Whimsical System

Chapter 916: Flat rock wall on the other side

"However, this is not a decision we made, but the district captain..."

"I don't want to hear your explanation, nor do I want to hear the reason. In short, I only need your answer, that is whether you go or not!" Feng Suo interrupted.

"This..." The three hosts hesitated. If they were to follow their ideas, they would naturally not want to go, but Fengsuo couldn't explain it.

In addition, the relationship between Chu Feng and the host captain of the alien galaxy is also very clear to them, not to mention that Chu Feng is still the district captain at this time. If Feng Suo really spread the matter, this would undoubtedly be true for the three of them. A misery.

Therefore, they must seriously consider this issue, even if they are unwilling, they must show up, and at least make Fengsuo satisfied.

"If Master Feng Suo really wants us to accompany us, then the three of us will definitely have to die! It's just that there should be people left in the transfer station, otherwise, this may delay business!"

Although the three of them had expressed their compromise, they still had a fluke, the source of this fluke, and confirmed the transfer station.

"There is no need for you to worry about things here. Although we are gone, there are still five of them! I believe that even if we are not here, the five of them can also handle this matter, so you can go with me at ease. !"

Feng Suo's words completely cut off the thoughts of the three hosts. They originally thought that Feng Suo would have to leave at least a few people to be responsible for the transfer station.

In fact, it is true, but Feng Suo left me only his accompanying host!

For Chu Feng's three followers, Feng Suo didn't give the slightest consideration.

As a result, the last hope of the three hosts was completely destroyed by the wind rope!

"Master Fengsuo, it's no wonder that you are so sure about this matter, because you have never considered us!"

Although the three hosts didn't mean to command against the wind, the words they just said were full of profound meaning.

At the very least, they are expressing their attitudes, and the core part of their attitudes is precisely the dissatisfaction of the three of them with the wind-cord approach.

"What you said is correct. This matter really has nothing to do with them. Can't you see it now? I'm actually helping you make up for your mistakes! If even you are unwilling to mix this In terms of things, then who can make up for this fault? Could it be that you want them to bear this punishment? I'm afraid this is unreasonable!" Feng Suo asked.

"We don't mean that, I just hope that they can help us too. At least a few more people will be able to increase the size, and find the hope of the district captain!"

But the three hosts have already given up. For the chance to free themselves, right now they only hope to bring in more people, at least not to let Fengsuo's nameless follower host stay out of the matter.

"I can consider your suggestion, but I have to seek the opinions of the five of them!" After all, Feng Suo asked the other five hosts, "Are you willing to find Chu Feng with me?"

"If the wind cable needs us, then we are naturally willing!" The five hosts answered very readily, which directly contrasted with the three hosts.

"Okay! If you are willing, then go with us! But one of you must stay here. As for who stays, let you discuss it yourself!

In addition, I would also like to add that the danger of staying here is the same as going inside the mountains. After all, it is possible to encounter that difficult opponent here!

If you have no way to fight against it, then you may also be hurt by that guy! "


Feng Suo was fairly euphemistic when it came to mentioning this issue, at least he did not highlight the seriousness of the matter.

Of course, this has something to do with his "sex" personality. If you change the style of Chu Feng, you may directly say the seriousness of the matter several times, even more serious than the reality under normal circumstances. a bit.

Once he exaggerates this statement to the extreme, then everyone's true thoughts will be shown in a timely manner.

At that time, you can make an appropriate distinction based on the difference between each person.

However, Feng Suo did not fully agree with Chu Feng's approach, so when Feng Suo faced such problems, he would only use his own methods to solve these problems!

And just after he said this, the five hosts were also very quick, and they selected one volunteer who was willing to stay here.

This matter seems to be much simpler than imagined, and it is also much smoother.

Therefore, Feng Suo briefly explained a few words to the host who remained.

Following this, the other seven hosts who led them embarked on the path of searching for Chu Feng.

At the same time, Chu Feng, who was underground, was still looking for the hope hidden in the depths.

With Chu Feng's continuous exploration, the surrounding area has gradually become clear. In addition, coupled with Lao Chu's ability to sense, Chu Feng can be regarded as the most basic understanding of the surrounding situation.

After crossing that piece of vegetation, there is a small stream derived from the pool. Walking straight along the stream, you can find a shallow beach.

And near that shallow beach, there is still a patch of vegetation.

At this time, this piece of vegetation was somewhat similar to the vegetation on the ground, but Chu Feng was not quite sure whether this blanket was exactly the same as the vegetation on the ground.

After all, he can't see the color of the vegetation at all now, and the environment here is also extremely special, if it is due to geographic reasons that affect the growth of the vegetation.

Then the vegetation itself may also change.

Therefore, before making the final definition, Chu Feng would never take the risk to eat this kind of vegetation.

After passing through the usable vegetation, Chu Feng touched the rock wall on the other side.

In contrast, the rock wall that Chu Feng touched at this time was obviously slightly flatter than the rock wall touched before.

Even the rock wall here made Chu Feng feel a sense of being cut.

It seems that the rock walls here were created artificially, rather than naturally formed.

Chu Feng has been "groping" along the rock wall. Since the surface of the rock wall is very smooth, he has never found anything else on the rock wall along the way.

Even, until reaching the end of the rock wall, Chu Feng never found the slightest.

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