Whimsical System

Chapter 2092: Willingness to continue cooperation

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Perhaps these things may make people think that it is too long-winded, or that it is not necessary at all, but if you really don’t plan in this area, then the situation that arises in the process may be somewhat It makes people unable to affirm, so in the whole process, there are many things that must be implemented, and an answer must be obtained, otherwise there may be various different situations. So at this time, no matter what considerations they have, they must implement the most critical step, that is, what methods need to be used to solve this matter, if they have not done well in these aspects. The preparations for this will inevitably produce a variety of different conditions, so it doesn’t matter who makes some plans at this time, what matters is what kind of method is needed to deal with in this process, and then Get the most accurate result.

"Under a normal situation, there are really too many things to be solved, and no answer can be obtained. If everyone is to deal with it at this time, and then to carry out the corresponding analysis, this A situation may become completely different, and no one will even make a different suggestion at this time, including in the various situations that arise in this matter, it will actually be Initiating some different changes, this is not some of our own influence but some changes brought about by this matter itself, if everyone is doing something meaningless at this time, then it is right This matter will definitely have some impact!

According to my opinion, in fact, there is no difference in this matter. At most, our perspective on things has changed. If we really want to make preparations for these aspects, we might do it in some other way. Processing, and then we can get a result, but no matter which aspect is adopted, the conclusion must be impossible to judge, and it also needs to be studied in various ways, which is not what we want to see The result obtained is also not the result of the transformation that I need to make now. I don’t want to make this matter chaotic, and even if I can only conduct research in this way, the changes that have occurred must be others. Unwilling to accept!

If you can really put forward some ideas and get a result at this time, it may be completely different, but it is only some conclusions that are generated for this matter, and all the situations will change at this time. To be different, this is not my thoughts on this matter, but the possible changes in this matter, which will make people come to different special situations!


I just made a suggestion at this time. In this process, your attitude towards this matter can actually determine some things. I just don’t know how you think about it. If you do it well With these preparations, a lot of things will basically emerge at this time. I can opt out at this time. This is not to say how big I think about you, or how big this matter is for me. In the whole process, I only need to do one thing, so that the whole thing has nothing to do with me, and I have never considered this aspect. I want to let What an impact this incident has on me, because it has no meaning at all! "

From the current point of view, many things do not need to be carefully crafted. First of all, the angles between them are completely different, and if you really want to make a judgment on this matter, there will actually be various things. In various special situations, they did not carry out the relationship based on the actual meaning of the current situation. This is already an attempt to change this matter. If some special situations are really used to make some judgments to get the result. On the contrary, this will make this matter a little confusing. This is definitely not a normal situation. It is impossible to even get a standard result based on this matter. How did they consider it? There may be completely different changes, or even some differences in this matter. Even if the various problems between them are a fixed result, they will also produce different situations. , So at this time, what kind of method is needed to control this aspect is more important, but not too many people will put forward some ideas at this time, even at this time, it really will There are some special situations, but it is only a matter of looking at it from a not particularly important perspective. If there are really problems in the whole process, this will only make the matter slowly become a little bit. It won't be noticeable.

"I am willing to believe you when you say this, because I don't think you have any pursuit of this matter at all, and even you think that your idea is only based on the current temporary angle, and there is no such thing. The next consideration, if there is really a need for these aspects to get a result, then it is only a basic research on this matter!

So I don’t have any harsh requirements for you, and I have never thought about how this matter needs to be resolved. It’s just that under the current situation, I don’t want to see this result and get it. Such a conclusion does not want to make this matter too complicated. First of all, such a situation is not beneficial to us. In addition, if you really do such a thing, the cooperation between us may end here. I don’t want to see such a result. This is for us. It is indeed a tragedy, so if it is really possible, you still have to implement the various situations you are currently encountering and your views on this matter. I think only such things can Being able to make you feel satisfied, including the resolution of this matter, is actually a way to change you. Even if I am not ready for this, this will not affect our understanding of this. A solution to this matter, even we have already reached some kind of cooperation in this way, but we have not implemented this kind of cooperation to the end, and I never think that this way will happen. what is the problem! "


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