Whimsical System

Chapter 1613: The secret of energy

"I don't know why. When I hear you say this, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, as if I did something wrong, but I know I did nothing wrong. , It’s just that we are too familiar with each other. We spend a lot of time together. After a long period of time, there will naturally be some feelings of dependence. Now we are about to separate. Maybe this is cruel to you and the same to me, but this But it is something that must be done, so we have no way to avoid it, nor should we avoid it. I believe that after a period of time, we will relax each other, and then we will live in a different time and space. The life we ​​all yearn for, I believe this will be a good result."

Chu Feng gave a good wish. There is no doubt that this matter is certain, and it is also a conclusion. He had already figured out where he was going, and after leaving this space, he would return to the Fire Territory, and in the Fire Territory he was going to face all sorts of fights.

Just like what Lao Chu said before, he can’t wait until his passion is gone before choosing these. This will be a very tragic thing, so he must make one at a fairly suitable stage. The correct conclusion, so that he can feel comfortable, and there will be no bad accidents.

Old Chu thought very clearly, and he also knew what he was going to do. Under the influence of Old Chu, Chu Feng also gradually understood. Obviously, this ending was a relatively good one, and everyone would like to see it.

The thirteenth nodded, he once again agreed with what Chu Feng said, and he also knew that this matter had no ability to change at all for him, so it would be better to accept it happily so that he could stay in Chu. The wind leaves a good impression here.

"I think I should leave. It’s a bit cold tonight. Remember to close the doors and windows. If you are leaving tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, remember to tell me that I still have a lot of things to work on here. I may not be with you often. Staying, but if you really want to leave, I will come over, you must let me see you for a ride, otherwise it will be a regret for my life, even if I ask you."

It was a bit sad for Master Shisan to say this. He knew that he could no longer stay, but he had to do his best to send Chu Feng once. Chu Feng would not doubt it because he knew Master Shi The sentence is serious, and he also understands why the Shisanye said this sentence. The Shisanye has a lot of gratitude to Chu Feng, because Chu Feng did something that will make the Shisanye remember his life, so Shisan Lord wants to make his heart feel better through this farewell.

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you this opportunity, and I also hope that you can come to see me off, and I can see friends when I leave here. This is probably the result I am most looking forward to."

Chu Feng nodded firmly, he would satisfy the thirteenth master's wish, and would do his best to let the thirteenth master know that Chu Feng was indeed like a friend to the thirteenth master.

auzw.com The Thirteenth Master has left, it is like an old person has left Chu Feng’s room. Chu Feng does not have much emotion. After all, he does not endure the kindness of others like the people of the times. However, Chu Feng could also feel the feeling in the heart of the times, how profound it is, and when the Shisanye left the room, he also had an idea in his head.

He told Chu Feng just now that he has a lot of things to be busy during this time, and there are indeed many things, and after this matter is over, the whole city needs to settle down, but all these problems are not enough to make the thirteenth master in this important To treat it alone at the stage, in fact, what the Shisanye most hopes is to be able to give him a gift before Chu Feng leaves.

I still remember that a long time ago, the Thirteenth Master found a secret place with extremely powerful energy, and all the secrets were dug out from that soldier's mouth.

At the beginning, Lord Thirteen wanted to swallow this secret by himself, because he wanted to get energy to improve his strength, but after his next step of understanding the power of devouring, he discovered that his body is fundamental It's not enough to bear those abilities. On the contrary, if you have to bear it, you may still be in danger.

So it was because of this certainty that he put the matter on hold for the time being, and this time Chu Feng was leaving, he remembered the matter again, no matter what. He also wanted to give this energy to Chu Feng. It was considered a generous gift he gave before Chu Feng left. He had thought of letting Chu Feng go with him before, but what he thought was Chu Feng could protect him. .

But now he would not think about it at all. Whether Chu Feng could protect him or not does not need him to think about it himself, because Chu Feng would definitely protect him, and for the acquisition of that energy, he would need to give Chu Feng something. Guiding, and he also felt that Chu Feng would definitely accept this gift, because what Chu Feng most hopes is to improve his strength and make himself stronger, so these things are exactly what Chu Feng needs.

But it should not be too sudden to give this gift, so it is precisely because of this consideration that when talking with Chu Feng just now, the thirteenth master did not mention this matter, and when he After leaving, he immediately began to prepare for this matter, first of all, to make a map and determine a good route.

Then, as far as possible, let the weirdo not leave too eagerly. In fact, it is very easy to do this. The three weirdos are also willing to stay here. After all, from the moment they came here, they You don’t need to worry about your own life anymore, you can live a life without worry about food and clothing every day, and someone will satisfy them for whatever they want. This is a pleasant way of life for them. After returning to the Fire Territory, all of this will disappear, so they were very willing to stay here for a while.

Therefore, with this guarantee, the Shisanye could basically reveal the secret to Chu Feng after he was ready, but the time would not be delayed for too long. According to Shisanye's own determination, It only takes one more day, and he has to implement this matter well, otherwise no one can guarantee that there will be some other problems.

The next day, when the sky was high and bright, the thirteenth master got up early and went out. Today according to his plan, he will go out to explore the route. This is something that must be done, but also to find his energy and prepare. In order to avoid the leaking of the news, Lord Shisan decided to act alone.

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