Whimsical System

Chapter 973: Old Chu was looted

"It's coming, be careful, don't follow its way!"

Feng Suo reminded Chu Feng in a low voice, and then put on a confrontation posture.

Chu Feng squeezed his eyes vigorously. At this moment, his eyes were still pitch black.

"My eyes can't see clearly again, you remember to mark a lower position for me later!"

Chu Feng explored left and right to make his body more stable, and then he assumed a posture of confrontation.

"I will try my best. When it comes over, maybe my speed will be slower than its movement. I will strive to keep you in a normal state!"

Feng Suo wasn't sure he could do this, so he didn't dare to pack a ticket to Chu Feng in this regard.

"It's okay, as long as you can provide me with a general position! I can borrow another personality of mine to survey the surrounding situation, as long as he enters my survey range, then it will be invisible!"


Just as Chu Feng spoke to respond, the monster that had been standing still, but suddenly moved at this time.

"Be careful, it's here!"

Feng Suo's reminder is indeed much slower than the monster's speed.

When his voice reached Chu Feng, the monster's figure had already entered the scope of Old Chu's investigation.

"Chu Feng, it's here!"

As a result, the reminder from Old Chu and Feng Suo reached Chu Feng's ears at the same moment.

"Got it!"

Chu Feng closed his eyes and calmly felt the changes around him. Since the monster can move, the surrounding air will definitely have an impact.

What Chu Feng needs to do right now is to use the changes in the surrounding air to determine the position of the monster at the fastest speed, and then pass this information to Fengsuo, and then he and Fengsuo will jointly attack the monster.

"I found it!"

Almost in an instant, Chu Feng's eyes closed tightly, and then the position of the monster became prominent in Chu Feng's mind.

"Where?" Feng Suo asked.

"At this!"

As soon as Feng Suo asked, Chu Feng's fist was swung out.

It seemed that his fist was hitting the air. But in fact, the position he hit was hiding the monster at this time.

"You can actually find me!"

The monster's eyes were completely covered by the pure white "color" material at this time, but just after that covering, the monster's mouth uttered a word that seemed to be astonishing.

"The blame is that your body is too large. If your body can be smaller, maybe I can't find your place!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, and then subconsciously withdrew the faintly painful fist. At this time, the monster's body was as hard as a rock, but Chu Feng's strength just rushed into his full strength.

As a result, Chu Feng's fist became swollen at the moment it hit the monster.

Although the bones are still intact, the flesh and blood are indeed blocked, and the oppressed blood vessels and nerves are also tense to Chufeng's brain, feeding back the current misfortune.

"Chu Feng, bow your head!"

At the same time, the wind cable that determines the monster's position also launched an offensive against the monster.

The moment his voice sounded, the monster's look back and Chu Feng's leaning over happened almost at the same moment.

Fengsuo's attack was very precise this time, basically without any deviation, it fell directly on the monster's eyes.

However, his attack has never achieved the effect previously estimated.

auzw.com It's just that the monster's eyes have become extremely hard under the pure white "color" material.

When the legs of the wind cable fell straight, the hard material actually bounced the wind cable directly.

"Is it all right?"

Across the monster's body, Chu Feng couldn't see the situation on Feng Suo's side.

So he could only guess a position at random, and then asked out loud.

"Instead of caring about his safety, you might as well care about yourself first. He can't die right now, but you may not!"

Feng Suo hadn't responded yet, but the monster was one step ahead, "inserting" a word.

It was precisely because of his words that Chu Feng's attention was directly attracted to the past.

"Chu Feng, run away! This guy wants to take your "life"!"

Lao Chu, who was suspended in mid-air, urged eagerly, but in the process of excitement, his figure couldn't help but tremble.

"Little guy, you look very chic!"

However, what Ling Lao Chu never expected was that when he said these words, the monster directly intercepted Lao Chu from the midair.

"Why... is this!"

Old Chu's eyes widened, and when his body was gradually swallowed by the monster, he issued the last question.

"Old Chu!"

At this moment, Chu Feng's mind suddenly burst like a volcanic eruption. He couldn't figure out why the monster in front of him could plunder his personality.

"Run away!"

But when Chu Feng stood there blankly, watching Lao Chu being swallowed by the monster.

The wind rope appeared from nowhere, but grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"Close your eyes!"

In the process of escaping, Feng Suo urged Chu Feng to close his eyes while stepping on the air, and gradually began to float in the air.

"Lao Chu, was swallowed by that guy, I have to save Lao Chu out!" In the midair, Chu Feng struggled to land.

After losing Old Chu, Chu Feng's eyes seemed to be imaginary. In such a dark environment, all he could see was Feng Suo's bright spot.

However, even so, he still resolutely threw away Fengsuo's arm.

"Chu Feng!"

Feng Suo shouted aloud, and at this moment he had no time to dive down and grab Chu Feng.

"Want to escape? What a naive little guy!"

But when Chu Feng fell to the ground and the wind cable was still in the air, after sensing the abnormal movement here, the monster directly twisted his body and waved his tail to directly hit the wind cable in mid-air.


As a result, under the influence of the monster, Fengsuo also ran straight to Chu Feng's drop position and fell straight down.

"Are you OK?"

Chu Feng, who had landed earlier, helped the wind cable that fell on the ground with his hands, and asked in a low voice.

"There was nothing wrong, but now things have become a little serious!"

Feng Suo smiled awkwardly. At this time, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and his internal organs were thrown into a mess. The whole person was like a broken kite, standing on the ground shaking.

"You find a place to rest first, I have to take Lao Chu back!"

Chu Feng slowly loosened, and Fengsuo's arm showed a trace of toughness in his eyes.

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