Whimsical System

Chapter 987: Eradicate entourage

"They are a disaster after all. Don't you want to get rid of these troubles?" Chu Feng smiled mysteriously and asked.

"Perhaps what you said has some truth, except for them, it will indeed be of great help to follow-up matters, but before we get rid of them, we still need to consider whether this matter should be done or not. It's not easy to do. In case this is a very difficult thing, then we might have to think more about it!"

The alien host captain always has a lot of worries, perhaps when that thing doesn't seem to be a hidden danger, his worries are even more obvious.

"You can think about it. After all, the decision is in your hands. If you think it's okay, then let's act. If you think it's improper, then let's think more!"

Compared to the captain of the alien host, Chu Feng obviously wants to be relieved. After all, this matter has nothing to do with him, so when he encounters this matter, he will not show that special An eager expression, of course, if he exchanges identities with the alien host captain in a different way, he might also show a state that is very different from the alien host captain.

"Forget it, I don't plan to think about it. If you have the ability to solve these troubles, then leave it to you! Anyway, I only have one requirement for this matter, that is, it must be done thoroughly. Don’t leave any tails, otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to settle all this!"

The calmness that the alien host captain showed at this moment was unexpected by Chu Feng, but since this matter, the alien host captain has already achieved some results, then he naturally doesn’t have to worry about it. Anyway, he has a decision. Chu Feng has always done things more happily!

"Okay, then I'll go to Fengsuo to discuss this matter later, but there is still a question that needs to be decided by you!

Do you remember the guy who betrayed you? I heard that he is still in the resident, do you think he is a follower of the tribe? "

Chu Feng was referring to the host with the knife who had betrayed the captain of the host of the alien galaxy, and Chu Feng's impression of him had never been very good.

"To get rid of those who have betrayed me, there is no need to stay in my sight! Right now, what I need are friends, not betrayers!" The alien host captain's answer was very firm, even as if Without any thinking in general.

"Excellent! This is my favorite answer!"

Chu Feng's reaction was also undisguised, he actually wanted to get rid of the host holding the sword a long time ago, because his multiple personalities had seriously affected Chu Feng's plan.

Especially when the rebellious personality occupies the dominant position, Chu Feng felt more and more that this guy had no meaning to survive.

Therefore, when he obtained power from the host captain of the alien galaxy, especially immediately, behind the scenes, he devised a plan of action!

The alien host captain didn't stay here long before leaving. It seemed that he hadn't had many topics to communicate with Chu Feng.

And after Chu Feng sent the captain of the host of the divorced galaxy, he also hurriedly set off to find the wind rope, and discussed with him a plan to remove those followers.

Feng Suo's residence was arranged in the most prosperous area. It is said that this was also Feng Suo's own request. He wanted to experience the feeling of being crowded.

Although he is awakened by the bustling crowd every day, he still loves this kind of life extremely.

"Why did you come here? Don't you like the environment here?"


Since the last time Chu Feng complained about the hustle and bustle of this street, Feng Suo wrote down the incident, and it is for this reason that Feng Suo has always been actively seeking Chu Feng, not It was for Chu Feng to find him.

However, the arrival of Chu Feng this time was indeed unexpected.

"I can't always wait for you to find me! If that's the case, wouldn't I have to delay it for a long time!" Standing outside the door, Chu Feng said with a smile.

"That's right, come in quickly, it's quite noisy outside, you definitely don't like it!" Feng Suo urged Chu Feng to let him in. Chu Feng turned to glance at the noisy street and nodded gently. Then he stepped into the room.

After entering the house, Feng Suo first poured a glass of clear water for Chu Feng. His house is very pristine. It may be due to the fact that he has not lived for a long time, and there is basically nothing else in the room.

Therefore, a glass of water is already the limit for the wind cable.

"Make do with it! I know you didn't come here for a drink!"

Put the water cup in front of Chu Feng, and then Feng Suo sat down on the other side.

"There is indeed something to tell you today, the captain went to see me just now!"

"He is so busy on weekdays, how could he have time to find you? Is there anything else to arrange?" Feng Suo asked.

"Yes! But he didn't mention it at the beginning. First of all, he praised me a lot, saying that we did something unexpected and done more thoroughly, which made him very satisfied!

Then gradually, he mentioned the matters of those entourages. According to him, he had already spent money to arrange all the entourages!

But you also know this matter, if it can be solved by spending money, it will not be delayed for so long, and there will be no way to complete it!

So, in order to ensure that nothing went wrong with this matter, I decided to get rid of those followers, and he agreed! "

Chu Feng briefly introduced what he discussed with the captain of the alien host.

At the same time, he also informed Fengsuo of the purpose of the trip.

"I thought he arranged for you to do this thing! It turned out that you took care of yourself!" Feng Suo smiled.

"There is nothing wrong with him saying that, after all, this matter was indeed brought up by me, but sometimes there is really no way. When I met such a stupid guy, he can't solve this kind of thing, so we can only do it. Up!

And if we don’t ask, then there is really no way to solve this matter, so sometimes there are some things that really can’t be solved, only we can control it! "Unless he said with embarrassment, he is actually unwilling to take over this matter, but just as he said, he still can't let the alien host captain fall.

So in order to ensure this, he had no choice but to reluctantly handle this matter!

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