Whimsical System

Chapter 1624: Underwater choice

Therefore, before leaving, the two of them remembered the location of this place, so as to prevent the trees from causing damage in the process, which could not be added.

But for the emergence of this problem, both of them hope that it is best not to exist, because once this problem occurs, it means that Chu Feng will fail this time.

Therefore, both of them were resistant to this idea in their hearts, but they also took this into consideration and made relevant measures.

"Dang Cang~"

He carried the thick tree to the edge of the spring and threw it to the ground. Chu Feng used the force of swallowing to dig out the center of the tree, because it was dug together with the root when it was dug.

So at this time, it looks like this tree should be relatively intact, at least it still maintains its vitality.

After almost digging out the center, Chu Feng jumped directly to the center of the tree, and then the thirteenth master pushed the whole tree into the spring water. When the tree's buoyancy just entered the water, the trunk remained suspended.

However, as time went on, the trees gradually began to sink. The reason should be that the Chu wind was exerting force in the center of the trees, so the trees gradually sink to the bottom at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the spring water, and after the entire tree enters the spring water, the trunk of the tree is basically soaked by the spring water.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​Chu Feng was basically pitch black. After all, the sunlight in the trunk of that tree could not shine at all, and the dampness of the “tide” in the darkness gradually became dense. There is no doubt that the whole tree has been soaked because of the soaking of spring water after all.

However, because the trees are still relatively fresh and the roots are also absorbing moisture, although the surrounding "tide" moisture is heavy, there is no substantial "liquid" such as water droplets inside the trunk.

Just in case, as soon as Chu Feng entered the water, he hurriedly wrapped the swallowing power to stimulate his whole body. The purpose was to protect his body from toxic spring water from harming him.

The trunk sinks deeper and deeper, and the traces of the trees are basically no longer visible from the shore.

There was an anxious look on Master Thirteen’s face. Regarding the current phenomenon, he was really inaccurate on weekends. He was afraid of Chu Feng’s accident in the spring water, but although he was anxious, he did not have that. Kind of a very scared look.

If you think about it, you can understand that although Chu Feng is currently his friend, after all, the period of time he needed to rely on Chu Feng has passed, so even if there is a real accident in the punishment, for the thirteenth master, Although it may feel a little unreliable, it does not have a direct "sex" effect. Therefore, for the Thirteenth Lord, this is not enough to cause that kind of mental shock.

Of course there is this idea, which is obviously wrong in the eyes of the Shisanye, and even he himself feels that he has such an idea, which is very shameful.

But no matter whether he thinks this way or not, it is true anyway, no matter whether he feels ashamed or not, he will always find a way in his heart to ease his inner conflicts.

Under the spring water, as the trunk deepens and the "liquid" body is soaked, the weight of the trunk gradually increases, so the sinking speed also increases with the increase in weight.


At this moment, Chu Feng felt it faintly, and a lifting force came from the soles of his feet. Obviously, this was because the tree trunk descended too fast in the water, which caused a habit of being in the water. Sex.

Because the inside of the tree trunk was completely dark, even though Chu Feng wanted to see the situation outside, he had no way to do this under the current situation, so he could only wait and wait for the tree trunk to sink into the spring water. At the very bottom, and then find another opportunity to observe the surrounding situation, and he also feels that since the energy is in this spring, it is not necessarily hidden in a corner.

Because according to the introduction of the Thirteenth Lord, if the energy toxins are very strong, unless he is in a relatively deep part of the spring water to radiate energy, he will let the spring water contain toxins but not so that all the surrounding plants are Die.

So after judging this key point, Chu Feng basically came to the conclusion that the energy of the target should be at the bottom of the spring, so it only needs to rest assured and boldly sink down, and then start searching from the bottom. If you can't find the bottom, look up again.

Anyway, starting from the bottom and looking up, there will not necessarily be faster, and there will be no major trouble.

After he had a plan in his mind, Chu Convenience was relieved. In fact, he did this to calm his emotions, and not to feel confused in this dark environment.

It took nearly ten or twenty minutes from the time the trees entered the water to the bottom of the spring water.

And in this process, the trees also wandered up and down several times in the water. After all, the more you go down, the greater the pressure, and the stronger the buoyancy provided.

So during that process, as long as Chu Feng moved a little bit and the tree lost its original balance, it would most likely be squeezed up by the underlying pressure.

Therefore, during this process, Chu Feng was also tortured, because if he wants to ensure that the trees can sink to the bottom smoothly, he must maintain a posture, and no changes can take place, otherwise the process will suffer. influences.

It is conceivable what kind of suffering Chu Feng experienced during this decline.

But anyway, all this is finally over. Even if there are many problems along the way, the final conclusion is still satisfactory.

When the tree sank quietly to the bottom of the water, Chu Feng was also trying to get out of the tree trunk.

At present, there are two ways for Chu Feng to leave the trunk. One is to move out bit by bit from the place where he entered, and the other is to directly destroy the trunk and leave the tree trunk.

Judging from these two aspects, the first method is naturally to be more secure, but due to the excessive underwater pressure, it is not easy to leave the tree trunk again, and it is working in this area. At that time, it may also be attacked by external spring water.

On the other hand, if it is to destroy the trunk directly, then it is entirely possible to do this "maneuver" with the power of swallowing, because the power of swallowing has always been fierce, and it will definitely be able to completely split the trunk with a single shot.

However, there is also a hidden danger in doing so, that is, after splitting the trunk, if Chu Feng wants to leave, he must swim back manually.

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