Whimsical System

Chapter 1625: Ten minutes

At present, these two options are more difficult to determine for Chu Feng, because they both represent danger. But the current choices are only these. Even if Chu Feng racked his brains to think again, he couldn't find other solutions, so there was no way. No matter how many dangers these two choices conceal, he did not. Ways to refuse.

In contrast, withstands underwater pressure and prevents spring water attacks. The choice of combining these two problems is obviously more troublesome than just resisting the spring water pressure, so this is also considered a problem. Choosing one of the two difficult choices is still acceptable.

No way, Chu Feng seemed to have only made a decision to split the trunk. Although he hadn't imagined the appearance of this decision, he didn't hesitate too much when the current choice appeared. After all, he also knows that no matter how much hesitates, this will eventually need to be faced. It is better to face it calmly than that. Anyway, this is something that must be done.

Chu Feng did some preparatory work in advance. The underwater pressure is very high, but the pressure and the impact can be completely avoided in the trunk, but the thinness of the air makes Chu Feng feel a little uncomfortable. In fact, there is no way for the underwater air to be used for Chu Feng's breathing. At this time, Chu Feng can only borrow the turbid gas remaining in the tree trunk to support the part of the air supply it needs.

But later, when Chu Feng split the tree trunk, spring water poured into the tree trunk. Chu Feng would have to endure the environment where there is no underwater air supply. However, under this last opportunity, the punishment can still use the swallowing power in advance to create a protective measure to preserve the surrounding environment. The surrounding environment will be like iron. The bucket surrounded Chu Feng, and there would be a little thin air remaining in the iron bucket. Of course, the turbidity of the air in this part would be more serious than that in the trunk.

However, it is not serious, but it will eventually allow Chu Feng to get a part of the oxygen supply, and as long as this is met, Chu Feng will not be greatly affected, even if the outside is poisonous spring water, this will not cause Chu Feng. Chu Feng was desperate.

After making all preparations, Chu Feng took a deep breath, and then directly through the force of swallowing, all the only air in the trunk was collected and stored together, and then the force of swallowing carried the water. When the tree trunk was split into two halves, the spring water was directly affected by the pressure and poured into every space inside the tree trunk.

It’s just that Chu Feng had been prepared for a long time, so even though the pressure under the water was great, it was not enough to put Chu Feng in a situation completely immersed in spring water. It was just the confrontation between the swallowing force and the spring water It was only maintained at a level that was evenly matched. Chu Feng could not take the underwater abruptly to cleave another space. After all, this is so different from a tree trunk, so Chu Hong can only always maintain the current range. Large and small areas move as much as possible underwater.

Chu Feng has no special talent for exploring energy, and Lao Chu can provide him with great convenience about this. Lao Chu is very sensitive to all kinds of energy. This comes from his deep heart. A kind of talent for being, in fact, this kind of talent may also depend on the influence brought by the dark soul, after all, it is a personality derived from the dark soul.


But anyway, now that Lao Chu can help Chu Feng, that's enough, and at this time Lao Chu is already prepared, and after Chu Feng made this determination, Lao Chu already knew What is the next thing he has to do, so he is not panicked nor feels "chaotic". At this moment, he only needs to do what he needs to do, help Chu Feng solve the trouble, and then it will be considered as achieved. The meaning of his existence.

"Along the direction of the river, we are still far away from where the energy is. In fact, he is not in the spring water, but in the depths of the spring eye. Otherwise, the energy will not penetrate directly into the spring water. So you’d better be prepared, the water pressure in front will be greater, and because the spring water has the characteristic of spurting "sex", you have to resist the huge energy. Can the swallowing force reach this? One point, this is something I can’t be sure of, but I don’t think he should be able to directly crush the journey of swallowing, after all, the power of swallowing still has extremely powerful power."

Lao Chu reminded Chu Feng that this matter was something he had to say. After all, no one could consider the pressure in the depth of the spring water. Now that this pool of spring water can be so deep, it also represents The power provided by the spring water will be extremely powerful, and at this time, whether the swallowing power can resist the force of the spring water and dive into the depth of the spring water is an unknown number.

But within the envelope of the swallowed power, Chu Feng just nodded slightly. He slowed down his breathing as much as possible, reducing the use of air, in order to prolong the time he spent underwater, Chu Feng He has already started to "fumble" under the water in the direction provided by Lao Chu, but the range is not very far, and the sunlight basically becomes extremely thin in this place.

In the current situation, the swallowing force can withstand the impact of the spring water, but the cold touch can still be transmitted to Chu Feng's surroundings through the swallowing force, and when it is in the tree cover, the coldness The tactile sensation exists all the time, but it has become more obvious now.

As Chu Feng continued to approach the cold feeling of the spring, it became more and more intense, and Chu Feng could also clearly feel the increase in bottom pressure. There is no doubt that what Old Chu said was correct.

Nowadays, resisting the bottom pressure has almost become a difficult problem that Chu Feng must face and must overcome. Although it is not so easy to achieve this at this time, Chu Feng's devouring power can provide Chu Feng with great help at this moment.

After all, the power of swallowing itself is a symbol of strength, so when the pressure comes from the bottom, the power of swallowing can also be very sharp to defeat this pressure, but the energy of this kind of opportunity naturally needs a continuous flow of Chu Feng. Provide, otherwise Chu Feng would have no way to continue the devouring power to its current state.

The underwater propulsion took almost 10 minutes or so. Anyway, Chu Feng did not have a clear concept of time. In short, this process was naturally extremely long for him.

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