Whimsical System

Chapter 829: Follow after removing toxins

Leaving the residence of the host captain of the alien galaxy and walking straight ahead, the fog gradually became cute.

That used to be the source of Chu Feng's pain, but now it is the place Chu Feng is looking forward to most.

Going deep into the darkness of the "mist" fog, the noisy sounds around, everything is so likable.

Chu Feng fell in love with this feeling. It was a group of guys who tossed their lives around as coins. If they didn't catch it, let it roll off. They weren't qualified to have these from the beginning.

I came to this small window sill for the third time, and at this time, it was not the dry tree-like arm that protruded from the window sill.

It was a childish arm, and its owner should be a five or six-year-old child, meaty, just like the steamed bun.

Perhaps these are the two extremes between life. When the virus was first planted, the withered palm of his hand gave Chu Feng an extremely strong visual stimulation.

And now the pink palm seems to be deprived of the stimulation again.

Chu Feng handed his arm over, a gentle sensation gradually spread to the arm along the fingertips.

The bruises on his arms began to fade away, like puddles of ink washed away by water.

Gradually, his arms returned to their previous appearance, and the immature arms in the window sill retracted, and at that moment, Chu Feng seemed to hear a few children's laughter.

The laughter sounded like a summer afternoon, a group of chasing children, each carrying a bamboo pole to catch, the old cicadas.

Chu Feng encountered this situation only in his dreams. After losing his childhood, most people have lost half their lives.

The life that had been lost has already disappeared without a trace and returned with that cicada scream.

Whether this is pain or happiness, no one can tell the reason for this. Even at this moment, Chu Feng, who has a lot of insights, cannot make the slightest judgment on this matter.

Even Chu Feng had an unrealistic feeling. Cicada Ming's child is an illusion. At this moment, besides life and death struggles and intrigues, what other lively scenes are there.


Chu Feng let out a long sigh of relief, then turned and jumped off the platform, returned to the side of the alien host captain and urged him, "Let's go!"

"What did you feel just now? You seem to be very happy. It should be a very good memory, right?"

However, at the moment Chu Feng urged him to leave, the captain of the alien host suddenly made such a question.

"I can't feel what happiness is, even I have forgotten the feeling of happiness. Don't think about it anymore. It's just an illusion. There is nothing strange!"

Chu Feng responded lukewarm. At this moment, he had decided to forget all the things just now. Although it was more difficult, he would at least work hard!

"Why do you deceive yourself! Or you are deceiving me? Actually, this is an inherent rule. When the toxin is completely wiped out, everyone will recall the happiest moment in their lives, perhaps This is the final counterattack made by toxins. They always think that by doing so, those who advocate removing them will be able to feel pity and compassion in secret!

auzw.com Although it doesn't make any difference, they have always enjoyed it. Perhaps this is their own life! "

The captain of the alien host gave a detailed introduction to this matter, and Chu Feng couldn't understand his intentions, nor did he bother to listen to these stories.

After the alien galaxy host team talked about it for a long time, what they finally got was nothing but a blank eye of Chu Feng.

"Have you finished? Let's go if you are finished, I have to go back and make preparations!" Chu Feng is still cold, since the previous incident happened, Chu Feng has not given the captain of the alien host Good face.

However, the captain of the alien system host remained the same as before, showing a nonchalant look.

And he never forgot to talk with Chu Feng, even if he couldn't get Chu Feng's response, he still enjoyed it!

"Are you anxious to go back? Or I'll show you around again! Although you have been here twice, I don't think anyone has taken you around!" The alien host captain enthusiastically suggested.

Chu Feng glanced at the captain of the alien galaxy host, and had some thoughts in his heart, but in the end he still shook his head.

"No need! This kind of place is not attractive to me at all! If you like it, you can stay here for a while, and I will go back by myself!"

"Haha... It seems you are really anxious! Well, since you are not interested, let's go! I don't want to do things that are difficult for a strong man!" The alien host captain smiled, but didn't say much what.

The two walked in tandem, rushing out of the layers of "mist" fog, and brought them back to the lonely trail.

There is no one on either side of the road, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is lonely.

"Should you go back by yourself or do I send you back?" The alien host captain asked at the end of the road.

"Whatever, if you are interested, you can go to my place to sit for a while. I have new coffee there. Although I know you have it, it belongs to me after all. It might taste better for you!"

When he said this, Chu Feng had hardly considered it at all. It was like a casual polite remark, and it was over after a little perfunctory. There was no practical significance.

However, this sentence is more than that for the captain of the alien host.

Otherwise, he would never readily agree to Chu Feng's invitation.

"If you invite me, I think I have to go there. I just have one more thing to tell you, maybe this is an opportunity!"

Chu Feng turned to look at the captain of the alien galaxy host, feeling a little unhappy, and then he began to regret the words he had just said, but it was a pity that the world did not regret taking the "medicine".

"If you like it, then just do it with you! Anyway, there is no guard sent to my door, so no one will stop you!" Chu Feng walked on his own, while the alien host captain was inseparable. Followed him.

The current scene looks a little weird. As the captain of this resident, the host captain of the alien galaxy is following Chu Feng as if he were accompanying him.

Moreover, he seems to like this feeling very much, at least not annoying.

The road is very long, and during this period, several streets have to be passed. Wherever they go, these two people will attract the attention of everyone around them.

Chu Feng has always been a nonchalant look, but the captain of the alien galaxy host is also happy in it, unable to extricate himself!

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