Whimsical System

Chapter 1681: Old routines and new problems

The action unfolded quickly. Chu Feng and the Thirteenth Master each led a team to implement their plan. In the process, Chu Feng did not have too much worries. He felt that wanting to do this kind of thing was basically very difficult. It's easy, because he can control many aspects. He has the unique conditions to fight in the air. No matter how high the opponent's driving level is, this will not affect his capture plan, and in the process Among them, the soldiers who have just entered the battle are not as confident as Chu Feng, but with Chu Feng leading them, it is considered a part of the worry. In comparison, at least they are better than the soldiers following the Thirteenth Lord. many.

The Thirteenth Lord does not currently have any specific plans, and some of the decisions he has made are merely special preparations based on the current situation.

As for whether there will be some special situations in the process, the Shisanye has not considered this aspect at all, because in his opinion, even if there is a situation, it can be solved. He did not think about it. After how to solve it, all he thinks is that he might solve it, and he also has one aspect of ability.

In air combat, there are actually many things that need to be paid attention to, but the current thirteenth master does not put his mind on this matter. He thinks that as long as the number of air combatants is large, the result can be achieved very easily, but he The idea is only aimed at the unprepared spy. If the spy is prepared, this kind of thing is not so easy to achieve.

But he did not think of this, and in the subsequent planning and arrangements, he still made some of the simplest arrangements as at the beginning, and then asked everyone to be vigilant and achieve the goal as much as possible, but good luck It will not always exist, and sometimes when some good luck appears, there will be some bad operations soon, just like the current situation.

The Thirteenth Master felt that his good fortune had reached the extreme. Every decision he made was able to achieve the goal, and under normal circumstances, everyone would have gained something because of his arrangement, and he began to become complacent. , I feel that all the victories have something to do with him, even his own dominance.

According to the information provided by the spy captain, Shisanye quickly came to the designated place to wait. Waiting has become commonplace for him. After all, all previous spy arrests were the result of waiting.

But there is one thing that must be determined, that is, waiting. Although it is possible to get results, it is not a completely successful process.

It turned out to be like this this time. He waited for a long time, but he didn't find the target at all. At first he thought it was because the time was still relatively early, but as time went on, he began to feel that this matter was a bit strange. If the situation was really true, how could he have waited until now and couldn't wait for the result, so he began to wonder if the spy captain was in it and told him a false message.

But when he doubted this matter, the spy captain had already been sent to the city, and it was obviously too late to inquire at this moment.

And when the Thirteenth Lord didn't know how to make a decision, the soldier who was investigating ahead happened to come back and report a piece of news.

auzw.com"The target was found, but the target seems to have escaped. The direction of escape is about 1 kilometer away from us. It is obviously too late to hunt down!"

The emergence of this news is definitely a blow to the thirteenth master. He wanted to maintain the target but was temporarily escaped by the target. What kind of result was this? Obviously this kind of frustration is not acceptable to everyone. It is not something anyone can afford.

When this result was presented, the Thirteenth Lord could not push the responsibility out, because the spy captain was correct. They did appear at this time, and the number of people and the overall equipment were very consistent. , This can prove that the spy captain did not lie.

But what is unexpected is that when the information is accurate and the time is completely accurate, this happens suddenly.

Obviously, many people can't understand this result. Especially in this situation, the Thirteenth Lord has also been hit hard. Why does this happen? Could it be that there was a problem with his tactical arrangements, he felt that it was a little unlikely, because he had made sufficient preparations before that, as long as the accident did not happen, there would basically be no problems, because he had deployed this way before Yes, how could there be a problem now, but at this time there was an accident.

At that time, it felt as if he was deliberately opposing him now, and he would not be under his control at all. This kind of result made the Thirteenth a little bit hated. He didn't know who to blame, but it seemed wrong to blame himself Because he did nothing wrong.

So in the end, the decision he made was only to lead everyone back, and then look for opportunities. The group of people who fled had become his worry, and Chu Feng on the other side had just succeeded.

Compared with the thirteenth master Chu Feng fighting, he naturally has his own way of dealing with it, and he has to wait to eat. Although it is a very safe decision, problems will also arise, because many things are in the waiting process. It is unavoidable, for example, that one’s own arrangement is discovered, because in all teams there will always be a few people who are good at exploring the surrounding situation, even if the spy has not been disturbed for a long time, but this It will not affect some people to have such an idea, so under the influence of such an idea, it will inevitably lead to a result.

That is, before every action, someone will inevitably inquire about the news, and then determine the surrounding security situation, if you have been waiting to remain in a position unchanged, as long as the surrounding environment is still acceptable, then basically you can find the previous Containment.

Speaking of the location of one kilometer in the air, it is not too far away, but just this kilometer can completely allow a person or a team to escape.

Chu Feng is already aware of this problem, and he also made a decision at this time. If there is a problem in the waiting, it is better to turn the waiting into an active attack, as long as the waiting can be changed. Then the final result may be acceptable.

Of course, when making this decision, Chu Feng also had some concerns. After all, he couldn't be sure that he would really succeed in making this decision. After all, the gap between waiting and changing tactics would be a change in the number of people!

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