Whimsical System

Chapter 843: Inexplicable bewitching

"Sometimes information does not necessarily lead to the completion of a thing. After all, strength is still the most important part of this, so I hope what you have is not confidence but strength!"

The captain of the alien host suddenly became fond of extracting chapters and sentences, and even the guarantees made by Chu Feng, he had to correct the mistakes!

"Captain, I don’t deny that what you said is correct, but it’s not really useful to emphasize this point. After all, this plan is done by me, so I only know whether I have the strength. The instruction you just made, it only applies to the sentence I just said!

In addition, there may be no other actual "sex" role! "

Chu Feng appeared impatient here, even though the two were still discussing this matter, Chu Feng had already expressed his attitude very clearly.

"Okay! It seems that you don't like to hear me talk about these things. If so, then I will put away my mind for the time being, but this does not mean that I will change this kind of thinking. In China, my position has always been a bystander, and I still have reservations about the chief deployer of your plan!"

Although the alien host captain showed weakness here, he still maintained a certain bottom line. If Chu Feng openly challenged his bottom line, then he might really do something unexpected for Chu Feng.

Of course, Chu Feng basically didn't allow these things, although Chu Feng didn't have the power to stop the alien host captain and do something.

But Chu Feng at least has the power to make opinions and the ability to change his plan.

"Captain, please rest assured! I promised you will give you a satisfactory plan before. Whether you have reservations about my plan at this time, I will make you listen to the whole process of my plan as you wish!

If you still do not have confidence in my plan until then, I can also develop other methods according to your arrangements, or directly modify the plan until you are satisfied! "

Chu Feng's attitude is very sincere. Obviously, he should have been fully mentally prepared before saying this sentence, and when this sentence is said, this means that he has given up himself from a certain angle. Part of the rights.

And this right is closely related to everything he currently owns.

"Don't you think about giving up this plan?" The captain of the alien host suddenly asked such a question, and this question was obviously beyond Chu Feng's expectations.

Otherwise, Chu Feng's expression would not suddenly become serious!

"Captain, I don't want to express my attitude twice, because you and I are smart people, so there is no need for those complicated explanations!

And although the question you are asking now has violated this aspect, I will not feel bad about you because of it!

After all, you are my most important partner, and for partners I have always advocated sincere relatives, using heart-to-heart communication! Perhaps this sentence sounds a bit hypocritical and unrealistic, but I hope you can believe that this is indeed what I think in my heart, at least at the moment my heart thinks so!

So in order to keep what I have in mind at this time, I advise you not to make this kind of mistake over and over again. At this time, I will be like you again and convey my thoughts.


I will never give up on this plan. With or without your support, even if I am alone, I will not give up on this plan because it will affect the life and death of my friends, so I must Regarding this plan as my life, even if there are many difficulties in the process of using it, I will never back down easily! "

When making this answer, Chu Feng's expression was extremely cold, and at a certain moment, even the captain of the alien galaxy host experienced a different feeling that he had never experienced.

This feeling is like a threat, a threat beyond life and even soul.

It's just that this kind of feeling only happened in a moment, and it didn't leave any traces after passing through. Even if it was a deliberate recollection, it would not gain anything.

For this feeling, the alien host captain prefers to regard it as an illusion, because only in this way can he persuade himself to forget about this matter.

"Okay, I have already remembered your instructions, and I have kept them firmly in my heart!

Don't worry, I will never mention this matter again in the future, even if I finally refuse your cooperation, I will never tell this matter again! "

In the end, the alien host captain said this sentence. Although it was a guarantee without nutritional value, it still had a lot of significance for Chu Feng.

Although Chu Feng himself did not take this matter to his heart, at least in the eyes of the alien host captain, he has once again gained Chu Feng's trust.

In fact, sometimes he had thought about this problem himself, whether he needed to go to Chu Feng to maintain this relationship.

In his opinion, the maintenance of this relationship has a price for him, whether it is betrayal or life, this will be a price she cannot bear.

But for some reason, he has a stubborn persistence in this relationship, even if he knows what he will suffer in the process, he still can't stop his thoughts.

He had always thought that he was "tempered" by the punishment, so he became what he is now.

But as time went on, when he gradually gained a new understanding of himself, he realized that all of this was originally taken by him to think and decide.

It seems that at this moment he is also being dominated by other personalities, and the personality that dominates him still has absolute trust, even dependence on Chu Feng!

Of course, this kind of personality statement is only a metaphor after all!

Because he knew his other personality, he had already disappeared from this world at this time, and he himself was the only special host in many organizations that only had a single personality, but could still maintain the host identity.

"Thank you for your understanding, Captain!" Chu Feng solemnly thanked the Captain of the alien system host, as if these words were already prepared.

Just after the alien host captain finished answering, these words of Chu Feng blurted out!

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