Whimsical System

Chapter 1733: Seven Hunters

Therefore, under this kind of self-suggestion, the soldiers didn’t dare to neglect too much. They just followed Chu Feng’s footsteps, for fear that they would lose a step and plunge themselves into a disaster. Regarding the surrounding environment, He didn't even dare to take another look. He just needed to watch his feet not be entangled in vines, and it was enough not to be bitten by those snakes, insects, rats and ants. The two of them soon wanted to catch up with Chu Feng. Soldiers have spent some time, but this kind of fast walking also brings some benefits, that is, the extremely fast exercise allows the body's sweat and blood to flow quickly, and the body temperature rises. The dark "damp" and wet environment did not have so many discomforts.

It took almost 20 minutes before and after the walk. During this time, the soldiers dared not stop for a moment, but they paid a great price in terms of physical exertion. Even if he wanted to try his best to catch up with Chu Feng, his physical condition made him feel weak.

"Master Chu Feng, would you like to take a break? I'm really out of strength. It is not easy to keep up with your speed. I am exhausted to the extent that I can hold on now. If you don't let me rest, I guess I can't keep up with you. It doesn't matter if I am left behind, but I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve the goal you requested according to your arrangements."

The soldier wanted to take a break, but he had to find a suitable reason, and he had to say a statement that satisfies Chu Feng, so his expression now can prove his thoughts and the cautiousness in his heart. , But no matter what, when he said this sentence, Chu Feng understood it, and slowed down appropriately, but did not stop because of it.

"It's indeed a bit tired. Then let's go slowly, stop and rest. Some are not realistic. The surrounding environment is so complicated. Let's rest. It won't be great if you come to the beast, and what about the hunters ahead? We don’t know where we are. If the front is an open area and if they speed up, it is estimated that we will not be able to chase, so we can’t stop anyway. Seeing that we are going to catch up with those hunters, don’t If you can give up all your previous efforts, you said that if the wild beasts gather in front and these hunters encounter misfortune, then it is estimated that we will not be able to get news from them."

Chu Feng wanted to explain this matter, because if he refused directly, it would inevitably be a blow to the soldiers, and it might also cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers, even if he didn't tell him to keep him in his heart. This kind of emotion will cause problems sooner or later, so even if Chu Feng absolutely can't stop, then he must tell the soldier why he can't stop, but actually can't catch up. This is not possible for the soldier. It was enough to move him because if he couldn't catch up, then speeding up could achieve the goal, but if the number of beasts in front suddenly increased and those hunters couldn't deal with it, then this matter would be more troublesome.

In fact, this point was also a question that Chu Feng remembered temporarily. In fact, he was not worrying about this in vain, but like the current environment, if the surrounding beasts suddenly increase, a hunter cannot handle it. In such a dim environment, even if the hunters want to escape, it’s not that easy. Moreover, in the process of escaping, they are more likely to be attacked by wild beasts. If it is resolved, then even if Chu Feng and the others catch up, it is of no use.


So when Chu Feng gave out this reason, the soldier immediately realized the importance of this matter. Therefore, even if he is exhausted now, he can only continue to persevere in order to complete the task. Walking down slowly did not cause him too unacceptable torture. The speed slowed down. At least in the process of advancing, his physical strength should be reduced, and his physical strength was also at this slow speed. Gradually recovered while walking. Basically, it is not much different from staying in place to repair. Even if there is a certain amount of lack, it is not to the degree of existence that is not the slightest difference, so for this decision , The soldiers are completely willing to accept.

At the same time, in the depths of the mountain forest, a 7-member hunter team is slowly moving forward. This is the first time they have entered such a deep mountain forest. As for the surrounding environment, they are gradually losing Control, they don’t know what to do or what will happen next.

The hunter who led the team was a young guy. He led the team into the forest for the first time. They always hunt outside the forest on weekdays, but since they heard that there are more beasts in the forest, they changed this idea. , And there are young people in the team. As the saying goes, they are not afraid of tigers when they are born. They always feel that if they can encounter good luck in the forest this time, they may be able to return with full satisfaction. This way, it is also for their hunter career at this time It can be regarded as a note of great brilliance.

It’s just that under these brilliance, they never thought about the emergence of danger. They never thought about how they should cope if the beasts appeared in front of them in droves. After all, the weapons in their hands were also Just some bows and arrows, butcher knives and other things like these, just deal with a beast, it is already a little stretched, and if a group of beasts encounters them, even if they stand in front of them and let them kill, It is estimated that it will not reach the level of getting rid of the danger.

"This mountain forest is getting denser and denser. Let's go down. I guess I can’t see anything. Although I brought a candle, it’s a question of whether it can be lit in such a place, and the light will attract. As for the beasts around, I am worried that if there are too many beasts, we may not be able to fight with them."

One of the seven people is always conscious, even if it is overwhelmed by the benefits that are about to emerge at the moment, but the important "sex" of life is also always reminding him that he cannot do some reckless things, especially In such a situation, he needs to be more cautious, so he feels that he should remind his friends, not to run around here too casually, in case it really happens. What's the trouble, I'm afraid they will have to give their names here.

It’s just that when this person’s voice sounded, in other places we also thought of the people who thought of him opposite, because under the influence of the big environment, many people always want to fight hard, so like this On the contrary, the relative voice is much more than this cautious voice.

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