Whimsical System

Chapter 830: Big crisis

Chu Feng's residence.

"Please come in, rare guest!" Chu Feng took out the key to open the door, and then invited the captain of the galaxy host to enter.

"With your attitude, it seems that you forced me to come in. Can't you change your tone?" The alien host captain said this sentence in a joking tone with a smile on his mouth.

"Whatever you think. In short, my attitude won't change much. Just talk about it if you have anything. There is no need to have so many circles!" Chu Feng said as he took out the coffee beans from the cabinet. Come.

Although his words were a bit impolite, the promise he made earlier is now being fulfilled in earnest.

"Are you going to make coffee for me this time? Maybe I can wait until I finish drinking and drinking coffee, and then talk to you about this topic, otherwise I am afraid that after I say it, I won't be able to drink your coffee!" The host captain smiled.

"Whatever you want!" Chu Feng replied coldly, and then got busy with himself.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng brought two cups of steaming coffee to the captain of the alien host.

One cup was placed on the tea table, and the other cup was held in his hand.

"thanks for treatment!"

The alien host captain reached out and picked up the cup of coffee on the tea table, and took a sip. The strong bitter taste instantly encroached on his taste buds, so that he couldn't help frowning.

"How does it taste?" Chu Feng stared at him blankly, as if the scene before him was exactly what he expected.

"The smell is very strong, it has reached the point that I can't bear it!" The alien host captain frowned, and said this vaguely with his stiff tongue.

"This may be the difference between us. This bit of bitterness is nothing to me, but it is extremely unbearable to you! It can be seen from this that you can't endure bitterness, bit by bit. You can't eat it!"

Chu Feng took a big sip fiercely, all of which was held in his mouth without swallowing it. The coffee was so bitter that it was definitely bitter that he had never touched.

Soon his tongue spasm, but he has been enduring the pain, when the hotness in his mouth gradually became mild, and the bitterness was gradually adapted to him.


Putting the coffee cup gently on the tea table, Chu Feng wringed his tongue subconsciously so that he could be a little clearer when he spoke.

"Now that you have tasted the coffee, is it time to talk about your business?" Chu Feng asked.

"Um... of course!"

The captain of the alien host nodded while putting the coffee cup back in place. At this moment, his whole person became much more energetic, and he didn't know if it was because of the coffee.


"Actually, what I just said is relatively important to you, because it will be related to the lives of your friends!" said the alien host captain.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, can you make it clearer?" Chu Feng asked.

"Forget it, let me just say it! Now that the charges of your friends have been basically settled, although I have been helping you with this aspect of work, when the guest arrives tomorrow, everything here is probably It will have been handed over to him temporarily, and this is undoubtedly disadvantageous for your friends!

After all, even if I am in front of him, there is no way to openly disobey his orders! So I hope you can prepare early! "The alien host captain suggested.

"How do you ask me to prepare? Even if you can't help it, what can I do?" Chu Feng couldn't help being a little annoyed. The alien host captain's words clearly meant to violate his promise.

But it was just that in this short day, the captain of the alien galaxy host repeatedly violated his promise, which really made Chu Feng a little unhappy.

"I know this matter will have a great impact on you, but there is nothing I can do about it. After all, the arrival as a guest will be beyond my control, so I can only give as much information as possible To you, and then let you make a preparation in advance. In addition, the reason why I arrange you to meet him is that a large part of it is to let you take this opportunity to bring your guest closer. If you can have a relationship with him At the level of you and me, maybe this matter can be solved!" The alien host captain explained.

"Don’t link that matter to this. Perhaps in your opinion, the two things are related to a certain degree, but that is only for objective reasons. If subjective reasons are to be investigated, then this responsibility is still On your body!" Chu Feng didn't want to listen to the explanation of the captain of the alien system host. He was obviously already a little bit dazzled by anger.

It happened too suddenly, as if it had exceeded Chu Feng's expectations. If he did what the alien host captain said, then the beggar and others would have to wait for death!

If he wanted to preserve the "life" of beggars and others, then Chu Feng would have to think of other methods.

And now the most convenient method with the highest success rate is to secretly solve this mysterious guest.

Although it is difficult to implement this matter, it is not impossible as long as it is well planned.

However, time is tight now, if Chu Feng wants to do it, he must start preparing from this moment.

Moreover, he still needs a certain amount of manpower. However, he has very few people available right now, but we can directly assume that we don't have one.

After all, his team is not here at this time. As the saying goes, far away cannot quench the near thirst. If they were to be dispatched, after they arrived, I am afraid that the beggars would have already been executed!

Therefore, Chu Feng had to dig out the surrounding resources, and at the moment, besides the host holding the knife, she probably only has the captain of the alien host who can assist him.

However, how to persuade the captain of the alien host to help him do this is another difficult task this time.

If this matter is placed in front of normal people, it may not be considered at all. After all, the host captain of the alien galaxy and the real master belong to the same galaxy and are his immediate superiors.

Both Yu Qing and Li, the host captain of the alien galaxy did not assist Chu Feng in eradicating the reason for this person.

But Chu Feng didn't think so, even though he knew that the success rate of this matter was not very high. But he wanted to give it a try. As the so-called sword went slant, Chu Feng still had to do some risky action this time.

"Captain, although the method you provided to me is more practical, I still have a more practical method!" Chu Feng raised his brows slightly and said with a smile.

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