Whimsical System

Chapter 967: Attacking eyes

"Well, I know what you mean! Don't worry, I will definitely find a breakthrough in this matter, but you have to give me a certain amount of time, after all, this is not an easy task!"

Chu Feng did not refuse Feng Suo's request, but he also did some analysis based on the actual situation.

Now he does need a certain amount of time to think about countermeasures. As for how to deal with monsters, I don't think there is no trace, but they need to solve too many problems.

Moreover, sometimes their ability may not reach the level that can solve the problem, so this also creates the current dilemma.

While the two were communicating, the monster not far away also launched the next stage of attack on them.

The monster basically doesn't think about these things about the process and the method. Now it only cares about the results, and the rules it promised before, or the rules it told, have been completely forgotten by him.

The monster's attack method is relatively monotonous, and every time it attacks it only targets one person.

And this time he was attacking Chu Feng. In fact, logically speaking, Chu Feng shouldn't be its first target.

But because of Chu Feng's commitment to Fengsuo just now, the monsters targeted him.

Because from the monster’s point of view, Chu Feng might think of a way to solve himself, so in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, it must give Chu Feng the most painful blow in a short time, which made him give up. In this way, in other words, he directly loses his ability to ensure his safety.

And when the monster's attacking spear pointed at Chu Feng, Chu Feng showed an extremely calm state, and the wind cord on the side also made an appearance ready to go.

In fact, in their opinion, no matter what the monster is targeting, the two of them will fight together to stop the attack.

After all, none of them can fight against monsters, so they can only unite with each other and then fight against monsters. And only in this way they can still have a long time delay with the monster, otherwise, if the monster is really allowed to attack one person alone to succeed, the remaining one will eventually be unable to hold on to the monster.

It is also because they both know this truth, so no matter who the monster chooses to attack at this time, the two of them will rush to meet the monster's attack or avoid each other, so that the monster cannot achieve its goal.

The monster's attack gradually "forced" to his eyes, and Chu Feng and Feng Suo flanked the monster from the left and right directions to meet the monster's offensive.

In fact, this method is relatively dangerous, because they have no way to determine when the monster will appear and how to respond.

If the monster suddenly changes its angle when they meet. Then they may not be able to make the most correct response in a short time. In addition, both of them are injured at this time. Although Chu Feng's body has recovered a little, it has not reached that extreme. Abundant circumstances, so the fight at this time is extremely unfavorable for them.

But things have happened, and the monster's attack has also appeared. If they don't respond, there may be the monster achieve its goal in an instant, thus completely containing the resistance of the two of them.

So in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, the two of them finally made this choice, but when making this choice, the two of them were also thinking about their own strategies.

A few seconds later, the attack of the two and the monster touched again.

The monster's powerful force urges them to retreat again and again, and the monster's power is much greater than theirs, so even if they can remove most of their power, they will also not be able to reach a state of stalemate with the monster.


So in the end, it is still difficult for them to escape the fate of being repelled.

While they were being repelled, the monster seemed to want to pursue the victory and then give them a fatal blow.

But in this process, the monster is obviously a bit too hasty. If he can delay for a while and make the two of them close to exhaustion, maybe the monster can achieve this goal, but the monster has no time to wait. A degree of emergence.

As a result, the monsters launched a rainstorm-like offensive against Chu Feng just the next second they were repelled.

And at the moment when his continuous attacks were about to appear, the wind rope that lost the monster's power checks and balances directly took the opportunity to attack the monster.

In the previous exchanges with Chu Feng, Chu Feng also put forward some opinions about himself.

After all, he had previously fought against monsters incarnate by shadow insects. In his experience of fighting against each other, he also got some experience.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to solve the monster, you must start the action for two conditions.

On the other hand, it is the scales of the monster, and on the other hand are the monster's eyes.

But now the monster currently has no scales, so there is no way to adopt the first condition, and at this time, the only choice for Fengsuo is the monster's eyes.

Therefore, at this critical moment, Fengsuo's goal has become very obvious. He needs to attack the monster's eyes, and must grasp the opportunity within a short time to achieve the goal.

In the next moment, everything came so quickly, the monster's attack and Fengsuo's sneak attack occurred almost at the same moment.

Chu Feng sturdyly took the monster. Yes, there is only one trick!

The current situation seems to be different from the monster's previous plan, and the reason for this is the sudden obstruction of the wind rope.

The attack method provided by Chu Feng Xiang Feng Suo was the most obvious manifestation at this moment.

The monster's eyes are indeed his weaker place, and because the monster's body is relatively large, the monster's eyes are an extremely easy target for Fengsuo.

Therefore, his attack basically did not make any mistakes, and it fell directly on the monster's eyes.

And when his fist hit the monster's eye fiercely, the monster's entire body convulsed like an electric shock at that moment.

Then the monster directly gave up on Chu Feng's attack and began to retaliate against Fengsuo.

Then at the moment Chu Feng's pressure was relieved, Chu Feng, who was seriously injured, also struggled to stand up, and launched an attack on the monster's other eye.

Moreover, the result of this attack is also very optimistic!

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