Whimsical System

Chapter 964: Ways to deal with monsters

"It seems that you are determined and want to be an enemy of us! If this is the case, then let's have a fight!"

Feng Suo's face was green and his whole body seemed to be shaking.

The monster looked at Fengsuo contemptuously, and didn't make any answer at all.

And the behavior of the monster directly angered Fengsuo.

In a rage, Fengsuo rushed. Three steps and two steps to come to the monster's side, and then start an offensive against the monster.

And just when his attack was about to fall on the monster.

The monster suddenly moved its body, and directly avoided the wind rope perfectly, the seemingly menacing attack.

After losing one move, Feng Suo wanted to make another move. However, the monster did not give him this opportunity at this time. Feng Suo's attack method was relatively simple. Because he, like Chu Feng, did not have any weapons in his hand, So he can only use his fist to cause damage to the monster.

However, his attack ability at this time could not touch the monster's body at all. No matter how fast he was, he still couldn't reach the level that he could follow the monster's thinking.

Moreover, after being attacked twice by the wind cord, the monster was obviously on the verge of exploding. Although it has not yet launched a counterattack against the wind cord, its state is indeed a bit wrong.

After a series of attacks, Feng Suo stepped back and watched the monster from a distance, but he also felt a trace of faint anxiety.

However, he can't express that feeling, because it will directly affect the monster's view of him.

"You have attacked me so many times, I think you should be tired too? Why don't you change me!"

After a few seconds, the monster suddenly spoke to Fengsuo. In turn, it launched a **** counterattack against Fengsuo.

And because the monster's body is relatively huge, the attack methods he can use at the moment are relatively scarce.

But even so, it can still achieve that kind of extremely effective attack effect, and the wind rope at this time is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of it.

Although this analogy is not very appropriate, it is true in reality.

The monster's attack came in an instant, and the wind cable moved up and down in the space with the ability it just acquired.

It seemed that he seemed to be able to do things like avoiding attacks with ease.

It's just that this situation didn't last long, just when she thought she could escape and the monster attacked.

The monster suddenly resorted to an unexpected attack method.

In the distance, the monster's figure disappeared out of thin air under the gaze of the crowd. At this time, Chu Feng even felt that there was a problem with his eyes, because after all he had lost his night vision ability, so he relied on what Fengsuo provided him. The light is faint, maybe he can't see the current situation clearly.

auzw.com was when Chu Feng was suspicious of this matter. Feng Suo also discovered this strange thing.

That's right, the monster did disappear, and a body that disappeared out of thin air in that instant can actually disappear perfectly in the void without a trace. I am afraid that anyone will think about this matter. Some are not realistic, but this is exactly what happened in front of Chu Feng and Feng Suo.

"Chu Feng, I'm afraid he is going to play some tricks again! You help me pay attention, don't let him attack me!"

At this time, Feng Suo also lost confidence in his abilities. After all, he also only has a pair of eyes, and there is no way to spread all his attention around his body, so he can only ask Chu Feng to help him and let Chu Feng act as him. His eyes.

And just as he said this request, the monster suddenly appeared in the air.

This time the monster has not only "exposed" half of its body, it even "exposed" its tail in front of the two.

That's right, it "exposed" its entire body, and at this time the two also understood why the monster disappeared just now.

It turns out that it is providing shelter for its own movement. Because his body is relatively large, if you want to detach the entire body from the space, it may take a certain amount of time, and in the process of detaching, the monster will also Need to concentrate your attention.

And if this action were completely exposed to Chu Feng and Feng Suo, maybe the two would take this opportunity to attack the monster, and the monster would inevitably be overwhelmed at this time.

So in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, the monster directly hides its body. Although the two of them don’t know how the monster does this, at least one characteristic is more obvious, that is, the monster at this time. Its ability seems to have been weakened.

I have to say that this is indeed good news. Although some are not in line with common sense, the two did not pay much attention to it.

After all, since there are things like monsters, nothing that monsters do can't be explained by common sense.

"Its speed and power have become weak. If we can seize this opportunity, maybe we can really defeat it!"

Feng Suo was doing his own analysis, but in Chu Feng's view, his thoughts were a bit too jumpy.

"Although its ability is somewhat weakened, in my opinion, it is still in the range that we can't beat. For the sake of safety, we'd better observe it for a while.

Maybe he himself will produce some moths, such as this time, he will weaken his ability! "

Chu Feng didn't hold a good view of this matter. In his opinion, instead of taking risks, it would be better to wait and see the changes first.

After all, monsters have no human minds after all. Maybe he adopts a more extreme way in order to make quick battles, and as long as it can reduce its own abilities to the extreme.

Na Duhuo, it was really possible, so they got the opportunity to win.

However, compared with Feng Suo's idea, although Chu Feng's idea is more stable, it is not a good way.

After all, it is a fact that the monster's strength is weakened now, but if the monster's body is recovered after a period of delay, then this is no different from a blow to the two.

After all, Chu Feng put all his hopes on the speculation that might appear, but once this speculation does not appear, then Chu Feng's strategy will completely lose all its uses.

Therefore, when Chu Feng put forward this point of view, Feng Suo directly and resolutely rejected him, without even considering it at all.

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