Whimsical System

Chapter 844: Five-day mission

"It's okay, you and me don't need to talk about this word, after all, this is a cooperation. Since it is a cooperation, then the two conveniences are mutually beneficial, so this word has no value at all!" The alien host captain seems to be very repulsive Chu Feng thanked him, but he didn't know whether he pretended to be like this on purpose, or whether this was his inner thoughts!

"I see, let's continue! My plan hasn't been finished yet!" Chu Feng's expression is still cold, but it has improved somewhat compared to before.

"Okay!" The alien host captain obeyed Chu Feng's will, and made a simple response and then closed his mouth tightly.

"We just talked about how to deal with the investigators dispatched from above. In fact, although we currently have two methods for this aspect, in my opinion, perhaps the second method is more suitable for this plan!

Although this plan was just thought of by me, after my analysis just now, I finally think that this method is better and more reliable than the previous first method! "

"Hmm..." The alien host captain nodded in agreement, "The second method is indeed much more secure than the first method, but this second plan is slightly unfair to you. After all, you are only one person. If you push everything to yourself, then you will inevitably be a little strenuous, and it will even cause some undesirable consequences. If it is out of consideration for you, So in the second plan, it seems a bit too inhumane!"

I don't know what the alien host captain is suddenly confused, so he has to do everything possible to consider for Chu Feng.

At this moment, he even talked about humanity, and the more he was like this, the more Chu Feng would not be attracted, and he was uneasy.

After hearing the words of the host captain of the alien galaxy, Chu Feng couldn't help having a hunch that he would be calculated.

Although he knew that all of this was not realistic, he couldn't stop drilling out of his head.

"It doesn't matter, this was originally the plan I made for myself, not to mention the biggest beneficiary in this plan is me, and you are just my collaborator!

So if you really want to pursue the benefits of this, it should be me who will occupy most of it! "

Although I don’t understand the thoughts of the host captain of the alien galaxy, there are some things that should be said. Maybe this is just some worthless polite words to outsiders, but when these polite words appear in this situation Sometimes, their meanings will also undergo some less quantitative changes.

"I still feel a bit unfair to you, but since you have said so, then I won't think about it for you anymore!"

Chu Feng's hunch was indeed correct. After all, the alien host captain did not change anything. Although he had shown a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance before that, when the matter was really implemented, he changed back to it. To the original state.

Even the traces that existed before have not left a trace.

"Yeah!" Facing the response from the host captain of the alien galaxy, what Chu Feng had to do was just a simple response.

Right now, his plan hasn't been finished yet, and his time is still so tight, so he doesn't want to waste too much time, intrigue, guessing about each other.

auzw.com So no matter what thoughts the captain of the alien system host has at this time, he tries to make himself blind to it.

"After the investigators above are dealt with, under normal circumstances, they should formulate a new plan to solve this matter, right?"

Chu Feng continued to talk about his plan, and before telling the plan, he asked the captain of the alien system host a question before the next step.

"If we look at this issue from a normal angle, there will indeed be such a process in our galaxy!" The alien host captain nodded in affirmation, and at the same time, there was a mutter in his heart.

He didn't know why Chu Feng knew so much about the c2 galaxy. If it was just hearsay, then his seriousness would be too amazing!

"Okay! Since this is normal, let's continue to develop this plan from this perspective!

First of all, if a plan is made, then our station will definitely become the first responsible team!

After that, the above will set a time for our resident. Although I am not sure about the length of this time, at least one thing is clear, that is, this time will definitely not exceed five days!

As for the reason, you should also understand that it is within five days that the creature can still survive in a relatively harsh environment, but once it exceeds five days, the creature will be in danger anytime and anywhere! "

"Yes, this is indeed a hard "sex" standard!" The alien host captain responded.

"Well! Then what we have to discuss next is how to arrange the five-day plan!

I believe that when I mentioned the five-day plan, you should have already begun to construct such a picture in your mind. All the people in our station were dispatched and then searched. Although we were acting, our actions were very "forced". "True, and in the eyes of every team member, this is indeed a task, and it is still a task that must be completed! "

Chu Feng used language to construct a more realistic blueprint picture for the host captain of the alien galaxy. Although this does not necessarily make the host captain of the alien galaxy produce a more three-dimensional picture, at least Chu Feng's words can be used to attack the host of the alien galaxy. The captain's thoughts gradually shifted with his words.

And when this shift reaches a certain level, then the picture that Chu Feng is talking about can naturally be presented in the mind of the alien host captain!

"Do you really want us to cast a big net like fishing to find the guest who has already been cleared?"

The captain of the alien system host didn't quite understand what Chu Feng wanted to express. Although he knew that this event would happen sooner or later, he didn't think about what he should do when this event really appeared.

"If it is necessary, it is inevitable to do so! However, this is not an irreversible phenomenon!

In my opinion, perhaps we can deal with this task in two ways!

On the one hand, that is, as we just said, pretending to send people to find the guest. Although he has disappeared, the plan can still be run according to normal channels! "

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