Whimsical System

Chapter 1626: Wings outside the protective cover

When the pressure around him became extremely strong, and the swallowing force had a little ripple, Chu Feng felt that the spring water was basically close in front of him, and he could also clearly feel the source of that pressure. In what direction.

But now there are some more insurmountable problems, that is, the gushing of spring water makes the most central position extremely high. At this time, Chu Feng wants to reach that height, I am afraid that it is not only relying on swallowing power. It is achievable because he tried several times before, and basically all ended in failure, and in the last attempt, the protection of Devouring Force even almost changed.

After learning from this lesson, Chu Feng also became cautious. Some attempts are naturally to be tried, but they should not be too risky, otherwise it would be difficult to predict the consequences of this.

On the other hand, it is also the most demanding aspect, that is, when the spring water gushing is maintained at a horizontal frequency, Chu Feng also needs to maintain the protection of the swallowing force at the same frequency, otherwise when the spring water gushing reaches its peak At the time, if the devouring force's protection is not very strong, it is likely to be defeated by the spring water's devouring force protection.

And if the impact of the spring water becomes extremely weak and is not enough to attract attention, Chu Feng will maintain the protection of Devouring Power at the previous powerful attack state, which will cause a certain degree of energy consumption and waste. In addition, the most important thing is this kind of consumption and waste. Once it lasts for too long, it will directly bring some trouble to Chu Feng.

Although Chu Feng would have turned a blind eye to this consumption under normal circumstances, in this underwater environment, he could not be so contemptuous.

After all, when this kind of energy is too strong or too weak, the gap between these two aspects is such a large state, the change of the swallowing power is also the biggest guarantee for Chu Feng's current state.

Regarding the control of this point, that is also an important point that Chu Feng must focus on at present. Under normal circumstances, it must be kept within a reasonable range, and there must be no too strong accidents, otherwise this will lead to Many aspects of the problem have changed.

"The energy changes in the location of the spring eye are too frequent, and the frequency often changes. I really don't know how to maintain this state."

Chu Feng now has no one else to complain about, so he can only tell Lao Chu about the current embarrassment of the situation, hoping that Lao Chu can find him a solution.

At this time, Lao Chu did not have a good solution to the current situation. After all, the current environment is like this. No matter how restraint is used, there will not be too strong changes, and more or less trouble will occur in the process.

All the problems at the moment must be solved by Chu Feng himself, and other people cannot help him and there is no way to help Zu Feng observe the various energy fluctuations from the whole eye. He could naturally explore this point, even without Lao Chu's help, he could touch it, because at this time the energy fluctuations of the fountain were too strong.

auzw.com" I don’t know if the power of swallowing can turn into wings underwater and bring me to that height. I have never tried it, and I don’t know if it is a kind of Risky, but I think I can still try it, but the consumption of devouring power will reach a relatively high level. Old Chu, do you think I should try it?"

Chu Feng was a little entangled. He didn't know how to do it. Although he already had this idea, he felt that this kind of attempt was too risky. Naturally, the surrounding protective cover could not be cancelled, and even if it was derived Wings, that can only be turned into wings on the top of the protective cover.

But for this kind of wings that cannot be close to the body, it is difficult for Chu Feng to guarantee what level of actual utility it can achieve. If it is just some decorative effect, the existence of the wings is naturally meaningless.

In addition, Chu Feng had never tried the application of such wings. This was the first time, and it was also a tricky one for him.

"I can't be sure whether this is practical or not. After all, you have never tried it like this. Now this is a precedent, but the risk factor is also very high. If there is a problem with the wing, it will break and cause a loophole. , Then the spring water will submerge you without reservation.

If this is ordinary spring water, maybe you can try it, but after all, there are strong toxins in spring water. If you come into contact with spring water that is infested by toxins, it will threaten your life, so I I think you still have to think about it carefully. The advice I am giving you is just hope that you can consider it carefully. I neither persuade you to do this, nor dissuade you, let you give up, after all, I don’t know. "

The answer given by Old Chu was basically not very helpful to Chu Feng. He didn’t know how to make this judgment, and he couldn’t tell whether it was right or wrong. Chu Feng made the decision by himself.

At the moment, the limited amount of air is also a urging Chu Feng. He must make a decision as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if he didn't make any attempt to protect himself, he would be in a different situation when the oxygen was exhausted. It is also in danger.

And the most helpless thing is that at present, there is only one crack method that Chu Feng can think of. Whether he makes this choice or not, it seems that he can only focus on this matter.

Chu Fengli thought about it underwater for about a few seconds. Time is very demanding for him and will not give him too much time to think, so he can only make one in this limited time. Decide.

So in the end, no matter what Chu Feng is thinking about in his current head, he still made a choice, that is, he has to try it, at most it will fail.

As for the consequences of that failure, Chu Feng felt that he could bear it completely, wouldn't it be that the protective cover might break! Then he would abandon part of the air when it broke as soon as possible, and abandon the place that was infiltrated by the spring water.

Although he also knows that this is indeed a bit risky, but there is no way. This is the only choice he can make at the moment, and if he does not try, it means that he must give up in his current state. It seems that giving up easily is not what Chu Feng wants to do.

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