Whimsical System

Chapter 995: District Captain's Position

The alien host captain nodded solemnly. At this time, his behavior was not to express his approval of Feng Suo's words just now, but he believed that Feng Suo already possessed an arrogance. The basic characteristics of the guy.

"You have a lot of ideas, at least in my opinion, you have always been a very confident representative. Now even I dare not say that I have controlled Chu Feng, and you have indeed shown a good attitude. The wind seems to be in your grasp!

And if I were to give you an evaluation of the sentence you just said, then I can only say that it is arrogant, and there is nothing else except these four words, because you really meet these four words standard! "The alien host captain judged.

"Whatever you say, anyway, I already have my own thoughts about this matter. If you have to "force" me to change my mind and then be forced to give up, then I can only tell you wishful thinking. !

As for the word arrogant and arrogant you just mentioned, the price is that I have always been passionate about it. I think I need to become an arrogant person, and only in this way can I become without fear. Things exist! "Wind ropeway.

"Okay! Although what we are communicating now has completely deviated from the subject, since you want to do this, then I will obey you. Your arrogance may be a good thing in your opinion, but in reality This is a very pessimistic fact. If you always regard it as a good thing, it will only make your life a tragedy!

In addition, I’m not here to ask you to discuss life or destiny with you. I just want to offer you a condition, and then you can give me an answer. If this answer can satisfy me, Naturally, it’s best. If I can’t get my satisfaction, then I will make other changes, and then I will make other changes until your answer satisfies me. Now, I have just completed the first step, and you didn’t give I have an answer that makes me satisfied!

So next, I will make changes at the meeting until you think my proposal fits your ideas! "The alien host captain is very possessed and has the spirit of perseverance, especially when it comes to collecting wind, this characteristic of him is particularly outstanding.

"Do you think this is really necessary? I have already told you the answer. Even if you are not satisfied, what can you do? You can't satisfy my thoughts anyway. Do you know what I want to do most now? "

Feng Suo's words seemed to be a deliberate reminder of the host captain of the alien galaxy. He didn't speak too thoroughly tonight, but he seemed to have left the host captain of the alien galaxy with room for imagination.

"You’re right. I don’t know what you want most, so I need you to tell me. If you can tell me, then I can do everything possible to satisfy your ideas. When I am satisfied with your ideas, I believe that in return you will definitely give me a satisfactory answer!"

Although the host captain of the alien galaxy did not fully understand the purpose of the wind cable, he still made a certain answer according to the advice provided by the wind cable.

"From what you said, I can hear your sincerity, but it's hard to determine whether your sincerity is true or not!"

Feng Suo's words finally showed a hint of slack intentions. Although the alien host captain still failed to find an opportunity from it, it is undeniable that Feng Suo's attitude has indeed changed.


"I have always been very sincere, but you haven't noticed it, and now he will prove this sincerity with actions!" The alien host captain said solemnly.

"Such things like making me the district captain?"

Feng Suo said his thoughts in a timely manner. At this time, he had hardly thought about it. It seemed that he had prepared this sentence for a long time, but he had never got the opportunity to say it.

"Do you want to become the district captain, is this your goal?" Compared to Fengsuo's question, the alien host captain's rhetorical question is equally fast.

"This is just one of my questions. You only need to answer me. You don't have to ask for a reason!" Feng Suo obviously didn't want to answer this question from the alien host captain.

"Well, I don’t need to ask the reason, but there is something I have to say in front, because now Chu Feng is serving as the captain of this district. If I want to satisfy you, it also means that I must This position must be vacant, and once this position is vacant, it means that Chu Feng must leave this position!

But now for me, Chu Feng must be an extremely important partner. If Chu Feng is separated from me just to meet your requirements, then as far as the current situation is concerned, I will do this. It is not worth it, and it is extremely not worth it! "The alien host captain explained to himself.

"So, your words, can I understand your true attitude? Because of Chu Feng's reasons, you cannot agree to my condition, and it is precisely because of Chu Feng's reasons that you cannot let I feel that you have sincerity!" Feng Ropeway.

"Fengsuo, you should understand that these are two things at all. If it is for other reasons, I will definitely eliminate all difficulties and give you a satisfactory answer, but now this matter involves punishment, you and I know very well. What kind of position is Chu Feng in? If you think I can give up him because of you, unless you can give me a proof that you are stronger than him!

If you can assure me that even if there is no punishment, you can still achieve my goal, then I can talk to Chu Feng about this now! "

The host captain of the alien galaxy did a very quick answer. In fact, he has always been better at this kind of rhetorical question. After all, he can read Fengsuo's mind now, so he doesn't need to worry about how to control Fengsuo's psychology.

And just after the alien host captain asked this question, Feng Suo fell into silence.

The problem with the captain of the alien host is indeed, enough to make Feng Suo hesitate.

After all, this matter will also involve the relationship between Chu Feng and Feng Suo. Although Feng Suo asked this question casually, the meaning behind it cannot be clearly expressed in a few words.

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