Whimsical System

Chapter 986: There is no silver three hundred taels

The blood sprayed out the moment Feng Suo's fist fell, and the warm blood'liquid' gave Chu Feng a hot feeling.

It was as if his body was suddenly covered with chili sauce. As a result, he knew that this was an illusion of his own, but he still had no way to stop this feeling from appearing.

"He should be dead, right?"

After closing his fists, Feng Suo asked Chu Feng coldly.

Chu Feng put the head that was about to fall off back to its original position, and while wiping the blood on his body, he replied, "If he doesn't have a second life, he should be dead!"

"The second life, he might really have it! But now, here he is completely dead!" Feng Suo said this sentence quite calmly, and the second one he mentioned Chu Feng had also done some understanding of life before.

However, he has never been able to figure out where this second life will eventually appear.

"Let's go! The task has been completed, and the things that should be done have been done. Maybe we should return to the captain too!" Chu Feng suggested.

"Chu Feng, do you feel that this matter is too simple! If this matter is resolved so easily, then we must take advantage of the situation and get rid of those entourages?"

Perhaps because of the smoothness of all this, it gave Fengsuo an extremely relaxed feeling, so this also caused Fengsuo to come up with a bold idea.

"Do you think that with our current ability, we can get rid of them all?" Chu Feng asked.

"There should be no problem, as long as we are willing to do this, I don't think there is any problem with all this!"

Feng Suo's self-confidence is always so inexplicable, and even makes Chu Feng feel a little unreal.

"I still feel a bit too risky. After all, this place is not suitable for us to display. If you really want to solve all this, then it is better to let go of your hands and feet and go outside to do this thing! Maybe this, it will Better!" Chu Feng put forward some suggestions that he thought were more reasonable, and under the influence of these suggestions, Fengsuo's idea was slightly shaken.

"In fact, I was just an idea just now, and it is indeed more difficult to display here!

Okay, let's get out of here first, maybe what I just thought was really impulsive! "

Feng Suo's sudden rationality caused Chu Feng to feel a little inexplicable, but since Feng Suo had changed his mind, it also showed that Chu Feng's persuasion had worked.

So Chu Feng didn't ask too much about these questions.

Anyway, as long as the final result is good, that's enough.

After speaking the last sentence, the two of them left the tribe’s residence together. When they left, they had not even cleaned up the blood.

A few hours later, the fact that the tribe master was killed spread a lot in the resident, and the tribe's entourage also rushed to find the alien host captain to discuss the matter.

Suddenly, the host captain of the alien system was very busy with this.


But he was extremely happy in his heart. He had never thought that this matter would go so smoothly. Originally, he thought that Chu Feng would be able to accomplish this matter after a long time.

But I never thought that after only one night, the matter was handled properly.

That evening, after the alien host captain arranged the last entourage, he went directly to Chu Feng's residence and wanted to ask him about what happened today.

"Chu Feng, what you do is always so unexpected. I really didn't expect that you would actually make it happen in such a short time!

But no matter what, I still want to thank you for this matter, you have finally solved one of my serious problems! "The alien host captain admired Chu Feng as soon as he entered the door, but it turned out that Chu Feng was somewhat unacceptable.

"It's not so exaggerated, after all, this is something we have discussed! And some parts have not acted according to our plan!" Chu Feng said modestly.

"After all, the plan is just a few, theoretical things! As for the reality, not only which direction will it take, but also what we actually do!

Just like what is happening now, I originally thought that these entourages would be more difficult to solve, but whoever thought it was actually, I was deliberately making things difficult for myself. In fact, this matter was not as troublesome as I thought. Money can really settle everything, when I put the amount they need before their eyes!

The life and death of the tribe has instantly become a matter of insignificance! Even they are very happy to keep this secret for me. Although I am still a little unsure of what they are saying, at least at this time, this matter has not been revealed! "The alien host captain said.

"Why do you want to give them money? Did you do this?" Chu Feng suddenly asked the alien host captain.

Suddenly questioned the captain of the alien system host.

"What do you mean?" the alien host captain asked blankly.

"I asked you whether you did this thing? Why did you give them money? Didn't you think about it before you did these things? Don't you worry, would it expose your plan?" Chu Feng asked.

"This...I didn't think so much at the time. I just wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible, and they just wanted me to investigate this matter. The answer I gave was that this kind of matter is more troublesome, I'm afraid It's hard to solve!

Then they started threatening me, saying that if I didn't investigate, they would report the matter to the top!

And I was to prevent the fermentation of this matter, so I agreed to their request, I don't think there is any problem with this, after all, I did not admit it! "The alien host captain said.

"This kind of thing is hard to say. If they believe that you did it, and the money you gave them, it will instantly become a bribe in their mouths.

But by then, the money you provide them will instantly become evidence of your conviction! "Chu Feng analyzed.

"Then what should I do? Let them take my money to smear me?" the alien host captain asked.

"The first thing we have to figure out is that if they really use the money as an argument, then you will never be wronged. After all, we did this thing!

What we need to consider right now is how to stop them from doing this kind of behavior! "Chu Feng reminded.

"I understand what you mean, you want to get rid of them as well, right?" The alien host captain made it through at one point, and even said Chu Feng's thoughts.

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