Whimsical System

Chapter 842: Tacit awareness

"There is no problem in terms of time, but I need you to give me a more precise range. After all, you also know that our time is relatively tight now, and it is not available for you to use anytime and anywhere, so I need You give me an exact value, even if it is longer than I expected, there is no big problem!"

The captain of the alien host's request for Chu Feng was considered permission, but in the process of permission, he also set a checkpoint for Chu Feng.

"I don't need too much time. You only need to give me ten minutes for ten minutes!" Chu Feng stretched out his hand and made a gesture to express the concept of time.

"Yes, this time is within my acceptable range. I can wait for you for ten minutes, and I look forward to your answer in ten minutes!" The alien host captain nodded, and then put the coffee on the table again. Serve it up.

Chu Feng looked at the alien host captain who looked like a friend but was not a friend, and his heart could be described as mixed!

He didn't know what he was doing now. This was originally just an assessment, but he got to this level while he was confused, and with the continuous expansion of the participants, this matter gradually began to surpass him. Although everything is still within his own plan, he is already a little tired of the current state.

Just like the current plan, although it is said that it only takes ten minutes to come up with a new strategy, how can this matter be so simple in fact.

And the reason why Chu Feng said this was just to force the "sex" to maintain this mentality!

After all, he knew that only when he forced himself to be "sex", could he come up with a more accurate and practical strategy in a short period of time.

This is the case right now. Although he does not know the outcome of this matter, he has already defined a range for himself in advance, and if he cannot achieve his goal within this range, he must bear the loss of trust. s consequence.

But fortunately, Chu Feng's positioning of himself was fairly correct, at least he did not overestimate himself in this matter.

Ten minutes later, before Chu Feng waited for the alien host captain to ask himself, he took the initiative to tell the story.

"The time is almost up, and my plan is almost ready. I don't know if you can do it, Captain, and listen to my plan?"

"Of course, I'm waiting anytime, anywhere!" Upon hearing this, the alien host captain subconsciously straightened himself, and solemnly replied.


Chu Feng nodded, and then began his remarks: "Just now we were dealing with the issue of dispatching from above, and we had differences!

After careful consideration, I finally came up with the second way. Although the driving process of the second way is slightly more complicated than the first way, its guarantee and safety are indeed slightly more than the first way. Be safe!

I thought about it this way. When the investigators above arrived at the station, I decided to meet them by myself, and then I would come forward to deal with them!


During this period, I don’t want the captain, you and anyone in the station to appear in their sight. Since we want to do this safely, there can be no omissions! "

"If you solve it yourself, how do you plan to solve it?"

The host captain of the alien galaxy is more concerned, mainly in Chu Feng's aspect, but as to his aspect, it seems that there is no big problem.

"In response to these people who come with tasks, I usually have a relatively complete plan to implement step by step. They are only to investigate the situation here, and I can use a favorable identity to convey the situation to them. !

First of all, I am a person from an alien system, and my appearance will inevitably attract their attention, and they will also have corresponding doubts about me. After all, my appearance will seem a little abrupt and inconsistent from any angle. Common sense!

And just when they turn everything to me, then I can convey a potential meaning to them through my special situation. This is a kind of without any language modification, but just let them go. A consciousness of doubt, I call this consciousness the consciousness of tacit consent! "

"Acquisition consciousness?" The alien host captain muttered in a low voice. At this time, there was no one in his mind, which was relatively accurate.

"Yes, acquiescence consciousness! Like this acquiescence, one is that he refers to a kind of clear "sexual" transmission of people or things, and he will not take on any language or behavior carrier!

This situation is like a person. Although you don't know his background, you will subconsciously have an emotion of trust or doubt towards him, and this emotion is what I call the kind of tacit consciousness!

My goal is to create this awareness of acquiescence, and then leave a certain impression in their hearts, and when this impression gradually penetrates into their hearts, and builds a firmer image in their hearts time! Then I can use this image to teach them a result that is more correct in their opinion!

As for the results of this kind of information, I believe they will definitely believe in it. After all, this is a conclusion they have personally drawn, and it is not a forced transmission of "sex" to them by anyone, so in this case they will Gradually, in an environment where there is no external force, I switched to the direction I first set for them!

And when this step is truly implemented in reality, then my work will come to an end! "

"I understand what you mean, but if you want to do this, don't you have some danger yourself?"

After listening to what Chu Feng said, the captain of the alien host had clearly understood Chu Feng's original intention, otherwise he would not say such a sentence, and asked quite meaningfully.

"When there is danger, there will be naturally, but it will not be too dangerous. At most, it is just being suspected by others. Under normal circumstances, there will be no life threatening!

What's more, when implementing the plan, I will subconsciously instill in them an idea of ​​deliberately excluding me! "

"It shouldn't be easy, right?" the alien host captain asked.

"Yes, this is indeed not an easy task, but I have the confidence to do it!"

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