Whimsical System

Chapter 1636: Powerful soul?

And just when Old Chu thought that Chu Feng might be suffocated by the spring water at this moment, the energy in his body spontaneously began to protect his Chu Feng. Although the current energy is not domesticated, the energy already has this kind of autonomy. Consciousness.

And what makes people feel even more exaggerated is that energy can actually **** oxygen from the spring water. At that moment, Lao Chu felt that the energy was really amazing, and it was so amazing that it was beyond his imagination. He didn't even Dare to consider, this is actually what a group of dead things have done.

The surrounding spring water gradually lost its wave due to the plunder of energy.

The spring water used to be like a big river with turbulent waves, but now it becomes a small river gurgling, there is nothing other than the ticking sound, even within sight, the spring water seems to be a pool that has long been abandoned. Still water.

No one knows what happened during this process. Chu Feng has passed out in a coma. Although Lao Chu can observe everything around him, the dark scene can only give him a general view. Concept only.

When the protective shield formed by energy had reached the scale, Chu Feng also gradually regained consciousness within the created oxygen space. This was a long process, which lasted almost 4 hours.

It’s hard to imagine what Chu Feng experienced during these 4 hours. In these 4 hours, the Thirteenth Master was also experiencing growth. He waited on the river bank, but waited and waited. No, five or six hours have passed in a blink of an eye.

This was a terrifying thing, but in the poisonous spring water, Chu Feng did not appear again for five or six hours. It felt like he had already encountered misfortune under the spring water.

Although the Thirteenth Lord was very unwilling to see this result, and was unwilling to believe in this matter, the various situations that were presented now were already manifested in that state.

The thirteenth master stood at the edge of the spring, lowered his head and looked in. He was not afraid. Is there anything else in the depth of the spring? Anyway, he just looked around, waiting for a surprise to appear, but waited a long time. For a long time, he didn't notice the existence of this surprise.

The Thirteenth Master was a little disappointed, and in the process of disappointment, the seeds of despair were slowly germinating. This was a wrong decision. He kept telling himself that he should not let Chu Feng come here to take risks. Chu Feng shouldn't be allowed to do these things, but now it is useless to say more, everything has already become a fact.

Master Thirteen had never thought of leaving, at least at this time he had not thought of it.

But he knew that even if he hadn’t thought about leaving, if he waited for enough time before Chu Feng appeared, maybe he should give up because some things are destined to be given up, even Persevere to the extreme, then giving up is always the final outcome.

In the depths of the spring’s eyes, Chu Feng has awakened from the protection of energy. After regaining consciousness, he coughed a few times, and then he observed the surrounding situation without any surprises. Under the protection of energy, he was within sight It was pitch black and there was nothing.


But when Chu Feng regained consciousness, Lao Chu was most delighted. He had always worried about Chu Feng's life safety. Now when Chu Feng regained consciousness, the worries in his heart were finally relieved.

"Chu Feng, you finally woke up. Do you know how long you have been in a coma? For 4 hours, I was terrified for you for 4 hours, but now it is finally well, you have recovered Consciousness, I don’t need to worry anymore."

When Old Chu's voice rang in his ears, Chu Feng let out a sigh of relief. Originally, he thought he had already died! But now it seems that his guess is not accurate, and he seems to have gained some benefits in the process of absorbing energy, because he feels that his physical strength seems to have been restored to the extreme, which is a very magical feeling. , It seems to be extremely tired, but suddenly full of strength.

"Old Chu, what have I experienced on earth? Why do I feel that my body seems to have regained its strength? Did something happen in the process or did I really have some accident?"

There were only questions left in Chu Feng's head. He had many things he wanted to ask Lao Chu for answers, but now Lao Chu seems to be unable to give a 100% answer.

"I don't know the specific situation. Under my observation, I only know that when the swallowing force disappears and the spring water poses a threat to you, the energy collected in the body will protect you and also protect you. The oxygen is plundered from the spring to provide you with the most urgent needs.

The feeling at the time was really surprising, as if the energy was a living body, he knew what you needed to protect you, but since he did all this, he didn’t have the slightest movement. It's just that there is such a protective cover to protect your body, besides that, he will not do any more actions, and I don't know whether he is dead or alive. "

Lao Chu said all he knew in one breath. What was the reason for this? Chu Feng didn't know, he was also guessing, but it was obviously not that easy to guess the result, and the current situation was already in front of him. All he knew was just such a process. As for the others, he was basically basic. I don't know anything about it.

"Could it be that there is a soul in this energy. If there is a soul, it's not surprising to behave like this, but if there is a soul, you should be able to feel it?"

Chu Fan proposed a guess, but even he himself felt a little unsure about this guess. How could something like the soul be able to draw a conclusion casually?

Moreover, the existence of the soul in the current situation is basically an uncertain thing, and it may take a long process to find the answer.

"I’m not good to say about this. After all, some souls are better able to hide themselves. If he doesn’t want us to know his existence, I guess I can’t find it even if I try my best. There is a soul hidden in it, so it is probably a very powerful soul."

On the subject of soul, Lao Chu really had no way to make a judgment. After all, even if he guessed it, it doesn't necessarily represent the truth, so instead of wasting your mind here, it's better to wait until you get back to the shore and then slowly investigate, maybe you can really find some traces.

"Okay, it seems that you don't understand this, so let's go back first, I think the thirteenth master must be waiting on the shore in a hurry."

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