Whimsical System

Chapter 974: Top-down shock

"Chu Feng, don't be impulsive! Although I don't know what it swallowed you, but you should know that you are not his opponent at all now. If you deal with him alone, you may find your own way, it makes no difference. !

I hope you can calm down, no matter what you lose, you have to stay calm, because nothing is more important than life! "

Feng Suo was able to do nothing but persuade Chu Feng at this time, but it was precisely because of his persuasion that Chu Feng became more determined.

"I know that it is precisely because I am thinking about my own life, so I have to find those things, because that is my personality, if I lose him, then I can't be regarded as the host. , And those who lose their host status are equivalent to losing their lives!"

Chu Feng said with a serious face. At this time, his mentality has become close to madness. No one’s advice can make him change his mind. This is the best way to let him find out and let him himself Do what you want to do!

"It swallows your personality? How could this happen? It is just a monster, a creature that has been growing here. Why can it have this ability?"

After hearing Chu Feng's answer, Feng Suo was also stunned at that moment. He didn't know what happened during this process. The fact that his personality was swallowed seemed to be a very serious matter!

Especially when he just learned of the existence of personality, the occurrence of this kind of thing made Feng Suo even more memorable.

"I don't have time to answer these questions for you now. Your body has been damaged too badly. Obviously you can't help me. So I just hope you don't add "chaos" to me. You quickly find a place to hide. My war with it will be ended by me. Whether I die in its hands or it is killed by me, there should always be an end to this matter today!"

Chu Feng said coldly, at this time he no longer had any feelings.

In Feng Suo's view, the deep Chu Feng was a monster whose mind was buried in hatred, and even Chu Feng was no less terrible at this time than that, and severely injured him as a real monster.

"I try not to hold you back, but if he really has me, maybe this can also provide you with some opportunities. If necessary, you can use me as a bait. Don't think I am seriously injured now. But I still have the ability to escape!"

Feng Suo didn't know what he should say, he could only say more good things, and then let Chu Feng feel relieved.

At least, he has to do what Chu Feng said, not to hold him back.

"Let's talk about it then, I have no plans now!"

Chu Feng is emotionally confused. He waved his hand indiscriminately, and then turned around to fight the monster.

Just when Chu Feng was about to leave, Fengsuo suddenly grabbed his arm.

Chu Fenghan said with a face, turned his head to look at the wind cable, his voice was mixed between his teeth, and he asked vaguely, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to give it to you, hope it can do something for you!"

Feng Suo held a bead in both hands and handed it to Chu Feng. The white mist hovered around the bead, and Feng Suo gradually lost its light at this time.

"Could this be..."

"This is what the monster wants. Now I give it to you. I believe that it will play a greater role in you!" Feng Suo's emotions gradually became agitated. Obviously, for this bead She was still a little unacceptable to give up.

But even so, he still reluctantly made this decision, not because Chu Feng could save his life.

"It's all because of it, if we didn't have it, we wouldn't have fallen to this point!"


Chu Feng's complaint sounded out of time, and as soon as this sentence was uttered, Feng Suo directly lowered his head.

He knew that Chu Feng's complaint was not only aimed at Zhuzi, but also at him.

"I know that if I can give me another chance to decide, I will definitely hand it over! But now is not the time to regret, and I don’t have a chance to make a second decision. So I hope that it can be You have a role to play. As long as you can solve the current trouble, even if you destroy it, I won't feel any regrets!"

Feng Suo said this sentence extremely firmly, and even when he spoke, his teeth began to tremble.

"Relax! This is something borrowed after all, and I will return it to you after I use it up. No matter how difficult the process is, I will make him blame me and honestly return Lao Chu to me. If not, Then I will definitely take its "life" without hesitation!"

After throwing a promise, Chu Feng rushed straight towards the monster.

This time he didn't hesitate at all, as if everything was planned.

The beads were swallowed by him and spread quickly in his body, and then his body began to emit light.

And at the moment when the light was shining, attracted by the light, the monster rushed towards Chu Feng.

"It just happened to let you see my true power!"

Chu Feng whispered, then slammed on the ground and jumped up. With the help of the energy provided by the beads, his whole person instantly disappeared into the darkness.

After a few seconds, when Chu Feng gradually rose to a critical point, he directly borrowed the downward momentum, clenched his fists in both hands, stood upside down from mid-air, and sprinted towards the ground.

As the speed continued to increase, Chu Feng's arm gradually began to feel a tingling sensation.

And soon, Chu Feng's arms began to appear red and swollen, as if they had just been scalded with hot water.

Then, every part of Chu Feng's body began to undergo such changes, and this situation continued to increase.

Chu Feng knew very well that this was due to the friction between his body and the air. And from this we can also see how fast his speed has reached.

One hundred meters... fifty meters... ten meters...

The speed is getting faster and faster, the distance is getting shorter and shorter, the monster still stands in place and looks around. The coming of danger does not seem to bring fear to it.


The collision was extremely straightforward, without any prelude, nor any sign.

The monster's entire body collapsed in that instant, and Chu Feng actually broke through the monster's head.

The huge body gradually became limp due to Chu Feng's impact, and Chu Feng also paid the price of a pair of arms for this.

"Return Lao Chu to me, I won't say it again!"

Among the flesh and blood, Chu Feng stood up straight, flesh and blood all over his body, like Shura in that place.

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