Whimsical System

Chapter 963: Monster and Windsor Battle

"I'll give it a try! It's just that I'm not sure. Under normal circumstances, I don't think it would agree to it!"

Chu Feng didn't know what to do, and asked Feng Suo about this question. After all, the monster had already said it very clearly just now.

If the wind cable leaves that thing, then it can send them both away. If the wind cable refuses to return, then this matter may become a little serious.

Therefore, at this time Chu Feng could only try and talk about this first.

"My friend wants me to tell you that he was indeed a little rude just now. He is willing to apologize to you, but hopes that he can take that thing away because he has to get it himself!"

Chu Feng tentatively relayed this sentence to the monster. Although this matter had nothing to do with him, he was still a little worried about it.

"I have made it very clear just now. You can leave the thing if you leave it. If you refuse to return it, then there is no discussion about this matter!"

The monster's attitude is as tough as ever, even now it has a somewhat stronger tendency.

"Weird thing, I wanted to let this matter go quietly, but if you always do this, then I don't want to let it down!

Let me tell you, what I have at the moment is what I have obtained after giving. Now you can take him away, but you have to give me a reasonable reason!

If you just want to use force to **** it from me, I'm sorry, I might fight you hard! "

Feng Suo stood up after all, obviously his attitude towards monsters was very uncomfortable, and the attitude he said at this time was also a little unpleasant.

"Little guy, you are getting less and less polite! Could it be that you are really so confident in your own strength? I might as well tell you that this matter is not so easy to solve, and I will eventually become yours Opponents, and will beat you when you are most helpless!

If you think it over, just give me an answer! After all, we don’t need too much nonsense now! "

The monster is straight to the point, knowing what he thinks, obviously, the monster is not afraid of fighting! Moreover, it does not think that Fengsuo will be its opponent.

"You really don't care about it. If that's the case, then let's make a decision!"

Fengsuo is eager to take a leap. In fact, there is still a little bottom in his heart at this moment. After all, the monster's body is too huge. He doesn't think he has the ability to defeat the monster. At least at this moment, they are mutually exclusive. There is still a big gap!

"Okay! Do you dare to make this decision, it will be enough to make me take a high look at you! I can assure you that if you can beat me like this little guy, I can also send you away!" the monster said.

"What you said is true?"

The promise made by the monster can not help making Fengsuo somewhat unexpected.

auzw.com"Don’t rush to be happy, I’m not so easy to deal with! Maybe you have witnessed this battle just now, but it’s only one-tenth of your ability. , If I take out all my strength, I guess you can't resist even one move!

But now that we have agreed, this competition will be held after all, but we have to make it clear before the competition, that is, no matter what happens in the competition, neither side of the competition can be held accountable.

This means that if I kill you by mistake, it won't have any impact on me, and you are all responsible for your own death! "

"No problem, of course I will not pursue it, but if I fail to kill you, I hope you don't blame me!" Feng Suo smiled.

"You are arrogant, but also stupid. What you say will always make people laugh! Not to mention whether you can kill me, even if you really kill me, who can help you after I die Get out of here!

Besides, your friends, won't they be trapped here too? "The monster teased.

"Of course I won't let my friend stay here, so I hope that before we compete, you can send my friend out first, and then we will try again. This way, it can also be avoided. He "plugs in" midway. Hand, hinder the competition between us!" Feng Suo suggested.

"This can't work!"

However, just when Feng Suo thought that the monster would agree to this condition, the monster refused him without hesitation.

"Why not? Didn't you say that this is a matter between you and me? Why do you want to involve my friend in it?" Feng Suo said with displeasure.

"No, no, I have to find a way out for myself, although this may not happen easily.

But I also have to make some plans for myself, if you really make it happen, then this is a troublesome thing for me! "

Monsters always have their own principles, and all the rules are made by him. At this time, the wind cable seems to be a chess piece played by him. Whether the wind cable is willing or not, he must have this rule. Choose to comply.

"Well, since you don't want to let him go, then you can keep him, I hope he won't add any "chaos" to you here, and since you keep him here, then he may be Help me, I hope you won’t regret it then!"

Feng Suo deliberately said this sentence to the monster, with the purpose of allowing the monster to change his mind at this critical moment.

But after all, this was only his wishful thinking, the monster did not repent, and he was very firm.

"No problem, if he wants to help you, then let him help. I won't have any opinions. Even if you two join forces, it won't be my opponent! And if he wants to help you, then So he will be responsible for his life!"

The words of the monster can be said to be extremely lethal. Feng Suo wanted to "force" the monster to let Chu Feng go because Chu Feng would help him. Because of this, Chu Feng forced Chu Feng to stand by.

In this way, the plan set by Feng Suo had no effect. On the contrary, he would be afraid that Chu and others would really help him, because if that happened, Chu Feng might really get involved in this battle, and also It is very likely to be killed in this battle.

Therefore, after simple negotiations, Feng Suo never mentioned anything about Chu Feng, and Chu Feng, who stood by, did not express any opinions.

The battle between the two was on the verge, and the monster did not shrink his figure as before. At this time, it still uses its powerful body, and this time it obviously wants to use its real body to fight the windsock.

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