Whimsical System

Chapter 1732: Gloomy mountain forest

"No problem, I can accept and protect you. In fact, it is also a responsibility for me. If I bring you out and then cannot bring you back safely, it is also a mistake of mine. So now you propose this The request is completely acceptable to me, and yours is indeed unable to fight against wild animals, and even if I encounter too many beasts, I can only avoid the battle, so I can understand, and you don’t have to What is wrong about this thing, I asked you strictly before, that is because you can do those things, I don’t want you to give up your ability, but now I promise to help you, that’s because I know you Can’t deal with these problems, so you naturally have nothing to be ashamed of. Let’s go, I can promise you this condition, and you don’t have any other opinions. Then our two people’s ideas are unified, and we should act. It’s almost time. If we can safely get out of the forest before dark today, then we have successfully completed today’s task."

Chu Feng's attitude has changed a lot. He no longer forced the soldiers as they did yesterday. In fact, the force was just to disarm him. Otherwise, the soldiers would treat Chu Feng too much, so that some orders would not be possible in the future. Go ahead, abide by what Chu Feng said today and even though it has brought some good changes to the soldiers, it still allows the soldiers to remember what happened yesterday. After all, this time interval is relatively short, and it is not easy to forget about fear. So far, although soldiers no longer have the previous fear of Chu Feng, they still have enough respect for Chu Feng.

The two moved forward together and rushed to the forest on foot. The edge of the forest is a relatively broken wall. It is said that a battlefield fortress was built in this place before, but all of them collapsed due to disrepair, and now the stones are also They were all moved by neighboring villagers to build houses, so there are only some broken walls left in this place, and even stones are rarely seen again. You can enter the mountains and forests through this area. In the middle of the mountain, there are many strange things in the forest. It is considered a virgin forest. There is not much interpersonal transformation. Therefore, it is normal for the mountain forest to be thick and some wild beasts appear. Maybe this is the only one in the entire space that can accommodate There are many places where wild beasts hide, and it can also provide some food and water for the beasts to survive. Relatively speaking, this is a good place, but recently hunters also found this place, they always hunted on the nearby edge , To maintain their livelihoods, now they have dared to enter the depths of the mountains and forests, the main reason is because they jointly formed a hunter team.

In addition, the current beasts are denser on the edge, and there are some beasts at the deep level, so entering the depths of the mountains and forests will be a bold and rewarding move. Many hunters want to make a living, so that they can make a living. A more comfortable life is also taking risks to participate in the hunter team. Now according to the villagers on the edge of the mountain forest, a hunter team has just entered the mountain forest. It is only ten different from Chu Feng. It only takes a few minutes. If Chu Feng two are fast enough, they should be able to catch up.

"It seems that today we want people to make this decision, but it is correct. It takes more than ten minutes. If we go faster, it is estimated that we can catch up soon. After all, they need to explore the surrounding situation. The speed of advance should be cautious. It's not fast, and we can almost move forward. If you really encounter a beast, you don't have to worry, we will increase the road from the air, and if the beast can be found on the outside, then the hunters inside can be dangerous. "


Chu Feng, this is just a simple guess. There are indeed not too many wild beasts in the periphery. Even though the surrounding environment has been changed by the infestation of wild beasts before, the periphery will no longer be a place where wild beasts can breathe in. , Because hunters have become more and more, some farmers have also joined the hunter’s team. It is not that their harvest is not good, but the business of hunting beasts has become more and more popular recently. Of course, at the moment it is just that the beast just Only some signs appear. If the army of wild beasts really starts to attack the city, I am afraid that these wild beasts of these fierce rockets will flee in embarrassment like seeing monsters, and they will no longer be rounded up like the current one. Endless business.

The two of Chu Feng quickened their steps and went straight to the depths of the forest. When their old people were gradually covered by the shadows of the leaves, they clearly felt that the surrounding air had dropped to a certain level. This was a normal situation. The temperature in the mountain forest is usually relatively low, and the humidity is relatively high. Because of this, some creatures such as snakes, insects, rats and ants grow here. They like this environment very much, and they also provide for the beasts here. With some abundant resources, at this peripheral stage, although the temperature is low, it can never compare to the invisible environment in the depths.

After entering the forest, the two have been in close contact with each other at all times, preventing them at all times, because someone was "lost" and lost contact and disconnected, so the environment in this forest at this moment can still distinguish the surrounding objects, but the more Going deeper, the situation is not so good, so in order to prevent this kind of problem, Chu Feng has also reminded the soldiers. The soldiers will naturally follow Chu Feng’s orders, so they are like those Chu Feng thought of. The problem will naturally not arise at this time.

“It’s always surprisingly quiet around here. I feel a little bit unreliable. Although I don’t know the environment very well, things like this are a bit abnormal after all. You follow me carefully, don’t be with me If you leave alone, in this environment, even if I want it, it’s not easy for you. Now not only I want to protect you, but you also have to protect yourself, but you can’t take everything All hopes are pinned on me, otherwise I cannot solve any problems that arise."

Chu Feng always likes to make things more serious, and then ask the soldiers to pay attention to the matter. He absolutely can't take it lightly. Sure enough, after he finished saying this, the soldiers did become more cautious. He didn't understand the environment. Although he had seen the beasts, they were all dead, but just by looking at them, he could know how fierce they were before they were alive.

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