Whimsical System

Chapter 2133: Will not go against

From the perspective of the layout of the war, all problems seem to be solvable, but at this stage, no matter what method is used for research, it is only based on the impact of the matter itself. If the problems at this moment have produced some different results, then it will not be able to bring some changes to this matter, even if all the problems have been presented at this time, and it is even impossible to proceed. If the problem is solved, then some special problems have basically appeared. Considering that there may be a result from this perspective, perhaps many things can only become nervous and serious at this time. If this problem has already appeared, it will not even If it can be solved, the approach similar to this aspect will become completely different. However, some special circumstances that exist at this moment seem to have become acceptable, and they will not even have much impact on this matter.

At this time, basically the key issues have been solved. Even if some of the remaining things need to be deliberately considered at this time, it will not become too exaggerated, and there are many in the process. Things can actually be solved very simply. At least they did not make any plans based on this matter. In fact, some of the current problems have not become so important. Once the battle is on, everything can be done. Get a most fundamental solution, even if they are still planning some problems, but it will not become too deliberate, and when they are thinking about it, they actually think of what needs to be done. Solve if they don’t know how these things need to be handled, then in many cases, some specific results will become a little unclear at this time, so when they communicate, they should do They have already determined the issues that should be dealt with, and the rest is just to put forward some plans for this matter, even if there are some more acute problems in the process, but this is not the case. Will not address the current situation.

"Now that I have put all the rights in your hands, you should be able to know how much risk I am taking, and you should also be able to understand the importance of this matter to me, but I am not worried , Because I know that this matter is considered from a relatively simple point of view, in fact, a result can be obtained, unless this matter has produced a situation that I cannot control, but I think similar to this aspect seems to be basic The above will not appear because we all know what this matter means to us. If you really want to do such a thing, then I can’t accept it, and I have to deal with it. You can rest assured after dropping these things!

Some of the current situations seem to be just a simple beginning for you, and they will not even become too serious. As for what will happen next, you may never have thought about it, but it is also very Normal, because this does not require you to consider this aspect, but I don't hope that this matter will bring much result, even I can consider this matter, there may be some accidents!

We can make some judgments based on the current situation, and then let this matter get a real solution, but under this normal angle, if some specific problems have already appeared, then some key factors must be caused. Now, all the situations seem to have appeared at this time. This may be our misjudgment on this matter, but it will not have much impact in this process!

Your current thoughts on this matter are actually relatively simple. I can even consider what kind of things we should do during this process, and in this process, whether through What kind of way to conduct research, in fact, the final result will appear in this process, we can't help but believe it!

auzw.com may be because of this reason, which led to this result, I can take this problem seriously at this time, and even analyze it in the process As a result, even if this matter is not good for me, it will not make things too important!

And now I can think of relatively few topics, even if I have already thought of some of the problems that occurred in this process, it cannot be solved in accordance with the current situation, because many things may cause some influences! "

"Since you have already thought of this topic, it seems that you can only make some plans for this matter at this time, and at this stage, your service considerations are actually just a simple way, not even Able to do any solution!

But I should be able to understand what kind of thoughts this incident will produce, and even I know the changes that this incident will bring about, and what kind of results it can produce. You can rest assured that I will not be in this process. If there is any damage to this matter, even if I have the ability, I would not do it, because it will not do me any good, and it may even cause you to retaliate. I can understand your worries at this moment. , But I can understand this matter better. If there is an accident, what kind of things I need to bear. To be honest, for me, many things are actually not worthwhile, unless I can get some gains. , Otherwise I would never make some decisions because of this way! "

Consider from a simple point of view, all problems can indeed be solved, even if it is something, it is indeed possible to cause worry, but as long as this sentence can be clearly stated, then some problems can be solved. A most fundamental treatment. Even in this matter, as long as they have done a good job of considering this aspect, then all the issues will not become too important, including they themselves know what they need to do at this time!

Chu Feng has already made this promise, no matter whether he will be able to travel in the future, he has already said this at this time anyway, and he does not feel that he will have anything to do with this matter. Violation, because he had never planned in this regard, so naturally there would be no such thing as violation.


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