Whimsical System

Chapter 915: Yelling

According to Chu Feng's investigation, most of these vegetations were cylindrical, and they were forcibly spliced ​​together in a very strange posture.

If it is a certain kind of handicraft, it is more in line with the state of this vegetation at this time.

"I don't know if this kind of vegetation can be eaten, if it can, maybe it can provide me with some energy during this period of being trapped!"

Because of the nature of human beings for food, as soon as Chu Feng came into contact with this kind of vegetation, he immediately had a desire to eat it.

Although this is not a too practical idea, Chu Feng wants to try it anyway.

"This kind of vegetation shouldn't look like that kind of edible food! I suggest that you better not make this kind of food, try it too boldly!"

When Chu Feng had this idea, Lao Chu's first reaction was to quickly persuade Chu Feng to give up.

However, his dissuasion did not have much effect. In fact, he knew better about Chu Feng’s temper. Although he had the idea to dissuade Chu Feng, as long as he could not come up with sufficient reasons, then Chu Feng would do it. He would never listen to his opinions.

"At the beginning, when we first came to the fire field, the vegetation we came into contact with was unknown. As a result, some people tried it. If there were no original attempts, then they would not find those. Edible plants!" Chu Feng retorted.

"Although this is the case, in the process of those food experiments, many hosts suffered because of it!

Now that you have only one person, and there are so many plants here, how can you be sure which plant is completely non-toxic!

In case you eat any kind of poisonous plant, don't you become one of those unlucky hosts.

So, in my opinion, you should not do this for now! At the very least, you cannot choose to try at this time! "Old Chu persuaded.

"This..." Old Chu's advice made Chu Feng hesitate.

If speaking from an objective point of view, what Lao Chu said is actually no problem at all.

Although Chu Feng's physical strength had been consumed to a large extent in this process, it had not yet reached that level of exhaustion.

If you are just taking risks just to find food now, it is indeed not worth it.

After all, Chu Feng had only one chance. If he was unlucky to eat that poisonous plant, it would mean that he was lost because of it, and there were many choices to leave here.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Chu Feng finally decided to listen to Lao Chu's suggestions.

"Okay! I admit that what you said is correct. In that case, I will give up this choice first. I hope that in the future exploration, I can find those plants that can be seen on the ground!

In this way, I won't take risks in finding food! "Chu Feng said.

"Well... Besides, maybe you should also look at this problem with the idea of ​​finding a way out!

Maybe, there will be an exit not far away! And what that exit leads to is the outside world! "Or to cheer on Chu Feng, Lao Chu, who has always been skeptical of reality, also put forward some ideas at this time, assuming "sex".

auzw.com "I hope, even though I don't have any hope now, I still don't want to give up this idea!"

Chu Feng smiled, not taking Lao Chu's words too seriously.

After regaining his thoughts, Chu Fengyi immediately launched the second phase of the survey work.

On the other side, the three hosts previously assigned had already joined Feng Suo and others at this time.

And they have now found the existence of the transfer station, and just when Feng Suo is waiting for Chu Feng to merge with him.

But from the mouth of the three hosts, he learned the news that Chu Feng had entered the mountain range.

"Are you sure he has entered the mountain range?" Feng Suo was a little unsure when he first heard the news. After all, it still seemed a little impractical for him.

Because in his impression, Chu Feng has always been a relatively calm person, and logically speaking, unless he would never do such things that are full of danger and lose common sense.

However, Chu Feng did just that, and he was full of confidence without any hesitation.

"The district captain has indeed entered the mountains, and he entered from the fault zone!" the host replied.

"Then why didn't you stop him? Don't you know that there is weirdness in this mountain range?" Feng Suo frowned and asked.

The three hosts explained innocently: "We also don’t want the district captain to enter the mountains, but the district captain orders us and we dare not disobey. Therefore, in the end, we can only choose to follow the district captain’s orders and continue to follow the current Plan to explore the mountains and meet you!"

"All right! You are not to blame for this, but your district captain is too confused!

Oh, right! Before that, the two hosts and Chu Feng entered the mountains together, right? "Fengsuo asked.

"Yes, it was chosen by the district leader himself. Although the two of them have average abilities, they are still smart. They should be able to protect the safety of the district leader!"

Facing Fengsuo’s question, the three hosts’ answers were surprisingly consistent, but what they didn’t know was that the two hosts had already betrayed Chu Feng, and they had completely died in the monster’s hands. on.

"Well...Although there are two of them under the protection, these do not mean that Chu Feng is safe now!

In my opinion, the most appropriate way now is to enter the mountains to find Chu Feng, and then let him leave the mountains early to escape the danger! "Fengsuo decided.

"Master Fengsuo, discuss the matter of entering the mountain range! After all, this mountain range is very dangerous! In addition, if the district captain has left the mountain at this time, then how can we find the district captain in the mountain? What?"

For Fengsuo's decision, Fengsuo's accompanying host didn't have any opinions, but Chu Feng's three accompanying hosts had a lot of opinions.

"What do you mean? Do you want to wait patiently here? Have you ever thought about it, in case Chu Feng is already in danger this time? What if he is waiting for our rescue? Is it your plan? Watching Chu Feng helplessly, was he swallowed by danger step by step?

Is this what you should do as subordinates? Let me tell you that if Chu Feng encounters any misfortune in this operation, you will also be severely punished when you return to the station! "Feng Cable warned.

"Master Fengsuo, but we didn't do anything wrong..." the three hosts quibbled.

"Are you right? You gave up your boss and put your boss's safety at risk. Your behavior is no different from betrayal!" Feng Suo rebuked.

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