Whimsical System

Chapter 1682: Just out of the wolf den and into the tiger den

And if there is a discrepancy in the number of people, so that there is no way to fight with each other at all, this will lead to some results that are difficult to accept. But even under such danger, Chu Feng still made this decision. What he relied on was not the analysis of things, but his own judgment and confidence in his own ideas. He felt that he should do this. You can achieve the result you want.

Although there may be accidents in the process, what decision will not be accidental, as long as the decision is made at this moment, and then the result of the determination by any means is an accident, it is completely acceptable, anyway, anyway You have to try it first, and even if it fails, then find a way to make up for it.

It is precisely because this state is affecting Chu Feng that he is always considering this when making all decisions, and the final conclusion is reached. But it is exactly what he considered. Just after he split the team into parts and reduced the probability of being discovered by others, the target team appeared and quickly determined. The current situation seems to be relatively safe. At this time, only Chu Feng was in front of him. Although they found a strange target, they didn’t have too much doubt about how a person could round up them, especially in the air, and they thought it was another spy team, after all, the wizard bird they were pious to was also at this moment. Those captured from the dark beach team.

There is no doubt that this is Chu Feng's deceitful strategy. It does not have such a fixed mind, but thinks that this may be effective. As a result, this guess happened at this time. When all the spies didn’t doubt Chu Feng, Chu Feng’s plan took shape in an instant, and then surrounded them all. The security team has a total of 6 people, not many, but compared to before It's not too small.

And in the process, there may be some accidents. For example, if these six people work together, it is very likely that some problems will occur, and when these problems cannot be solved in time, it may cause even greater changes. Therefore, Chu Feng had made close arrangements before doing this. He was worried that there would be changes, so he let everyone ambush, and ensure their own safety as much as possible, and then let them find the right time. , Don’t shoot too quickly or too slowly.

When the target team and Chu Feng crossed over, all the ambushers had already "exposed" their positions at the same moment, and then contracted the encirclement. Chu Feng showed his devouring power in it, and the whole person leapt He exerted his devouring power to the extreme in the air, and his move also caused the restlessness of all the targets. They never considered that there would be such a trumpet "color" as Chu Feng, and they never felt that In this process, such a big accident will occur, but no matter what they consider now, it is obviously too late to start wanting to change, and it is not that easy.

Moreover, Chu Feng had already contained one of the spy's necks at this moment. He didn't want to kill the spy. All he wanted to do was to borrow this spy as much as possible, and then restrict others, although in the process More or less there will be some changes, but Chu Feng feels that he can completely solve it. For example, the undercover spy who is under control will struggle around, making it difficult for him to maintain balance in the air, but this is not too much. Because of Chu Feng’s view, he can accept such a change.


It is also completely possible to restrain such changes, although this process requires greater effort. For the maintenance of the other soldiers, the remaining 5 spies did not act too aggressively. Anyway, from the overall situation, the current situation has been restricted.

Although the remaining 5 spy agents are also trying to resist, they are far less intense than what you imagined after eating. Therefore, it is only a matter of time to subdue them. Chu Feng controlled one by one, and then one after another. Without too much time for the arrest, this goal has been achieved, and it took about half an hour from encirclement to arrest.

And in this half an hour, it seemed that the spies had become very honest. Every time they caught one of their honesty, a part of them would be highlighted, and slowly they stopped resisting, because he knew that resisting was useless.

Special guys like Chu Feng who can fly on their own have never been able to provoke them, and they seem to cherish their own "life". Although they cannot be generalized, based on the current investigation, all The spy members are basically hesitant to their lives, and they are also reluctant to fight with Chu Feng in spider silk, because in his opinion, this kind of desperate struggle is meaningless and cannot be so risky.

After all, there is only one life, and if you fall down in this high altitude, the life that has only one time will naturally not exist, so instead of doing this, it is better to restrain yourself, so that you can become more comfortable and not Encountered too many risks. Although thinking about such issues under such circumstances may make people feel a bit abrupt, it does fit the current reality. Because if he doesn’t take his life seriously, then the end result is that they will lose their lives, and it is precisely because they value their lives that they will be lucky enough to save their lives. There will not be too many accidents.

And just after Chu Feng controlled all the spies, new news came from a distance. This time it was still from the soldiers under the command of Chu Feng. It was the same as the thirteenth master. On the one hand, they were reporting that the target team had disappeared, while Chu Feng was reporting that they had found a new team. At this moment, their escape was to escape from the roundup of the thirteenth masters and crash into Chu Feng's arms.

If the two are the other way around, maybe they still have a chance to survive, but unfortunately they are. They completely plunged themselves into distress. There were a total of 4 people in their team. One of them was very sensitive to the surrounding environment. It was because of him that these 4 people were able to escape the thirteen Master’s round-up, but this time, no matter how sensitive he is, he can’t change the ending, because they have entered Chu Feng’s observation range, and this range has even exceeded the distance of 5 kilometers. It was originally a safe place. Distance, but Chu Feng’s flying ability will not be affected by the 5 kilometers.

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