Whimsical System

Chapter 976: Return to the original owner

"This... is your so-called personality?" Feng Suo pointed at Old Chu with a surprised expression on his face.

"Can you see me?" Old Chu was asked inexplicably. He originally thought he had been invisible, but who knew he had been completely exposed to everyone's sight.

"I can see it, and I can see it very clearly!" Feng Suo nodded and replied solemnly.

"Old Chu, is this the result of your ability improvement? Why do I feel that it is better not to improve?" Chu Feng was ashamed.

"This...I don't know exactly what's going on either, maybe this is a shortcoming of ability improvement!" Old Chu guessed.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter! Old Chu, you come back first, I will recover a little bit, and then let's leave!"

Chu Fengqiang stood up and motioned to Old Chu.

"it is good!"

Old Chu replied very happily, before entering Chu Feng's body.

However, as Lao Chu moved his figure, the monster lying on the ground suddenly jumped out and stopped Lao Chu on the way.

"I think I should figure out a word at this time. Now that I have given you back what you want, do you have to give me a promise too!"

Although the monster was more afraid, Chu Feng would hurt it again, but this did not affect its bargaining.

"If you let Lao Chu go, we won't have any grudges! As long as you don't stop us from leaving, the grudges between us will be wiped out!"

Chu Feng made this guarantee. He hardly thought about it. Everything happened in a single thought. He thought of something and said it directly.

"Your promise, although I don't know whether to believe it or not, at least you can give me a sense of security!

Therefore, I am willing to choose to believe! Let’s go. Before that, let’s assume that nothing happened. I hope you don’t tell outsiders about my existence!

I need to leave a little bottom line and a touch of dignity for myself! If you can’t keep your promises, maybe I will leave here to find you!

As for what I will do then, I am afraid that even I don't know! "

Although the monster is on the side of compromise, its attitude is still very tough, and it even wants to occupy the home court.

"About this we are afraid..."

"No problem, I can keep this secret for you! As long as you don't want to retaliate in the future, people outside will never know about you!"

Feng Suo seemed to have some other opinions, but Chu Feng did not let him finish the sentence.

"You gave me two guarantees in one breath. I hope you can keep your promises. After all, this is what you said!"

auzw.com The monster did not seem to have any handle to threaten Chu Feng, but in the end it hesitated for a long time, and never said a word of cruelty.

"No problem!" Chu Fengxin vowed to respond.

"That... is it possible for your arm to recover?"

After making the guarantee, the monster suddenly asked such a question.

Chu Feng glanced at his broken arm subconsciously, and then "showed" a smile. I broke your head and you are not dead. I am just a pair of arms, so how could I lose the way to save it.

Don't worry, my arm will recover soon. My ability to recover is even more terrifying than you think. "

Chu Feng's self-confidence gave the monster an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, if he let it choose, he would rather hope that Chu Feng's arm would not recover.

Because it has already withstood the strength of Chu Feng's arm once, and it has seen the power of it, and has no courage to bear it again.

"That's fine, if you can recover, I will rest assured!"

When the monster responded, its statement was very different from what he thought.

Of course, there is nothing incomprehensible about this change. After all, monsters do not want to "expose" their own thoughts, because the "exposure" behind means except for danger and death. Besides, I am afraid there is nothing else.

"I'm very happy if you can think like this, but unfortunately I don't think so! In fact, if I were to choose, I hope you don't reply, because once you recover, it will always be for me A hidden danger, although my words are a bit too ruthless, but this is my current true thoughts!"

Compared with the monster, what Chu Feng said at this time was much more direct, and behind that direct, Chu Feng's words also had a hint of resentment.

"Heh... it's normal for you to think this way. After all, no one wants to make his opponent too strong, even though we are no longer opponents!

But as you said before, my existence is always a hidden danger for you, so I can only hide myself, hidden in a corner you will never find, and only in this way can you Don't worry about me! "The monster said empathetically.

"Yeah! Thank you for your understanding. Although this does not solve any key "sex" problem, at least I will feel very happy to listen to you!

Well, let's end our conversation! I hope this is the last time we meet, and I can guarantee that I will never come here again, and what you should do depends on your own ideas! "

As Chu Feng spoke, he moved the beads out of his body. Since he had no arms at this time, he ran directly to Fengsuo as soon as the beads exited!

"Chu Feng, you'd better keep this thing first! It's not of much use if you put it here now, but if you put it here, it can greatly increase your strength!"

Feng Suo pretended to be polite, but in fact, his mind had already been attracted by the beads.

"You stay here! I can't really need it! Now that I have just used it once, I broke my arms. I don't want it to put me so much pressure. Let it continue to cheat me, you might as well keep it for me and help me lighten my burden!

Chu Feng said with a smile. In fact, he was just trying to find an excuse to make Fengsuo more at ease.

"Okay! Since you think it has brought you pressure, then I will keep it for you! If you need it in the future, you can tell me at any time, anyway, I don't need it in general. !"

When the beads returned to Feng Suo's hands, he swallowed the beads before he could finish saying these words!

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