Whimsical System

Chapter 954: A monster with extremely reduced body

Hearing this, Chu Feng nodded completely subconsciously, and then said: "You say that, there is some truth to it, after all, everything I have come into contact with now is the result of my hard work!

It seems that there is a saying that is still right, that is, there is a reward for hard work, although the reward sounds a bit exaggerated and absurd. But fortunately, it still exists after all! "

"Yes! If you can understand this, it means that you are already qualified to have this opportunity. Okay, I don't want to say too much. Now that you are ready, let's start!"

The monster didn't want to waste time completely in Chu Feng's communication. At this time, it was more like executing some kind of order. Moreover, he was very anxious.

"Well, it seems that you are not very good at communicating with people! If so, then at your request, let's start!"

Chu Feng moved his arm briefly, and then made a gesture of preparation. In fact, he was completely unpredictable for what would follow.

No matter what happens later, he has no defense at this moment, not to mention that he is standing on the monster's tail at this time.

If the monster wanted to defeat him, the monster only had to retract its tail, and Chu Feng would naturally fall to the ground.

And this kind of fall is very likely to be fatal to him!

But the monster didn't do this. Obviously, from the monster's point of view, it was extremely shameful.

Therefore, the monster reminded Chu Feng.

I will put you on the edge of the space, where you will be able to walk on three walls. As for the remaining wall, because the temperature is too high, I don't mind you contacting him. Of course, if you have this idea, then I won't stop you. "

The monster slowly placed Chu Feng on one of the walls, and then its tail subconsciously retracted.

Chu Feng stood on the edge of the wall and looked around. I saw that on the other side of the space at this time, there was also a cloud of "mis" fog that was enough to obscure the line of sight.

And that "mist" fog, this time is similar to the gas that Lao Chu had noticed earlier.

"What are you looking at?"

The monster seems to be very interested in everything, and in many cases it will subconsciously ask a few words.

Obviously, this moment is no exception.

"Nothing, I just saw a bunch of deja vu! When I was in the space, I had been exposed to this kind of gas, and it was because of the existence of this gas that it greatly reduced the air in the space. content.

If it weren't for this reason, maybe I wouldn't take the risk to clear some monster eggs! "

"That's a worm egg... I remind you again!"

"Okay, okay...Even if it is a worm egg, it is such a situation, all to blame for the gas!" Chu Feng complained.

"You little guy is really interesting. You are full of complaints and nothing else! But you are not to blame. After all, you have basically never understood anything here! So you can have this idea, Not surprising!" The monster laughed.

"Why? Could there be any rules in it?" Chu Feng asked.

"This is of course, but the design is too wide and covers too many things. I am afraid it is difficult to make it clear for a while!" said the monster.

Chu Feng raised his head, his eyes rolled slightly, and he smiled: "It's okay, I can listen to you explain that I am completely patient!"


"Little guy, don't think that I don't know what you think! I tell you, it is best not to move this thought, because everyone I have met before has thoughts like you!

After all, as long as anyone can enter here, their brains are basically not too stupid, so you don't have any chances! "The monster saw through Chu Feng's thoughts at a glance, and then, it pierced Chu Feng's thoughts.

"Okay! I knew that this would not work! Forget it, I won't go entangled with you anymore, since you can't wait to have this battle with me, let's start!

I hope my luck can be better and don't die in your hands! "

Chu Feng said a bit sadly, a little bit like death.

"Relax, during the battle, I will never hurt you! Although injuries are inevitable, at least I will save your "life"!

However, after you fail, then it will not be in my promise"

The monster first made a guarantee to Chu Feng, and then added a condition to the end of the guarantee.

"I know... now I am basically a plaything to you. You will definitely not take my "life" when you come up. Maybe you will want to play some games with me and play with me. !

And when you are tired of playing and playing enough, my "life" will also come to the end! "

Chu Feng deliberately said something irritating, and his purpose was also very simple, that is, to anger the monster, no matter how it was used, as long as it could make the monster angry.

Unfortunately, his goal was not achieved!

Because at the moment he just uttered this sentence, the monster suddenly switched to a state where it could not communicate with humans.

With the switching of the state, the monster's figure has also undergone a lot of changes. The monster is huge enough to exceed the space.

But now, the monster is more than twice as small. If you want to compare, the figure of the monster at this time is even smaller than the shadow insects that Chu Feng killed before and the monsters copied On a lot.

"It's so small, its ability, shouldn't it be compromised?"

Chu Feng squeezed his chin in his hand, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, muttering to himself.

However, at this time, the monster that shrank to the extreme, this suddenly jumped from within that space.

Chu Feng couldn't describe how intense that kind of jump was. If he were to do it, it would be difficult for him to reach this level even after his entire life.

However, at this time, the monster did it very easily.

"Okay! It seems that its strength is not compromised, I thought it was going to release water for me!"

When the monster jumped to the edge of the wall, Chu Feng's face fell instantly.

This was his most obvious disappointment expression, and it was the most extreme one.

After jumping to the edge of the wall, the monster didn't delay Chu Feng much. Almost in that instant, the monster launched an offensive against Chu Feng.

The monster at this time was bald all over, and there was no scale at all.

Chu Feng frowned, calmed himself secretly, and made preparations to avoid the monster's offensive.

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