Whimsical System

Chapter 2093: Unprogressive praise

"Listening to you so much, in fact, I just want to continue our cooperation. I think I should be able to understand what you mean, because I have basically seen some clear things in this matter, even During this process, there may occasionally be some special situations, but it does not matter. After all, you have already expressed your ideas to a clearer point. I only need to draw a result based on your judgment. , It is enough. In fact, during the whole process, I am not worried about any problems, because for me it is just a simple cooperation, and my purpose from the very beginning is to want Finding a place to stand, now as long as you can stay with you, it basically achieves your goal. As for what other situations may arise, this is not what I need to worry about.

And you should also be able to understand that when I do something, I will never put forward any other ideas based on one thing, and I am unwilling to let this thing be changed, because the thing itself may have various kinds of ideas. In such a different situation, even if there may be some changes in the process, there is actually no need to make this determination, because things will change sooner or later, and in the process of changes, there are actually There are many things that need to be considered, but no matter which aspect of a plan is to be made, there will always be many problems to get a standard result, even in this matter there may already be some A special change, but this is just a plan based on the thing itself, and there are no other problems! "

The two people have some exchanges at this time. In fact, no matter what kind of change the problem may have, it will not have much impact on the whole thing. From a simple point of view, many problems are actually It needs to be certain. Even if some simple effects have been produced in the process, it will not change the matter too much. No matter how many times they have communicated between them, Regardless of how many ideas there are, in fact, they are only based on a relatively acceptable state. If there is any problem, it is actually just that they have closer communication and then achieve a goal.

In a situation similar to this aspect, more or less standard results will appear, but under this result state, no matter what method is used, no special circumstances may be obtained. This is basically The above is just a simple change, and there should be no problems other than that, and in all these states, a relatively standard result can also be obtained, but occasionally some special circumstances will occur.

auzw.com"You can think about it this way. In fact, this may be based on some of your own assumptions. I don’t think there is anything wrong with your consideration, nor do I think Some of the thoughts you make in this matter will affect who, in fact, this is a relatively normal angle to consider the problem, if some special circumstances really occur in the process, then there is no way To make some judgments, it's just that our own analysis of this matter is not thorough. In fact, for you, this is no problem.

Including some special situations that may arise during this process, it is actually completely acceptable. After all, everyone can get a similar result from this perspective, and then proceed according to the current problem. Some analysis, no matter what kind of situation this matter may have, in fact, it is only some plans made for the matter itself, and cannot have much impact on the whole process, and the most important thing is this. Some things may produce some assumptions about our own changes. Now you really don’t have any right to decide anything. After all, you are just standing in the current position without making any progress, but I think a situation like yours is actually not all bad. Now you are not involved in anything. It only shows that you are unwilling to do this. If you really have these aspects I think you can get what you want soon. It’s just a situation like this, which may make people feel that there is no way to accept that many people will do these things like you, but Not many people can maintain a calm mood like you!

What I want to get may be that many people want to get it at the same time, but you alone do not have such an idea. Otherwise, if you have already planned these aspects, I am afraid that in the process, you have already gone. Do what you want to cheat others, and you can also get what you want in the process of entrapment, so in this whole process, I still have absolute trust in you, because you have never done it Anything that goes against the plan does not give some consideration to these things. Perhaps there may be some situations in the whole process, but it is just some plans for the matter itself, not It can represent too many things, and in the whole process, some specific results will actually bring some corresponding preparations and fate!

I don’t think that this matter will change anyone so much, and I don’t think that such a situation may have what kind of results. In fact, in what you think, it’s just about one thing. Just make a generalization. This generalization can be a very simple method or a very complicated process. Anyway, as long as you make this decision, then this matter may get a completely different result. , Including some special situations that occurred in this matter, in fact, it is completely impossible to make these judgments. It is just that we have added a different meaning to this matter, so this matter It will become somewhat different, but I think that similar to this aspect, there may be more or less completely different situations, and some uncertain factors will be added to the whole process. This is not our own. The result is that the matter itself may have some changes, resulting in a completely different conclusion. This may be the most important way for us, but it does not determine too many things! "


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