
Under the summer sun, the white building shone brightly, and as we walked up the high steps, Hundred Grass looked up at the training center that she hadn’t been to for more than a month.

It’s like going from a dream and back to reality, with a feeling of both familiarity and strangeness.

“Yesterday I waited for you for a long time, I was really bored waiting, and then I went out to watch a movie with Ayin.”

Covering the bright sun overhead with her hands, Xiao Ying complained as she walked the steps, “As a result, I came back after watching the movie, but you haven’t come back yet, why did you go?” ”

“I went to Master.”

“Going that long?”

Xiaoying looked incredulous, “And then, where did you go?” ”

“…… On the way back, I met Senior Ting Hao. ”

Xiao Ying flattened his mouth, “Senior Ting Hao won’t still chase you.” ”


Baicao said decisively, and then thought about it, “I originally wanted to return the mobile phone to Senior Ting Hao, but he said that before going to Changhai, Yang Yi transferred the money for the mobile phone to him. ”

Xiao Ying became envious, “Bai Cao, Yang Yi is too domineering, he is almost going to spoil you to the sky.” ”

Her face was a little red.

“Hundred grass.”

Guangya chased after her from behind, “Did Yang Yi contact you yesterday?” ”

“Eh… Last night, after 11 o’clock, I replied to my message, what’s wrong? ”

Baicao said with a blank face.

After getting off the plane yesterday, she sent a lot of messages to Yang Yi, but she didn’t get a reply.

Originally, she thought that he didn’t want to go back, but she didn’t expect to return to Baicao so late, so she guessed that there should be something delayed, and her heart was much more balanced.

Xiaoying with a bad smile and wanted to help Bai Oxalic Guangya two words, but found that he had already arrived on the second floor of the base and was about to part ways, “Bai Cao, Coach Yang Yi is not here, we can go home together that night.” ”


Hundred Grass responded.

After Xiaoying left, Guangya suddenly became serious, “Baicao, yesterday my sister-in-law asked me, why didn’t I beat you and get the best camper, is it Yang Yi who wants you to win.” ”

“What do you mean?”

Hundred grass faintly felt that something was wrong.

“She has already reported the place in the World Youth Championship, and the women’s group is Fang Tingyi.”

Guangya also seemed to be sad, and her voice became deeper and deeper the more she spoke.

How can this be?

Doesn’t it mean that whoever gets the best camper can have an intra-team match with Fang Tingyi and be eligible to be a candidate for the World Youth Championship?

Sunlight shines through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows.

Shen Ning came over with a smile, followed by Tingyi, who had been in retreat for a month.

“Hello coach.”

Everyone shouted in unison.

“Welcome back.”

Shen Ning glanced around, “This trip to Han Country, everyone’s receipt should not be small, right?” ”

In the end, her eyes were fixed on Bai Cao, “Bai Cao, you performed very well, won every game, and won the honor of the best winning camper.” ”

Baicao paused and said, “… Yes. ”


Shen Ning nodded at her and smiled.

However, when Shen Ning’s gaze swept around every team member present, passed Guangya, and fell back on Baicao, the smile on the corner of his lips disappeared.

She seemed unwilling to accept the fact that Guangya lost to Baicao, and raised her eyebrows: “But, I must remind you, Baicao.” No matter who you defeat in the Han Kingdom, no matter who has guided you in the Yuan Martial Arts for a long time, in Kishiyang, you are still just an ordinary player here. ”

“…… Be. ”





Hundred Grass replied with all his strength.

Yang Yi is not around, she seems to have her soul withdrawn, she doesn’t even have the strength to resist at all, at this moment, she doesn’t even want to justify, so she lets the reality of the world and the relationship of society whip up.

Only at this moment did she understand that unconsciously, her dependence on Yang Yi seemed to have become the driving force in her life.

Shen Ning smiled indifferently, she was relieved, and the whole person looked much more relaxed.

Hundred Grass won the best camper, and she finally didn’t have to choose between two emotions.

“Today everyone will do some simple training, starting tomorrow, everyone will collect their hearts, return to normal training, do you understand?”


After everyone finished answering, Shen Ning and Tingyi looked at each other.

“Welcome everyone back, I invite everyone to eat, just to greet everyone, everyone must dress up to attend.”

Tingyi said.


Everyone was very happy and clapped their hands.


Shen Ning nodded slightly and said to all the team members, “Okay, now, start training!” ”


In the neat leg practice of all the team members, Guangya cast a few worried glances, and everyone could see that Bai Cao was a little distracted…

In the Changhai Dao Hall, in a practice hall, the Changhai disciples headed by Min Shenghao listened carefully to his teaching…

“Taigang is short, Tairou is constant, and the force of it needs to be grasped by yourselves. There is an old saying in our Huaxia, the world’s martial arts, all are unbreakable, only fast is not broken, the winner is weak, and the victor is exhausted and perished… Min Shenghao, explain my words. ”


Min Shenghao lowered his head, “I’m sorry, Senior Yang Yi, I didn’t understand.” ”

“I don’t understand you nodding with wide eyes there, as if you are serious.”

Yang Yi said and looked at the Han Country masters who were listening behind, “Do you understand the ones behind?” ”


They were silent.

Originally, Hangul said it well, but the second half came directly to a Chinese, or classical Chinese, who can understand…

“Otherwise, you guys are sticks, I don’t understand this.”

“Yang Yi, Yang Yi.”

As soon as Yang Yi’s voice fell, at the door, Enxiu shouted, that smile and little tiger teeth, still cute.

Yang Yi glanced at her and faced everyone, “Let’s go here today, after you go back, you can fully understand what I said.” ”

Min Shenghao looked at the back of Yang Yi and Li Enxiu leaving for a long time, and he was sad.

When will I reach his realm so that I can also walk with her and not disobey.

If Yang Yi knew that these people who were fooled by his few words were full of adoration, it was estimated that they would laugh and pee.

In fact, the main reason for respect is still strength.

Although Li Yunyue came forward, he had no strength and was still difficult to convince the public.

“You said this Korean well, last time you lied to me that I didn’t understand.”

When he came up, Eun-so questioned him.

“Look at you.”

Yang Yi seemed to be in pain, “At that time, I said that I couldn’t understand it in order not to embarrass you, I took care of your mood so much, and you actually come to question me now.” ”

“…… Okay, anyway, I can’t talk about you every time. ”

“What to take me to eat today?”

“You can eat whatever you want.”

“It’s a bit good.”

“You are a grandmaster now, so can I treat you slowly!”

Yang Yi smiled and said nothing.

If it weren’t for the system saying that if you become a grandmaster and open daily check-in, you can get a minimum of tens of thousands, how can you waste time here.

The most important thing is that it is expected to take another month…

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