Whimsical System

Chapter 2132: The problem is not comprehensive

"All the problems that we have considered are just a result of this process. Even if the process has really caused some impact, it will not cause much of the matter itself. Changes, including some special changes that may occur in this matter, are actually just some ideas for the matter itself!

Now what you are worried about is actually some of the things I can do at present, but I will not deal with it in this way, because it is of no benefit to me!

Although some people think that doing so may bring some benefits, but put away your consideration of those benefits and ideas. All these questions are just some determinations made for the current situation, not at all. How simple it can be to make things easier, especially the impacts produced during this process may be just a plan for the matter itself!

Now I can give you a lot of decisions about this matter, and I can also guarantee that one thing and the result will be determined in this matter!

It’s just that some problems that may arise during this process will make people feel unacceptable. You can analyze it according to the current situation, but you cannot make this matter too simple. Because all our actions may lead to an uncertain result, including some problems arising in this matter. In fact, the final contradiction is the same. We are not allowed to make such a judgment, nor is it allowed. How big an impact this event will have, the most likely possibility is that we can’t make a reasonable plan based on this event, and we don’t even know what impact this event might have. During the whole process, you can't make an analysis of this matter in the past!

So basically there are a lot of problems that will make a big change for us. The trust between us is actually not important at all, even if you suspect me at this time, it doesn’t matter, because this matter is for you and me. Said that it is a very simple problem, it will not cause much impact at all, but if you keep this kind of thinking and still can't solve this matter, then this matter will become very messy , Not even a useful treatment!

You can tell me that your thoughts in this matter are relatively normal, and you will not even think about too many issues for this matter, but any changes that occur at this moment are actually in your consideration, even you It is impossible to decide whether this matter will cause some problems that we cannot handle. If in this process, you have made some determinations based on the current situation, and you also know that doing so is not a good thing, but you But it is still handled in this way, and there is no idea of ​​changing the matter itself based on this matter. If you have already made this decision and know that this matter will not pass at all To conduct research in this way, how can you ensure that there will be no accidents in this matter? Anyway, I have already understood that there may be some problems in this process, including some of the impacts brought about by this matter. Anyway, the whole process is just to make a determination through this method, and then pass this way Channels to make changes!


If we have given you some affirmative ideas about this matter, and then achieved some guarantees in this way, then similar to this matter, there may be some impacts, specific circumstances, and Only at this time can make a change!

I don't want to see such a result. I believe you must have the same idea, but why is there a situation similar to this at this time? I believe you should be able to understand, including you also know some of the results that will be produced in this process, what are they, if you just make some judgments based on the current situation, you don’t even know that this is possible What kind of impact will it bring? Sooner or later you will be greatly changed because of this matter, and even you yourself cannot guarantee your own safety. This may not be so important to the whole thing, but you You should be able to understand what kind of result this has caused such a big impact on you!

I think it is similar to the current situation, there may be various changes, and it is impossible to even put forward some ideas about this matter. But no matter what, some of the problems that appeared in this whole thing can actually be solved fundamentally!

You can make a guarantee based on this matter or put forward an idea in the process, but there is no way to be sure that this matter will be resolved in this way, nor can it be done in this way. To deal with it, you can think about this matter properly, or you can deal with the problem according to your own ideas, but no matter what method is used to solve a matter, in fact, the final result can only be produced at this time An uncertain factor can't even solve some changes in the current problem. I cannot accept this problem nor allow it to exist similar to the current situation. Anyway, in all the processes, no matter what method is used to solve them, the final problem will only exist in this matter, and no results will even be obtained! "

It is easier to deal with it from a relatively simple direction and then to solve this aspect. Almost anyone who knows this matter can basically understand the truth, but if you really want to do an analysis based on the current situation , Even if you want to solve this matter completely, it’s probably not that simple, because there are many problems that may arise during the competition, and many of them cannot even be solved in accordance with the current situation. If any results produced in this series of questions can only be processed in this way, then the final answer can only be processed and solved in this way!

Therefore, among the various problems that may arise, some specific ideas can only be generated at this time, and they cannot even make a reasonable judgment based on the current situation. This does not mean this What special circumstances a matter has, does not mean what kind of result will be produced in this question, anyway, all special changes will produce a different special situation in the process.


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