Whimsical System

Chapter 994: Mutual threat

"Have you finished? I have endured it for a long time. In fact, you should be able to understand what I mean from what I just said. I have already said that I have no interest in your ideas, and I will not listen. Your suggestion, why do you always persevere, let me endure your torture time and time again, can't you understand a little bit?" Fengsuo complained hysterically. At this time, his expression and voice were both Become agitated, and even have a feeling that is difficult to control.

"I just want you to understand what is true and what is reality! If you always indulge in the beauty that is now shown, one day you will regret your choice, and I Now it is to avoid this day, so I gave you a new direction. If you don't take the opportunity to grasp him, then this regret will be more serious than I didn't tell you before!"

The captain of the alien system host is still the attitude of not rushing or slowing down. He doesn't care about Fengsuo, whether he is angry because of his words. At this time, all he needs is to get Fengsuo's approval, even if it is a compromise. .

And when he saw Feng Suo's excitement, he became more sure that his way was not wrong, because the more excited Feng Suo was, it explained that his words had reached the point, at least when his own words, again When exiting, Fengsuo's anger will rise to new heights, even reaching a level that is difficult to restrain, and as long as this stage can be reached, then his plan will be half successful.

So just when Fengsuo became more angry, the alien host captain's persuasion did become more and more frequent.

"I have already said that I don’t want to understand the real reality, so you don’t have to talk to me about these useless things, because I don’t care about you, you know? Could it be a waste of your tongue and torturing my ears!

Maybe you think your tongue is wasted, it doesn't matter at all, but what you have to understand is that if you torture my ears, then I will make you look good, and you will even be angry with me!

Maybe you don’t know, I have made various choices before, and whenever I make a choice, those choices I gave up will be reduced to a pitiful experience. , And even die, just like a tribe who just died! "

Feng Suo didn't want to go anymore and refused the captain of the alien host in a polite way, but in his opinion, perhaps threats are more effective than polite.

And, at this time, he happened to have an example that could be used to threaten the captain of the host of an alien galaxy.

When he said these words, the captain of the alien host was also a little touched by it.

Feng Suo was right. He had betrayed the tribe before, so the tribe now died directly in his hands.


And if you change yourself into the leader of the tribe, then what Feng Suo said may really become a reality.

Therefore, when Fengsuo, the alien host captain fell into silence after saying this, of course, the silence at this time did not last long, at best it was just hesitating.

"It seems that you understand what I mean by this sentence! How about, do you want to change your mind? If you have this idea, then you can tell me directly, lack. If you change your mind now, then I will also change as you change!"

Feng Suo seemed a little proud, because in his opinion, he should have completely contained the idea of ​​the alien host captain at this time.

However, what he didn't expect was that this matter was not as simple as he had imagined. Although the captain of the alien host did appear to be thinking a little bit at this time, in fact there were more host captains of the alien host. But his idea is to consider how to solve this problem, and when the expression of the alien host captain gradually becomes a little weird, it means that he seems to have found a way.

The alien host captain said: "To be honest, when I just heard your words, I was actually a little hesitant, and the tribe’s matter just happened after all, this matter is not for me. It is also relatively clear, so when you say this, I will be accustomed to "sex" to bring this matter into my body for consideration, so this is why I stopped just now Thinking about this question, but after thinking about it, I suddenly realized that I was still very different from him!

After all, you haven’t joined my camp yet, and the relationship between me and you is nothing more than a partnership. If you really want revenge in the future, then you shouldn’t deal with me. After all, whatever you do now I did not force you to do this, and if you really want to retaliate against me, you can only have this reason after you join me, but after you join my lineup, I will restrain Living with you, unless you really have a bigger backing, I will always control your destiny, let you do what you should do, let you live the life you want to live! "

"It sounds like you have a big idea about my life. Do you have enough strength to decide the fate of others?"

Feng Suo gradually began to follow the ideas of the alien host captain to consider the problem, although he does not want to obey the idea of ​​the alien host captain, but it is undeniable that he has now begun to be affected by the alien host captain .

"This sentence cannot be generalized. Although I can't control the fate of everyone now, I can still do it for a certain person!

After all, I now have this resource, and I also have enough strength to get another person nowhere to escape, and if this person is you, do you think your life will suddenly become dark? "The alien host captain looked at him with a smile. At this moment, his words sounded like a threat.

"Darkness is inevitable, but looking for light in the dark has always been something I am good at, not to mention that now Chu Feng is the new light for me. If you really want to do this, then I am definitely not Will stand by, because he still needs my help now, whether he has this idea or not, whether it is necessary, he must make this decision!" Feng Suo said confidently.

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