Whimsical System

Chapter 1635: Take risks

"I don't know that I can't feel anything now. It may be that my hands are unconscious, but I also find it unrealistic because when I touch my palm, I can still feel the presence of my fingers. , But the things I "touched" at the moment have been completely lost, the sense of existence, as if there is nothing, but I know it should be impossible."

Chu Feng talked about everything he felt, while "groping" around, hoping to find some reason.

According to his current introduction, Lao Chu can actually easily determine what the current situation is.

The pain he felt before was the result of too much concentration of energy, but nowadays, in a situation where he can't feel any state at all, it is because when the energy is crowded to a certain degree, it will cancel each other out. At this time, the swallowing power just reached a state of conservation with the energy, so Chu Feng would not feel any sensations, as if he had entered an energy body, but this energy body did not have any energy fluctuations.

But although this situation sounds more secure, and there will be no accidents, it is precisely because of this situation that some unpredictable dangers are more likely to occur.

"Don't "chaotic" move your current devouring power and energy to a relatively conserved state, but if you "chaotically" wave and cause damage to this balance, then energy will definitely be swallowed The power is swallowed."

The energy will swallow the power of swallowing, which seems to be a bit contrary to common sense, but the current situation is indeed the case, but Chu Feng can't truly understand it.

Although energy does not have much strength, but when the power of swallowing becomes weaker than it, he can also absorb the power of swallowing. Of course, using swallow may seem a little convoluted and cannot be understood. But if it is absorbed, this can be very clear and understand the viewpoint expressed by Lao Chu.

"Then what should I do? I'm here right now and let it continue to maintain its balance, but this is not the solution after all!"

Chu Feng was very embarrassed, and also a little impatient. The current situation has far exceeded his expectations of the overall event. Now he is moving or not moving or not, just staying in that static state, but let Keeping his body still is not an easy task, especially when the spring water is constantly impacting Chu Feng’s body and causing damage to his static state, he must use the power of his whole body to be able to make a state. be consistent!

"You started to try to absorb energy, don’t worry, you must try to absorb it and open a gap in the power of swallowing. Now you are in the most important position of energy. There will never be a spring in that place, although There are toxins in energy, but you have to take this risk!"

Old Chu's suggestions made Chu Feng really wonder whether he should listen or not!

It stands to reason that the toxins in the spring water are all emitted by this group of energy, and the toxins in the spring water have reached that level of horror, how is it possible to directly contact the source of the toxins now?

But Lao Chu said this again, and it didn't look like he was joking. In addition, in such a state, who would joke casually!

auzw.com "Are you serious, right? I really want to contact?"

Chu Feng was a little unsure, so he asked this again, as a confirmation, but at this moment Lao Chu's answer was still so firm.

"Don't hesitate, time is running out, you have to do this, I know this is a bit embarrassing for you, but you have no other choice, the current situation is critical enough, if you miss this opportunity, the continuation of energy is for you. There is no guarantee, if you cannot weaken the energy itself, then you will be in danger of life!"

Lao Chu did not have 100% confidence, but he was very determined to make this decision, because he knew that if he hesitated now, he would not necessarily bear the pain that Chu Feng could not bear, so he did not To be able to expose Chu Feng to such a risk, instead of taking some danger at this time, it is better than just waiting to die.

Chu Feng got an affirmative answer from the mouse, so he didn't hesitate anymore. Instead, he directly followed the advice of the host and lifted the protection of the swallowing force on his hands. And when the power of swallowing disappeared, the influx of toxins came surging like a river, and suffering during the turbulent process, there was no shortage of it.

There is no doubt that it was an unbearable process. Even after experiencing a lot of painful punishments, there were some thoughts about giving up at this moment. The feeling finally made Chu Feng understand what life is better than death.

However, during this process, Lao Chu kept cheering him on, because Lao Chu knew what Chu Feng was going through at the moment, and he had to do something to let Chu Feng stick to it, even if he tried his best. Do everything you can do!

Therefore, although Chu Feng had thought of giving up several times when he was suffering, he still clenched his teeth and persisted under Lao Chu's cheering and urging.

As a result, he didn't know how long it had passed. Anyway, Chu Feng had completely lost the concept of time. He didn't know what he was going through or how long he was going to go through.

In short, there is only one thought in his head, that is, grit your teeth, don't have other thoughts, don't have any distracting thoughts, as long as you stick to it, it will be fine, nothing else, just because Lao Chu is still around. Waiting for the result that might make him feel hopeful.

Basically, it takes nearly two hours from absorption to completion. It is almost two hours. What kind of concept is this? No one can bear two hours in pain, but this time Chu Feng did it. He became the first most powerful person in his own knowledge.

When all the energy is absorbed, the spring water around the energy is gradually lost, and there is a supply of energy toxins.

The first part is that the toxin index in the spring water drops to the extreme in an instant, and then although it fluctuates, it is not as turbulent as before.

It’s just that the current punishment has indeed completely lost the protection of the swallowing power. There is no doubt that in the process of absorbing, the swallowing power is also "forced" to a corner during the continuous influx of energy. There is no way to move one step further.

As a result, until Chu Feng lost consciousness because of the end of absorbing energy, there was no turbulence in the swallowing power.

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