teenager reacted in the first place. Of course, he knew that the power of swallowing would cause damage to his body. Therefore, such a head-on decisive action is naturally impossible to show at this moment, especially in his After the soul and body were perfectly fused, the intense pain became a trouble that the teenager had to face.

Therefore, if possible, he will try to avoid physical collisions to reduce the appearance of injuries. It is precisely because of his mentality that he has completely evolved into the battle. The young man escaped from Chu Feng's pursuit.

The two had contacted back and forth for about ten seconds. After this time, the teenager stopped on a hillside panting, and Shi Sanye also drove slowly and chased them near the two. At this time, neither of them seemed to be in a good state, but the state of the teenager was even worse.

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