Whimsical System

Chapter 968: Fake handle

I have to say that Chu Feng has indeed found the weakness of the monster, and is relying on his previous experience in dealing with shadow insects.

Because of Chu Feng's body being seriously injured, there was no way for his power to reach the level of the previous attack by Fengsuo.

But even so, his attack still had a certain effect, at least he made the monster feel pain.

And blood was flowing from the monster's eyes at this moment, and the hot blood slowly fell down the monster's cheek like a waterfall.

With the cooperation of the two of them, my eyes have been greatly damaged. At this time, the vision of the monster in this space has dropped sharply, and there is even no way to reach the previous 20% level.

"Chu Feng, our goal has almost been achieved! Now this guy, he is probably suffering to the extreme!"

After the attack was successful, Feng Suo was completely gloating, looking at the struggling monster not far away, the joy in his heart almost burst out.

But at this time, Chu Feng's face was a bit unpleasant. Although everything went smoothly as he had guessed, he still felt faintly uneasy.

"Fengsuo, we did succeed, but we also completely angered it, don’t you believe it, maybe it’s very fast, and it will retaliate against us! And I have a hunch, but just now, it’s with We didn't try our best when we shot, and now, it will probably fight us with the determination to die!"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth. At this time, he felt a very strong sense of crisis, because based on his understanding of monsters, the monsters would definitely feel that their dignity was insulted at this time, and he was also seriously affected. Provocative, so it will definitely take revenge on the two with the determination to die!

When the two of them faced the revenge of such a powerful monster, Chu Feng really didn't have the confidence to be able to solve the current trouble in a short time, especially when the monster was not afraid of life or death.

"Listening to what you said, our situation is really so dangerous. Why don't we cooperate to make it completely blind!"

In this case, even if it wants to retaliate against us, it cannot find where we are!

And we and I can take this opportunity to slip away completely. I believe that with my current abilities, I should be able to take you away from here, so we don’t have to rely on it at all. We will leave it alone when the time comes. Here, silently regret it! "

Feng Suo's mind is still relatively sullen, although under special circumstances, his thoughts will still make people feel a chill in the back.

"Are you sure you want to do this, I tell you, if you do this, then we will have no retreat, and he will also become our mortal enemy!" Chu Feng asked solemnly.

"Do we have a retreat now? Don't forget, we have destroyed his eyes. Although he can still see things, there is no way to restore the previous state!

Do you think that if we don't make the next step, he will let us go? "

Feng Suo's rhetorical question immediately caused Chu Feng to fall into contemplation.

"Looking at you, I know my words have worked, don't think about it anymore, things have reached this point, do you have any better way?" Feng Suo urged.

auzw.com "Let’s do it! I really have nothing to refute you! Now that you have confirmed it, then do it, but we have to be careful, now he is in a state of extreme anger, I really have no way to estimate what he will do next!" Chu Feng reminded.

"I guess it didn't do anything else. Maybe he was thinking while suffering. We might be afraid of it, so we dare not attack it!

But we can just do the opposite and take advantage of the situation to solve the current trouble. I believe that this method will definitely surprise us and achieve unexpected results! "

Feng Suo "exposed" a well-established appearance. He has not done anything yet, but has begun to feel complacent.

Chu Feng glanced at him helplessly, then shook his head and said: "You control your emotions first! This matter is not as simple as you think, so you must not feel happy about it in advance.

After all, this is a monster. We haven't done a thorough understanding yet. We don't know what kind of power it has. If he loses his eyesight, he can still distinguish our position. Have you considered this? "

"This...I don't have one, but..."

"But what? If we don't know this, then your next move may put us into an irreparable situation!

In addition, what is the healing power of this monster? If we destroy its eyes, he can recover soon?

I think this is a problem that needs to be solved. If we can't figure it out in advance, then no matter what happens in the later stage, it may not be strange! "

After some guidance from the previous windsock, Chu Feng assumed several kinds of possible results.

In the face of these results, the current decisions made by Fengsuo may put them in an extremely dangerous situation.

Therefore, when Chu Feng's conjecture was put forward, the smile at the corner of Feng Suo's mouth disappeared instantly, replaced by a solemn and entangled face.

"Then you say, what should we do? Is it possible to wait for it to solve the current trouble, and then turn its head to deal with us?"

At this time, Feng Suo should have no idea, so he threw all the questions to Chu Feng.

Compared with Chu Feng, what he is good at is finding problems, not solving them.

Although he put forward a lot of speculations, and each speculation has a certain truth, but there are really these speculations, he does not have any solution.

He didn't even have a specific idea about what to do next, and when Feng Suo asked him this question.

He also became a little bit poor in an instant, but after a long period of silence, he said something that surprised Feng Suo.

"To be honest, I don’t have any good solutions right now, and my assumptions are just my guesses. Although I admire my assumptions, under the current circumstances, these assumptions Obviously it is not enough to support me in doing anything!

So I finally decided to adopt your method, take some risks, and then take actual actions to prove whether my hypothesis is true or not! "

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