Whimsical System

Chapter 1614: Two versions

Chu Feng got up early in the morning and prepared some things he needed. In fact, he didn't leave too many things to pack. At most, he would carry the key "sexual" items he got, and after searching for things , He felt that there was nothing to do. A boring life might only appear when there were no problems. When there was a fight before, Chu Feng didn’t feel that time was boring, but instead he felt that time was not enough. .

Life is a bit different now, and Chu Feng can't be considered unsuitable. At most, he has some different feelings when he adapts to this interruption period.

In fact, Chu Feng was also more worried, because after leaving this space, all the problems of returning to the Fire Territory would be surging, whether it was the team or the opponents he had encountered before. In short, all the problems will rush towards him, and can the existing prison escape? It depends on whether the bloated guy can do this. Speaking of it, he and the bloated guy haven't been in contact for a long time. Naturally, I still have to rely on him this time, but I don't know if the bloated guy wants to go back again.

So after getting up today, Chu Feng wanted to meet the bloated guy and have a simple chat. No matter what, the two of them also have a certain relationship after all.

According to the soldier’s guidance, Chu Feng went well and found the place for the bloated guy. When Chu Feng got to the bloated guy, the bloated guy hadn’t gotten up yet, and he didn’t know when he started, lazy. The bed became an essential habit for him.

"Why haven't you gotten up yet? Do you know what time it is now? I almost have lunch. Are you going to sleep until dark?"

Chu Feng wanted to tease the bloated guy deliberately, so when he spoke, it was inevitable that there would be some exaggerated elements. When he heard Chu Feng say this, the bloated guy just got his head out of the quilt. Come out, impatiently said: "I heard you buzzing here endlessly in the morning. I just want to take a good rest. Isn't that okay? Could it be that your base is already strict? It's so harsh, I'm your guest."

At first glance, it was clear that the bloated guy hadn't woken up yet, so he didn't open his eyes when he was speaking, so naturally he couldn't see who was standing in front of him at this time.

"If you are a guest, then what am I, but I won't be lazy."

Chu Feng responded with a smile, and after hearing Chu Feng's voice, the bloated guy finally opened his eyes. This time he can see clearly that the person here is Chu Feng, which is certain.

"You... why are you here?"

The bloated guy sat up directly from the bed with an incredible look on his face, obviously he was surprised at Chu Feng's arrival.

"Nothing is going on today, come over and meet old friends, what's wrong with the old friends? You don't welcome me?" Chu Feng said.

auzw.com"How is it possible? Even if I don’t welcome anyone, I can’t welcome you. I just think it’s a bit strange that you are so busy every day and you still have a chance to come to me today. Could it be that the matter has been resolved or is there some trouble again?"

The news of the bloated guy is not clear, and he doesn't even know about the boy being defeated, so at this time he will ask such questions, which is normal.

"The matter has been settled. There is no trouble here. Basically, it has reached a stage of peace. If nothing happens, we will leave in the next few days. I came here to find you today. In fact, I mainly want to ask you. If you still want to go back, if you want to go back, then let's go back together, or you will take us away, and if you don’t want to stay here, then I will ask the thirteenth master to find another one who has this like you The capable person sent us back."

Chu Feng signed up, there is no trap, and there is no need to make any different remarks. Anyway, now only needs to listen to an answer from the bloated guy, and that is enough, and the bloated guy actually considered this question before. Now that many things happened, he felt that it was obviously not too fast to leave here, so he didn't think much about it, but who knew that it was already imminent now.

"No, I'm leaving in the next few days, I don't have any plans."

"Don't say your sigh, I want to hear your opinion, do you want to go back again, or want to send us back, even if you send us back and come back again."

Chu Feng was anxious to know the result, so after asking it again, he asked again.

The bloated guy stretched out his hand and scratched his head. He thought for a while and said, "I think it's more appropriate to send you back. If it wasn't for me, it would be a little unstable for someone else. After all, I used to do things like this. But if I send you back this time, it means that I will stay there for a while. During that time I will be a little confused, unless you can take me and wait until my rest time is up. Come back by myself, or wait for me to get used to it, I can stay longer."

The bloated guy would naturally not refuse. In fact, Chu Feng could also think that since the bloated guy could go to the fire area before then, it means that he must have certain ideas in the torch. So when he came to ask this question at this time, he just wanted to get an answer to reassure himself.

Now the bloated guy gave an affirmative answer, and he naturally wanted to go back, but after he went back, Chu Feng wanted to guarantee his safety for the time being. For this request, Chu Feng felt nothing. After all, bloated guys also have a certain strength, so as long as they are not shot by a super master, then basically there will be no problems.

Therefore, in the face of the bloated guy's request, Chu Fengdao did not give too much consideration.

"Isn’t it just to protect your safety? No problem, I can take care of this, but I have to tell you one thing first, that is, after I go back, I may encounter many things. After all, you also know that I was because I just came here because of my lack of strength. Now everything I go back there has to start again. If you don’t mind, you can follow me by my side. I just need a few friends.”

After Chu Feng's generalization of the previous topic, it was that before the taste changed directly, the bloated guy wanted Chu Feng to protect his safety. Now, Chu Feng directly wants to borrow the bloated guy to help him.

However, in fact, the final concept of this matter has not changed, but the meaning is somewhat different.

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