Whimsical System

Chapter 975: The result of sacrificing the arm

"What...what did you...do to me, why did I suddenly lose my strength?"

The monster slumped to the ground, and the blood hole in his head was like a fountain venting crazily with blood and liquid.

At this time, the eyes gradually returned to the previous state, and the process of repairing the eyes was also forced to stop because of Chu Feng's attack.

And after Chu Feng finished speaking, he fell directly into the flesh and blood. His arm was broken to pieces, and there were some tough things in the flesh and blood. That should be Chu Feng, the bones of his arm.

The beads still made Chu Feng's body radiate light, but in the light, flesh and blood had already blocked everything.

Hiding in the distance, witnessing the winds of the current scene with his own eyes, but at this time still has not seen it, and reacted from that surprise.

A few seconds later, the first thing that woke up was the windswether who had been in shock. In fact, he was just absentminded just now.

When he gradually accepted the current scene, he would regain consciousness.

"Chu Feng, how do you feel?"

Feng Suo struggling to ran to the side of the monster, stretched out his hands to dig out Chu Feng, who was only left with a torso, from the flesh and blood.

"Nothing, I just feel very tired, and I don't seem to feel the presence of my hands anymore!"

Chu Feng's hair and eyebrows all disappeared, and the whole person looked like a peeled egg, but the flesh and blood of the egg was contaminated at the moment.

"I will rescue you immediately, I will not let you die, absolutely not!"

Feng Suo made a promise while dragging Chu Feng's body. At this time, Chu Feng had no pain at all, so even if Feng Suo tried his best to drag his body, he didn't feel any.

However, because Feng Suo was already injured, just when he detached Chu Feng's body from the monster's head halfway, his body gradually became a little difficult to support.

As a result, after tossing for a long time, he once again put Chu Feng back where he was, and even himself got into the monster's head together.

"Sorry! It seems that I have overestimated my abilities. My arm has been broken, and the disagreement is painful. I have no extra strength to drag you away from here!

Otherwise, take a break first! Anyway, your self-healing ability is relatively strong, maybe after a while, your body will start to recover actively, and then you can leave here by yourself! "Feng Suo said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, your injury is also serious now. In fact, you shouldn't have come here. After all, this monster is not dead. If it wants to pull the two of us back, it is estimated that no one of us can stop it now!" Chu The wind said.

"It's not dead and it's choking enough. With such a severe head injury, even if it has ten lives, it's not enough to waste!"

Feng Suo was lying in a pool of blood, allowing blood to pour into his mouth. At this time, he was obviously in an extremely relaxed state, otherwise he would never do anything like this.

"Trust me, it will definitely stand up again! Looking at my attack just now, it seems like that, but in fact, there is no way to make it completely killed!

Maybe at this time I just touched the edge of its life. And if you want to get rid of it completely, you need a stronger attack power! "Chu Feng said.

"No! Your attack just now is something I have never heard of before. Do you have any other attack methods that are more powerful than the previous attack?" Feng Suo suddenly sat up and looked surprised. Asked.

auzw.com" At present, with my physical condition, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve this level anymore. Therefore, what I have just said is just an imaginary thing!

However, although this is only a hypothesis, it is not that it cannot be put into practice. If my body can recover to more than 60%, then I will have the confidence to launch another attack!

This time, I am willing to send the monster to **** directly at the cost of my legs! "

Chu Feng said vowedly, as if his plan could be put into action soon.

However, when he said this, the monster that was spewing blood suddenly became aware of it.

However, he was seriously injured, but he has no other strength to move his body.

"I believe what you said, but I hope you don’t do it! After all, the hatred between us has not reached the level of fighting to death. If you want, I can let you go now, and I I won't ask you anymore, that bead!"

Perhaps out of fear of Chu Feng's plan, the first sentence of the awakened monster was to ask Chu Feng for mercy.

"Are you really willing to let us go?" Feng Suo was moved when he heard it, and he asked to prove this matter.

"Of course I do, of course I do, as long as you don't kill me, I can promise you this condition!" The monster replied very happily, and the attitude of begging for mercy became more sincere.

"I don't care about this. Anyway, I have become like this. Even if I leave here, I will have to regret it for a long time to recover!

So in my opinion, instead of leaving hidden dangers in my heart, it would be better to completely solve this matter! Lest I get upset about this in the future! "

During this conversation, Chu Feng didn't reveal any intention to let go. He even wanted to take this opportunity to increase the strength of the threat a little bit.

As soon as Chu Feng said this sentence, it directly frightened Feng Suo and the monster at the same time.

Feng Suo was worried about Chu Feng, and he was too eager to "force" him, which would make the monster think that he would die together.

The monster was worried that Chu Feng would really do this, because if it did, it would die for it.

Therefore, after both of them had a psychological struggle, they also began to take some actions accordingly.

"Chu Feng, it's almost enough! Anyway, he has already begged for mercy, do you really want to take its "sex" life?"

Feng Suo persuaded Chu Feng in a low voice and tried every means to make Chu Feng change his mind.

On the other side, the monster directly vomited Lao Chu who had swallowed it in his belly.

After mixing the monsters, Lao Chu's brightness seemed a bit brighter than usual.

But when Old Chu appeared in Chu Feng's field of vision, Chu Feng's hanging heart fell to the ground at this moment.

"Chu Feng, my strength has been improved again!"

And when the light faded, Old Chu actually grew out of his limbs and landed smoothly on the ground.

This time, it was not only Chu Feng who was able to see Lao Chu, but even the Fengsuo standing aside also saw Lao Chu's face clearly.

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