Whimsical System

Chapter 953: That space like a honeycomb

"You mean you can let me go?"

Hearing that the monster said this, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel happy.

"No, no... I have never said this before. I just said that I can give you a chance. If you have the ability to get rid of the current predicament, then I can open my eyes and close my eyes to your next behavior. !

But if you don’t have this, then I will still execute you in accordance with the previous practice! "The monster said.

"Just an opportunity?"

Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed with the conditions given by the monster. Despite the constant disappointment, he did not touch the edge of despair.

"You have this opportunity, which is equivalent to mastering the possibility of survival! If you don't cherish this opportunity, you may be like the previous few, almost unprepared, or directly marked as failure. The label of the person!"

The monster's words are very alert to Chu Feng. Although on the surface, the monster is only doing its job, but in fact, it does want to release water to Chu Feng, but its behavior is more secretive. That's it.

"I already understand what you mean, please rest assured, I will definitely seize this opportunity, as long as I can meet the requirements, then I will do my best to do everything possible to meet the conditions of life!"

Chu Fengxin vowed to make a pledge, but he still couldn’t avoid the worries in his heart. After all, until now, he hadn’t understood what this test was. To an unsurpassable level, even if Chu Feng promised, it would be of no use.

"Okay! Now that you have chosen to accept, then I will give you this opportunity, I hope you can take it well!"

The monster slowly stood up. At this time, its body gradually stretched upward, and soon reached a position where Chu Feng's line of sight was difficult to touch.

"Excuse me, what is the test?" Chu Feng asked subconsciously.

"The content of the test is very simple, you only need to beat me!"

In the mid-air, the monster's voice sounded like an ethereal, but in every word, there were some incomprehensible words.

Defeat it, just need to defeat it to achieve the goal!

These words echoed in Chu Feng's ears all the time. Shares only need to use their real strength to knock down this monster, and he can get the opportunity to leave here.

This is an extremely clear goal. In such a long time, Chu Feng has never felt that there is a goal that is more clear than the current one.

However, such a clear goal directly made Chu Feng feel a kind of endless "confusion".

That's right, it's "lost", and it's endless.

auzw.com Obviously this is a feeling that Chu Feng has never experienced. Before that, as long as he can get hope, then he will have the confidence to transform this hope into reality. Now he didn't have the courage, even though the goal was right in front of him, he still hesitated there.

The reason for all this is because he has understood the true strength of the monsters. Although all the previous fights with him were not monsters, these will not affect his cognition of monsters!

What kind of strength does the monster have? At this time, Chu Feng had no way to judge with words, because he knew that everything that could be judged with words might find an opportunity to crack.

But for the current monster, he has no way to do this. He has fought against many monsters before, after all, for Chu Feng, it is a very long process.

And in the process of constantly fighting against each other, Chu Fengdou also accumulated a lot of experience, but the so-called experience was only aimed at those shadow insects!

After understanding, Chu Feng understood how different these shadow insects are from this monster.

So it's no wonder that this made him worried, but although the worry was worry, Chu Feng didn't plan to give up on it.

Because this is his only opportunity, if he abandons this opportunity, then for him, there will only be failure.

Therefore, the cruel reality makes him have to accept this matter, even if the final result is only the option of failure, he will make this attempt.

And while Chu Feng was silent, the monster towering high in the air seemed to be a little impatient to let Chu Feng start this attempt.

"If you are ready, then let's start. This process may be difficult. At least for you, this is not an easy task, but I believe that as long as you have this idea, then you dare to try this!

Come on, I will give you a chance! At the beginning, I will make you fully prepared, but as for what will happen afterwards, then I can't make this guarantee! "

While talking, the monster stretched out its tail. It was a tail capable of competing with the trunk. Chu Feng looked at this tail, but he had no other thoughts besides being frightened.

"You can think of it as a ladder and stand on it, and I will lead you to me. Since you are in the high altitude, you may have to stabilize your body. Of course, this may be considered a way for you. Test, after all, you have never been in the air before!"

After all, the monster’s tail has reached Chu Feng’s feet, and Chu Feng stood up frightened. At this moment, his mind was very confused. He didn’t know what he was going to do next, and even he was in trouble. It's not clear where.

As the tail gradually rose, Chu Feng also came into the air.

Through those night vision eyes, Chu Feng vaguely saw the surrounding situation. It turned out that he had always been trapped in a closed cube space, and the location of the exit was at the top of the cube space.

In addition, on the other side of the cube, there are other different spaces.

At first glance, the space is arranged like a honeycomb, with neither beginning nor end.

"It turns out that we have always stayed in a place like a "lost" palace. If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't have been foolishly looking for an exit!" After learning the truth of this matter, Chu Feng couldn't help but Muttered to himself.

The monster shook his head slowly and said: "You can't say that. Although you haven't found an exit in his space, at least you have attracted my attention, and now I am offering you this opportunity, Maybe it should be regarded as a kind of export!"

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